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Ed has bright orange hair, green eyes, tan skin with starmetal circuitry all over it, and wears goggles for show. She dresses in a artificial leather coveralls most of the time, but has a more casual set of clothes for when she needs to go out and about. She typically dresses in a fashion that makes it difficult to determine her gender.

Ed knows how to read and write Old Realm because it is the mother tongue of Autochthonic and all the religious and technical texts in Autochthonia are written in it, and native to Autochthonia with Lore 2 or greater is able to read and write Old Realm. Ed can also interpret and make the glyphs that serve the vast majority of Autochthonians as warning signs and labels, since any Autochthonian native with Lore 1 or better can do so.

Ed can design up to level 5 Manses (because her total dots in Crafts, Occult, and Lore is 20). Ed can design and built up to Artifact 3 items. Her Omnitool Implant is capable of replicating most small tools Ed needs for the Craft disciplines as well as lockpicks (lockpicks availible only because Ed has Larceny 1). More complex items, however, require a proper workshop and tools larger than the Omnitool Implant can provide.

Radical Engineer is not a typical Alchemical in that she lacks some of the basic skills that most Alchemicals have (social abilities being the most notable). Instead, the entire Batch that produced Ed were built to build and maintain voidships in preparation for the Locust War. Most of those Chosen performed their function very well, but a good majority of them possessed insatiable wanderlust and are either captains of their own voidships or work for somebody who owns one. When Ed was given the opportunity to restore and retrofit a voidship, she only asked that she be part of the crew in return. It is also likely that Ed had a hand in designing the voidships that the Autochthonians use.

Ed has deduced the truth about how mortals came to inhabit Autochthon. She knows that the vast majority of them were kidnapped from their homes to provide enough spiritual power for Autochthon to leave. She also knows that this fact hardly makes a difference now as the vast majority of Autochthonians would simply refuse to believe it. (Autochthonians with Lore 4 or more know that Autochthon snatched lots of people when he left). So she's content to keep it a secret.

Ed keeps a large book that contains all sorts of artifact designs and treatises on manipulating essence. Occasionally, if the crew is desperate for cash, she'll do a formal write up of something and sell it to a publisher under the psuedonym "Radical EDWARD". This is how the Realm knows Ed is a member of the House of Dragons' crew and that 'he' is a master artificer.

She is currently contemplating building a replacement for her book of designs. This replacement would be called Clarity's Memory and resemble a large crystalline clipboard that could store all her designs and works in.

XP: 0/75+6


Name: Radical Engineer of Dynamic Warrior Artifacts and Rarified Designs (Known as 'Ed' or 'Radical Edward')

Caste: Starmetal	Gender: Female
Motivation: Find the Eye of Autochthon
Intimacies: Autochthon, The House of Dragons, Knowledge
-Physical-		   -Social-		-Mental-
  Strength	3	  Charisma	2	F Perception	3
C Dexterity	4	C Manipulation	4	C Intelligence	6 (5)
  Stamina	2	F Appearance	3	F Wits		3
-Warfare-		   -Labor-		-Learning-
Archery:	1       Craft (Air):	 2	Bureaucracy:	1
Dodge:         1  	Craft (Earth):	 1	Lore:		5
Melee:		3	Craft (Fire):	 2	Occult:		5
Resistance:	1	Craft (Magitech):5

Larceny: 1 Linguistics: 3 Pilot: 2

Craft (Magitech)- Voidships: 2
Craft (Magitech)- Energy Weapons: 2
Lore- Enchanted Devices: 1

Languages Autochthonian (Spoken only, Old Realm Dialect) Autochthonian Glyphs (Interpret, Create)

       High Realm (Speak, Read, Write)

Low Realm (Speak, Read, Write) Old Realm (Read, Write) Riverspeak (Speak, Read, Write)

Health: -0, -1, -2x6, -4, I
Natural Soak: 2B/1L
Dodge DV: 5
Clarity: 1P/0T
Essence: 4
Willpower: 7
Personal Essence: 7/19
Peripheral Essence: 38/47
Committed: 11 PS/9 PR
Compassion: 	3	Temperance:	1
Conviction: 	3	Valor:		2


Artifact 5: 15 dots of Artifacts.
Class 3: Standard class for Alchemicals.
Vats 3: 3 charms on retainer.

