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== Thrall’s Finest Moment ==
#REDIRECT DBSInfernalExalted/Athletics
* Cost: 4 motes
* Duration: Instant
* Type: Extra Action
* Minimum Athletics: 2
* Minimum Essence: 2
* Prerequisite Charms: None
Imbuing her most devoted follower with power, the Infernal brings her shadow briefly to life. Rising from beside her, her shadow may make a single dice action this turn (at her direction, and with her own aptitude) before melting back down into insubstantiality. It may not split its dice pool. Should the shadow be killed, it reverts to its gossamer form, ready to be summoned once more.
== Uncounted Progeny Stance ==
* Cost: Varies
* Duration: Instant
* Type: Extra Action
* Minimum Athletics: 3
* Minimum Essence: 2
* Prerequisite Charms: Thrall’s Finest Moment
Twisting and knotting the strands of reality about her, twining the fabric of Creation in impossible patterns, the Infernal appears in several places at once. She acquires as many replicas as she wishes, all clustered about her and free to take a single dice action of their choice, unravelling with a scouring tear of impossibility at the end of the turn. They may not split their dice pools. For each replica she creates, she pays motes of Essence equal to twice the number of copies of her already present, including her real self. Note that whilst Solar extra attack Charms are often errata’d to half cost, this Charm is deliberately not, due to its increased flexibility. The replicas have the same abilities, appearance and condition as the Infernal, but any wounds received by them are not conferred to the Infernal.
== Copper Vigil Of The Warden ==
* Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
* Duration: One scene
* Type: Simple
* Minimum Athletics: 4
* Minimum Essence: 3
* Prerequisite Charms: Uncounted Progeny Stance
The Infernal twists her limbs in precise arcs, leaving behind imprints of herself at every turn, reflections of her will. This hydra-like acuity prevents her from being ambushed, and allows her to make a reflexive counterattack against any attacks made against her for the remainder of the scene.
== Indulgent Amber Harmony ==
* Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
* Duration: One scene
* Type: Simple
* Minimum Athletics: 4
* Minimum Essence: 3
* Prerequisite Charms: Uncounted Progeny Stance
Unlocking the dark desires of her warped soul, the Infernal surrenders herself to her whims. Whilst this Charm is in effect, she may not fail Sin checks, always scoring at least one success. Furthermore, should she receive dice from channelling Sins, a number of those die up to her Voices score can be considered automatic successes.
== Manifest Of Adamant Definition ==
* Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
* Duration: One scene
* Type: Simple
* Minimum Athletics: 4
* Minimum Essence: 3
* Prerequisite Charms: Uncounted Progeny Stance
With a series of forceful and contemptuous gestures, the Infernal summons her indisputable self. Her anima ignites with iconic fury, and her every movement is an implacable extension of it. Any die rolls to oppose an Infernal using this Charm (such as opposed Willpower rolls or defence rolls) are reduced by the Infernal’s Essence.
== Messenger’s Velvet Sanctity ==
* Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
* Duration: One scene
* Type: Simple
* Minimum Athletics: 4
* Minimum Essence: 3
* Prerequisite Charms: Uncounted Progeny Stance
The Infernal coalesces her anima beneath her, a layer of hairs growing from the surface underfoot. Slick with blood, acid or some other vile substance, this matted carpet unfolds at her tread across ground, walls, ceilings and liquids alike, wrapping about her feet and providing a stable and safe surface upon which to tread. The laid hairs remain until decomposed or otherwise destroyed, but always last at least one round. This Charm ends if the Infernal stops moving at any point.
== Agony’s Expression In Brimstone ==
* Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
* Duration: One scene
* Type: Simple
* Minimum Athletics: 4
* Minimum Essence: 3
* Prerequisite Charms: Uncounted Progeny Stance
The Infernal courses foul Essence through her limbs, surrendering to the agony it draws from her. Her movements are desperate, alternating moment by moment, muscle by muscle, from vicelike rictus and the limp flailing of resignation. Whilst this Charm is active, she knows no greater agony, and her wound penalties do not apply.
== Cavortance With Silver Reflections ==
* Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
* Duration: One scene
* Type: Simple
* Minimum Athletics: 4
* Minimum Essence: 3
* Prerequisite Charms: Uncounted Progeny Stance
The Infernal chooses a partner for this Charm, and moves her limbs in perfect accord with them, her actions intimate even whilst they may be hostile, her words sweet nothings in their ear. Whilst this Charm persists, the Infernal and her target may not affect people other than each other, nor may they be affected by others; fate binds them together beyond the influence of others. Creatures with a higher Essence than the Infernal are free to act without these restrictions. This Charm ends if the partner is rendered unable to act, the scene ends or the Infernal wishes to end it, whichever comes first.
== Refining Wisdom As Glass ==
* Cost: Varies, 1 Willpower
* Duration: One scene
* Type: Simple
* Minimum Athletics: 4
* Minimum Essence: 3
* Prerequisite Charms: Uncounted Progeny Stance
Standing limp, head lowered, the Infernal extends her strength through Essence flows instead. Using this Charm, the Infernal need not move her lips to speak, nor her arms to attack someone. The Charm costs five motes to activate initially. Anything the Infernal could do something normally (she must be unbound and within reach), she may do so without visible effect, at the cost of two motes for every action taken. Use of All-Encompassing Sorceror’s Sight or similar Charms will reveal her roiling Essence enacting her actions on her behalf.
== Biting Mother Thrice ==
* Cost: None
* Duration: Permanent
* Type: Special
* Minimum Athletics: 5
* Minimum Essence: 4
* Prerequisite Charms: Copper Vigil Of The Warden, Indulgent Amber Harmony, Manifest Of Adamant Definition, Messenger’s Velvet Sanctity, Agony’s Expression In Brimstone, Cavortance With Silver Reflections, Refining Wisdom As Glass
Fully attuned to all aspects of her own nature, the Infernal can move beyond her roots and exist by her own means. Once she has learnt this Charm, the Infernal is forever separated from the Loom Of Fate, and all attempts to detect or alter her fate fail. Existing prophecies or astrological effects upon her are torn to pieces and play havoc across Creation; if crafted by a Sidereal, that Sidereal gains three Paradox for each effect disrupted in this fashion.
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== Feedback ==
I would *love* the second Charm tree if it wasn't comprised almost entirely of nonstackable scenelongs. ;) Basing around Stances or whatever is cool, but I think filling the tree up with them might be a little overdoing it. Plus, some of them are a little confusing. Only a few say "Stance" in the name, and is a Dance the same thing as a Stance? ;) I would suggest perhaps using the first tree as a base and tossing some of the more esoteric Charms of the second tree in at higher points. ~ <i>[[Grandmasta]]</i>
Good call! I'll set to work on an amalgamated tree...DeathBySurfeit
Perhaps the 2nd tree might fit into... Socialise? Or Bureaucracy, as the 2nd charmtree seems to emulate how Malfeas works (sub-elements of personality, etc). Just a suggestion. <br> -- [[Darloth]]
Modified tree up. The basic concept of the second tree has been used, but with the thankful abolition of Stances and several replaced Charm mechanics. Feedback very welcome indeed, as things still aren't set in stone...DeathBySurfeit

Revision as of 20:21, 18 January 2008

  1. REDIRECT DBSInfernalExalted/Athletics