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DragonBlooded Dodge Charms by FatR

Fiery Rebirth Technique

 Cost: 5m, 1wp, 1 bashing hl
 Mins: Dodge 5,Essence 5
 Type: Reflexive
 Keywords: Combo-OK,Obvious
 Duration: Instant
 Prerequisite Charms: Unassailable Body of (Element) Defense

With this amazingly powerful and extremely draining Charm, the Dragon-Blooded may allow his comrade to "die" a blazing death and be reborn, restored to his previous shape much like a legendary phoenix, except that the process of "revival" requires only a split-second, instead of days.

At the moment of this Charm's activation, the Exalt breathes brilliant jet of fire, unerringly hitting the intended subject who must be within (his Essence x 3) yards. For a brief moment, this subject is reduced to a cloud of fine white ash and smoke, before returning back to life, without sustaining any lasting injury from his apparent destruction. Miraculous effect of Fiery Rebirth Technique allows its subject to perfectly dodge a single attack without the need to roll, even if this attack is undodgeable. It also could be used to allow escape from any bonds, manacles or established clinches, again without the need to roll.

This is a reflexive Charm that can be used freely without the need for a Combo. It can be activated on any tick on which an ally of the Exalt within range is subject to an attack.