Dedicated Charm Slots (4/4)

Man-Machine Weaving Engine: 1i.  Allows use of Man-Machine Protocols for a cost of 1 wp (see Rynel/ExaltedInSpace for information).
Sustained Augmentation of Intelligence: 1i, +1 Int while installed.
Transitory Augmentation of Dexterity: First Excellency Protocol
Transitory Augmentation of Wits: First Excellency Protocol

General Charm Slots (4/4)

Rarified Design Articulation Array: 3i

Abstract Abacus Implant: 2m per success/difficulty point, 1i, Instant, Supplemental. Omnitool Implant: 4m, 1i, One Hour, Simple. Technological Analysis Engrams: 3m, 1i, Instant, Simple. Transitory Augmentation of Perception: Third Excellency Protocol

Panoply Charms (3) Exoskeletal Armor Plating: 1i; Adds +3L/+4B armor soak.

       Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier: 1m/charm or 5m, 1i, Indefinite, Reflexive.

Strain Resistant Chassis Modification: 1i; -1x3 or -2x4 Sustained Augmentation of Stamina: 1i; Adds +1 to Stamina.

Man-Machine Protocols

       Probability Degredation Matrix: Min Clarity 5, 15 mote cost.  Autochthonians page 154.


    Pattern Disruption Hammer: Speed 3, Attack Pool 9, Base Damage 14L/2, Parry DV 5, Rate 2.


Rival (Social 1): Lissome Avid Engineer, Starmetal Caste Alchemical. Avid Engineer is a bit jealous that Ed is more skilled than her in Magitech Engineering, and considers it her duty to outdo the 'upstart'. Avid Engineer is also slightly more experienced than Ed, so she has more connections and a more rounded skillset than Ed.

Small (Physical 3): One less -1 health level, considered to have one less strength for meeting large tool and weapon requirments. Ed was built small to fit into the smaller spaces in Voidships. It is likely that Ed counts as one Essence category smaller when it comes to size increases caused by Essence and charms that have different effects for higher Essence Alchemicals. Depending on the Storyteller, this might mean that Ed can never turn into a metropolis as long as the Small flaw remains.

Wanted (Social 3): Wanted by the Realm because of the piratical activities of the House of Dragons, of which she is a known crewmember. However, the Dragon-Bloods are very unlikely to actually kill Ed so much as enslave her and force her to make wonders worthy of the First Age. But there is also the problem of the fact that the Realm believes Ed is a grown man, not a little girl who looks like a boy. The Realm and other authorities know Ed under her "Radical Edward" psuedonym.

Weapons and Armor

Pattern Distruption Hammer (Starmetal Hammer)
Speed 3, Acc +2, Damage +11L/2, Defense +3, Rate 2, Attune 3m, Artifact 3, Str 1+, Tags: Overwhelming, Piercing.

This is a smaller sized artifact hammer that Ed designed specifically for her own use. It is smaller than a goremaul, but the starmetal alloy head has been carefully calibrated to unravel the patterns of things it hits when powered with Essence. Additionally, the starmetal in the haft has been manipulated to make the weapon much lighter and guide the wielder's parries by giving her brief glimpses into the future. There is no hearthstone setting.

It costs 2 motes to convert a single die of lethal damage to aggravated. You may only buy (Essence x 2) aggravated damage in this way. The motes must be spent when declaring the attack. When applying soak, the aggravated damage is considered separate from the lethal damage. The minimum damage as per the Overwhelming tag will always aggravated damage (if any). That is, if my raw damage is 13L and 1A, then 1L & 1A will be the minimum damage, and the target's lethal soak applies normally to the 13L. Attuned.

