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Delphi IV

Delphi felt his knees go weak and his legs buckle beneath him sending him sprawling to the ground. Yet his eyes remained locked upon the advancing column of armoured horsemen and the billowing silken banners they bore aloft. The Wyld hunt was indeed an inspiring sight and had it not been the herald of his imminent destruction he felt he might have enjoyed such a splendid sight. Perhaps he would have stood in the streets with the villagers cheering as the champions of the scarlet dynasty rode on in all their finery hunting down the foul monsters that haunted the eastern night. But there would be no cheers and celebrations this time, this time he was their prey.

Slowly the witch looked down at himself, was this what he had become? Anathema, one of the demon kings of the world reborn in the flesh of an innocent? He took in his starved body clothes in mud caked robes of faded check patterned wool, remembered his face with beard and hair of silver and grey blue eyes. The idea seemed laughable. Was this the visage of a monster? No, no his thoughts were still his own, he was still himself there was no brand upon his head and no dark god whispering in his ear.

Yet if the dragon blooded were wrong what then? Some how Delphi doubted they were in any mood to talk with the being of pure malevolent evil they thought he was. He was bereft of ideas; a band of thugs was one thing but this, the mighty forces of the realm itself how could he face down such foes even with his new abilities. Perhaps he could conceal himself, if they couldn’t find him they would doubtless ride on seeking his trail. He shook his head in self-pity, it was far from the greatest of battle plans but it was all he had.

Swiftly he made his way back to the village gathering what supplies he could find enough to survive out amidst the forest. With sack over shoulder he began to make his way back out through the barricade briefly he paused before the long house in which his people remained trapped. To free them now would put him at risk he couldn’t trust them to lie to protect him and indeed he wouldn’t want them to sheltering an anathema from the hunt was a capital offence under law of the realm and the baron. With a heavy heart he turned his back upon them and walked out into the darkness of the forest alone.

Hour’s passed as Delphi made his way back along the familiar deer trails that led to the ruins of his home. Perhaps he could yet scavenge something of value from the smouldering ruins before he went into hiding at that moment he would have paid an dynasts ransom for some decent supplies and some warm blankets, rather than the dross he had gathered in his frantic search of the village. Finally he reached his destination the small clearing and at its heart the pile of charcoal which represented all his worldly possessions. He shook his head sadly, a home of some ten years reduced to naught but ash. The fire must have burned fiercely indeed to wreak such utter devastation; the bandits must have had fun.

Suddenly the warlock frowned, something was intruded upon his thoughts, something out of place. For a long moment he stood silently trying to place his unease head cocked to one side listening. Then it came to him a deep bass drumming so low it was almost at the edge of his perception, but what could it be. A sudden flash of insight made his blood run cold and Delphi turned and bolted towards the tree line swiftly scrambling into the branches of a tall oak just as the forerunners of the hunt burst into the tranquil clearing the hooves of their mounts still drumming upon the ground. Breathlessly he climbed higher until he felt certain the thick foliage concealed him from sight. There his heart fluttering in his chest like a caged bird as he perched upon the a broad bough silent and motionless as the legion scouts fanned out beneath him securing the perimeter.

For long minutes he remained thus until the thunder of hooves once again filled the air. Carefully Delphi parted the greenery before him peering out into the clearing. Beneath his impromptu hiding place full half the hand had assembled, dozens of lean armoured warriors, veteran legionaries alongside battle hardened mercenaries all here to slay the dread anathema who cowered above their heads. Yet it was not these fearsome figures that drew his fearful gaze but rather the towering figures of their dragon blooded masters.

Delphi had never before seen one of the legendary princes of creation but the many tales he had heard of them failed to do them justice. Even he a warlock who had spent all his life interacting with the spirits of the very land was impressed by the raw elemental power these figures emanated. Each of them was mounted upon a fine mount of some sixteen hands clad in intricately fashioned armour of finest jade. Each bearing cruel diaklaves or long jagged spears of such size that no mortal could hope to wield them. Three titans of legend surveying their surroundings with notable distaste.

“Is this it?” one asked a slight sneer creasing her lips and spoiling her elegant beauty “Is this the lair of the foul anathema? This burned out hovel?”

Delphi’s sharp eyes detected movement amidst the disciplined ranks of soldiery and he glanced down to see to figures emerge from the throng. Immediately he recognised the bulky form of Darath the smith edging through the press.

