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The Varsini Protectorate

Along the banks of the lazy Grey River sits the City of Seven Arches, Varsi. Founded two hundred years after the Great Contagion, Varsi has been seen as untrustworthy by its neighbors since its early days; a city that switches loyalties as the wind changes, interested only in its own bottom line. Though Varsi, and the nearby lands under its control, are members of the Confederation of Rivers, they have been reluctant to involve themselves in Confederation affairs in the past, quick to use their influence for their own ends, slow to use them for the Confederation's benefit.

Varsi earns its nickname from the common theme of great arches in its architecture and in the design of the massive stone bridges that reach over the Grey River in its territory. Similar architectural designs have appeared in new construction in cities that have fallen under Varsi's influence, creating a lasting legacy on the region.

However, despite appearances, the lands that make up the Varsini Protectorate often were not willing members. Varsi has always been an aggressive city, with a skilled military force, powerful trade networks, and influence in the Realm and the Guild, and it has not hesitated in using this power to overpower its neighbors. In RY 354, Varsi engaged in a vicious trade war with its neighbor across the Grey River, the city of Qhuta. Two decades later, the ruling merchant princes of Qhuta were all ruined, assassinated, or exiled, and Varsi assumed control of the city through puppet agencies. In RY 754, Varsi took advantage of the turmoil in the wake of the war with Thorns to annex its southern neighbor, Cath-Butar. Crippled by losses during that war, the Cath-Butaris were unable to even put up a fight when the Varsini soldiers marched into their city.

The Varsini Protectorate is a hot-bed of political intrigues of all stripes. Rulership of Varsi has consisted of a series of coups, usually bloodless, as self-proclaimed "princes" use their power to dominate the city and the protectorate. On most occasions, these princes have been merchant princes, as Varsi sits at a hub of Guild caravan routes, but that has not always been the case. In the past, rulers of Varsi have included members of the Realm's Houses, Outcaste Dragon-blooded, sorcerors, and even spirits. Every one of them has held onto their power as long as they could, until someone stronger came along and took it from them. The current prince of Varsi is Malacks Kortai, a powerful slaver and Guild factor, who solidified his power through the risky business practice of trading with the Fair Folk upriver. Malacks is painfully aware of how shallow his control of power is, and it has made him extremely paranoid. Some even whisper that his extreme paranoia is a result of Fair Folk who followed his slaver ships back, and who feed off the powerful emotion.

Malacks Kortai's goal to solidify his power and his position have resulted in the Varsini Protectorate becoming increasingly aggressive to its neighbors of late. Both Aru'u and Fort Ethyr to the north are feeling the pressure of Varsini influence, and neither are happy about the situation. Both of the independant cities have experienced a great increase in bandit attacks on their caravans, and both suspect Malacks as being behind it. In contrast, however, business is booming in the Varsini Protectorate, especially in the slave trade. But besides selling its political enemies and members of local barbarian tribes, Varsi also thrives off of servicing the caravans that come through the area's trade routes, in construction of its vast river rafts and boats, and from nearby granite mining operations, and sending the quarried blocks downstream.

Crown of Sun regional information