Guardian Armor (Yoroi Rapid-Response Armor)
Repair 2; Soak +7L/8B, Hardness 3L/3B, Mobility Penalty 0, Fatigue 1, Attune 6, Artifact 3

Although statistically the same as Yoroi Rapid-Response Armor, it has a distinctly Autochthonian look to it. Ed can't wear this yet, as it's sized for an adult. She found it near where she scrounged the materials for the House of Dragon's refits and liked it. So she fixed it. (Wonders of the Lost Age, Page 82-83). Attuned.

Other Equipment

Autochthonian Artifact Adapter: Artifact 1. Pretty much standard issue to Alchemical Exalted who are stationed outside of Autochthonia. Ed has used this on the Yoroi Armor.

Barclay (Folding Servant): Artifact 2. Ed built a folding servant she named "Barclay" to help her in her work. Stuff like bringing materials and whatnot. It's usually folded up in a cube on the House of Dragons. (Wonders of the Lost Age, Page 98-99)

Resplendant Personal Assistant: Artifact 1. This one is the same as the ones made in Creation, except it keeps time in Autochthonia, and points to Autochthon. The machine spirit within is only in tune with the Design of the Great Maker, so the astrology bonus applies only to the fortunes of those who are natives of Autochthonia.

Dragon Pulse Cannons: These are mounted on the House of Dragons where the 'eyes' would be. They're similar to the Essence Pulse Cannosn used by Alchemical Exalted, and were built by Ed when she refit the ship. They are Artifact 2 each, and have the Pattern Distruptor, Essence Drain, and Concussion submodules.

Superb Thruster Array: Also mounted on the House of Dragons, it lets it manuever slightly better and can briefly cause the ship to become an extension of the pilot's body for a hefty mote cost. Artifact 3.

Innate Abilities

Starmetal Caste Ability: Spend 5 motes to add (Essence/2, round up) to all Attack, Damage, and base initiative rolls for the scene. This can be invoked reflexively with a Join Battle, Declare War, or Join Debate action. Otherwise is Speed 3, DV -1.

Artificial Metabolism: Alchemical Exalted don't need to breath except to speak. Has to eat to recover essence normally. Alchemical Exalted are immune to all non-magical diseases and have the usual Exalted resistance to supernatural ones.

Anima Effect: Temporarily boost Caste or Favored Attribute for the price of 3m/die.

Mass Combat Stats

Magnitude: 0 (Solo Unit)
Drill: 0 (Solo Unit)
Endurance: 3
Might: 3 (Young Celestial Exalt)
Close Combat Rating: 4 (Pattern Distruption Hammer)
Close Combat Damage: 5 (Pattern Disruption Hammer)
Armor: Yoroi Rapid-Response Armor (Soak 3, Mob 0, Hardness 3, Fatigue 1), Unarmored (Soak 1)
Morale: 2
Base Movement: 7 (4) move / 16 (10) dash
Formation: Solo Unit (x100 movment)
Other Notes: Counts as a hero when joined with other units.

XP Plans

  • Essence 2 plans.
    • Archery 3: 2 + 4 = 6 XP
    • Dodge 3: 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 XP
  • Essence 4 plans.
    • Essence 4: 27 XP.
    • Man-Machine Weaving Engine: 10 XP (Dedicated Slot)
    • Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit: 12 XP (General Slot)

  • Marcus' New Eye (Artifact 2): Basic organ with Essence Sight and looking real when attuned and in the eye socket. Completed with 35 of 30 successes needed in 5 seasons. No Attunement bonus.
  • Marcus' Arm (Artifact 3): Limb Replacement with +1 Strength when using it, and retractable Razorclaws. Completed with 60 of 60 successes needed in 13 seasons. Orichalcum Attunement bonus.