“This was Delphi’s cabin my lady” the big man was visibly shaken the thin woollen shirt on his back drenched with sweat.

“Tell Me,” said the dynast without sparing the quaking man a glance “how long has your village been concealing a spirit worshipper and heretic from the justice of the divine immaculate church? Don’t you know the penalties for harbouring such scum?”

The question was innocently asked but Delphi saw the brawny smith stagger back a step as though struck, a look of blind panic washing across his features.

“I assure you highness we knew nothing of his blasphemous actions. We are all devout followers of the immaculate Dragons and their teachings had we but known we would have burned him ourselves.”

It was a blatant lie of course; Darath had been a close friend of the warlocks and like any long serving miner prayed regularly to the spirits of the earth. Still he couldn’t blame the big man for betraying him, lying to the occasional visiting priest was one thing but this. The smith had a family, children to protect. Delphi had heard stories of the immaculates wiping out whole villages where they found spirit veneration open and widespread. And a spirit worshipper who had become anathema? They wouldn’t even blink when they ordered the soldiers to burn it to the ground. No it was vital that they win their way into the hunts good graces even if it had almost cost him his life.

Again the sneer crept across her face “Indeed I’m sure you would have, but it would appear the bandits have dealt with the new born demon for you truly the fates must favour you.”

Suddenly another voice filled the air, seemingly no more than a whisper yet it reached Delphi even in his leafy hide. “My lady Peleps with due respect we cannot simply assume the beast has been slain.” After some searching the warlock realised that the speaker was the slim priest who stood beside Darath. Though he could not see the monk’s features with his back to him and his elaborate headdress in place he heard the ring of contempt in his voice.

Yet Delphi clearly saw the look of barely suppressed rage that moved across the woman’s face as he addressed her. “Priest! I do not care how much authority you carry if you speak to me in such a manner again I will cut you down where you stand. We are far from the blessed isle and you are surrounded by troops loyal to me. I’ am financing this hunt because I was promised the chance to capture one of the anathema and return home in glory. Do we travel north to face the monster that crushed the Tepet legions? Do we scour the streets of Nexus for one of the dozen devils that have been reported there? No we wander the mountains of the hundred kingdoms freezing our Asses off as you lead us on for endless weeks. Well I have had enough I say the demon is dead or fled now we will enjoy the hospitality of this devout little shit hole of a village before returning to the isle.”

“As you wish oh most majestic princess of the earth” said the priest as he bowed low sarcasm dripping from every word “If it would please your grace I will remain and investigate the scene in my own humble capacity.”

The Dragon bloods eyes blazed “Do as you wish priest, I will find you when it is time to leave” with that she brought her mount about spurring it into a run without a backwards glance. Her fellow exalts and troops falling in behind in disciplined silent ranks leaving the immaculate alone in the ruins.

Delphi remained motionless as the monk began to move through the ruins listening as the sound of the galloping troops retreated into the distance. Surely the priest couldn’t remain long, and he did not relish the thought of the quiet man calling back his brutal compatriots.

Perhaps two hours latter the thought of the hunt returning was actually beginning to seem attractive, anything to break the boredom. At first the monk had moved amongst the ruins over turning charred and blackened wood apparently seeking some sign of Delphi’s death in the flames. Then after a few minutes as though satisfied that no one was going to return he had sat cross-legged amid the wreckage and closed his eyes as if in meditation. He hadn’t moved a muscle since.

Just when he was beginning to think that it was time to risk slipping away before night fell he felt it, a tingle in the back of his mind. Curiosity overrode his caution and slowly Delphi calmed his mind reaching out with his new senses, it came easier this time quicker his mind slipping into the endless twined flows of essence and fate about him which he was slowly coming to think of as familiar. But what was that there amidst the tangled web of fate was another presence similar yet different to his own moving with speed and elegance amidst the twisting pathways of destiny. So much stronger and focused than the nebulous presence which he himself struggled to establish. Fascinated Delphi drew closer brow creased in concentration as he pushed through layer upon layer of possibilities reaching out gently probing the alien presence.

With a sudden burst of speed the immaculate was on his feet his eyes locked upon Delphi’s hiding place. The young warlock eyes open wide in fear stared back. “Aww crap.” He whispered