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Session Start: Sat Jul 12 13:40:50 2008

Session Ident: #exalted1220

[14:35] [ST] Avir and Miruna step out onto the porch of the Shaman's hut as Sol begins to dip behind the valley walls. Darkness comes early to Tanstaad. In the twilight, a cool breeze kicks up. Later, there will probably be a nightsnow. The snowflies buzz against the backdrop of the forest, flaring now and then in pinpricks of blue light. Occasionally one lands on one of the men, biting to suck their blood.

[14:41] [Avir] Avir slaps at a snowflie. Annoying things. He'd itch himself bloody tomorrow if he got bit.

[14:44] [Miruna] Miruna waves them away from his face, and hunches further into his scarf. At least they were in an Emerald now. It was warm enough not to be painful.

[14:45] [Avir] "Selza?" Avir pants, a little out of breath from the brisk walk.

[14:46] [Miruna] "We should see what Elk's up to." Hopefully he'd found lodgings for them all, and close enough together that he could justify keeping Avir away from the Guild woman.

[14:49] [Avir] Avir nods, stumbling over a fallen log.

[14:51] [ST] As the two make their way back, they can see Tanstaad buttoning up for the night. Heavy shutters normally not used until the first of the winter snows are drawn and firmly latched. Doors slam, parents hastily hustle children inside. The only activity seems to come from pairs of roaming militia, armed with mostly wooden spears.

[14:52] [Avir] Bemused, Avir salutes them with a flick of his fingers.

[14:52] [ST] Avir and Miruna pass Cadda's wagon again, the narrow windows flickering with light. Samson sits on the ramp, running a whetstone over his blade, face set in blunt defiance. He gives a grunt that fringes on friendly as the two men pass.

[14:52] [Miruna] Miruna doesn't bother. He watches them, curious to see how they would patrol, and whether they would try to challange the strangers.

[14:54] [Avir] Avir raises a hand to the man. He and Samson would be associating more closely in the future, he suspected. He glances at Miruna's stony face. If certain people didn't insist on shoving a spoke in his wheel.

[14:54] [ST] The "militia", having heard about the strangers, give them a curious glance, but do not challenge them. The Once Dead hear their companions before they see them: Leopard is making one loud joke or another as Miruna and Avir step into the town square. Light spills from the windows of a low timber building. A sign depicting a horse leaping over a tankard of ale swings from the eaves.

[14:56] [ST] Miruna notices a low, furtive movement at the mouth of the alley near the lighted building.

[14:58] [Avir] Avir moves innocently toward the tavern door, mouth watering at the smell of food.

[15:01] [Miruna] Miruna, as subtle as he ever was, turns amd walks to the mouth of the alley, glancing in.

[15:02] [Avir] "Miruna? What'd you see?"

[15:02] [ST] A human figure crouches in the darkness there, slightly obscured. Miruna doesn't need to see very well to note the stink of alcohol that rises from it, or the jug near its feet.

[15:03] [Miruna] He turns away "The bum from earlier, wishing he could drink with us" he grins.

[15:04] [Miruna] He needed a good drink after that house. The hanging fetishes looking over the destruction, it hadn't felt right.

[15:04] [ST] "Don't... need... you lot to drink..." the figure snaps, and as if on cue, a side door opens, spilling light into the alley.

[15:05] [ST] The woman that stands there couldn't be older than thirty, but her blond hair is streaked with gray. She carries a jug similar to the one the drunk possesses.

[15:06] [ST] "Another night, another -" She makes a noise of alarm when she spots Miruna.

[15:07] [Avir] Avir ducks around to the alley. "Miruna? What's keeping y- ah."

[15:08] [Miruna] That was odd, someone delivering drink to the cripple? Why would anyone bother. He hesitates, watching the two of them. "What're you about?" he asks the woman.

[15:10] [ST] "Don't mind Rolf," she says, pressing the jug into his hands. "He's harmless. You must be the Deadmen in from Icehome."

[15:10] [Avir] "We are, ma'am," Avir says, smiling because it always pays to be firend with the one selling the beer.

[15:10] [ST] "...thank you... Greta." Rolf says. He clutches the jug firmly, nodding in her general direction as he retreats.

[15:11] [ST] "Your friends are already inside," she says, watching the man go. "I'm Greta. This is my place, and you are all welcome."

[15:12] [Avir] "Thank you." Avir hesitates, then jabs a thumb at Rolf scampering away. "Kin?"

[15:13] [ST] She shakes her head, an unreadable emotion flickering over her face. "No... he's no kin of mine. He was a good man, once. Now... well. You've seen him. He's no concern, I promise. Believe me, if the villagers are convinced he didn't do this, then he didn't."

[15:14] [ST] "And after that mess thirteen years ago, I'm just glad I talked them down."

[15:14] [Miruna] He stares after the man. "He out every night?" He could probably survive it, this season anyway, in an Emerald. Still, he thought he'd have taken shelter.

[15:15] [Avir] "What happened thirteen yaers ago?"

[15:17] [ST] "He has his places, but I don't know them. Most people won't have him." At Avir's question, she blanches a bit. "Well. You know. The elder's daughter. That murder. Rolf didn't have anything to do with it, but his friend Lark did. They strung him up for it."

[15:18] [ST] "They would've had Rolf too. They never trusted him since- but he was here, drinking. I said it. Half a dozen people said it."

[15:18] [Miruna] He nods. "Has he always been blind?"

[15:18] [ST] Her fingers twist in her skirts. She is clearly uncomfortable.

[15:20] [ST] "He's not blind." She heaves a shuddering breath. "His eyes. They was... changed. Him and Lark were hunters. Outriders. When we were looking for a place to rest and hide, fifteen years back, after the raiders attacked, they were searching out ahead... and a patch of Wyldfog..." She shakes her head.

[15:21] [ST] "It was just a little patch. I think... Rolf wishes it had been big enough to... I-" She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter."

[15:22] [Avir] "Mutant...How did Lark change? What did he do- why?"

[15:24] [ST] "Lark's skin started to grow... these little arms. The size of your little finger, tiny little hands... everywhere. They called him Hundredfingers. Rolf... well, you've heard what they call him." She looks down, not noticing the snowfly that lands on her neck, biting. "Why he did it... I don't know. They say the Wyld warps a man's mind, as well."

[15:28] [ST] "They never had any proof. They never found a body. But he was unaccounted for, and that was enough. Worse, because Shinza was with child."

[15:30] [Avir] Avir glances at Miruna. Thirteen years was long enough for all sorts of unpleasant things to grow up. If Shinza had been caught in Wyldfog...

[15:30] [Avir] Avir smiles at Greta again. "Thank you. We'll see you inside."

[15:31] [Miruna] This talk made his skin crawl. "Don't know how you stand him." He couldn't help the village, probably wouldn't survive without their charity. It would have been best if they'd had the stomach to be done with him.

[15:32] [Miruna] It'd taken a murder for them to get rid of one, and still they'd left the other. He grunts. "Let's have a drink."

[15:33] [ST] "You wouldn't," she says, her voice suddenly icy. "Your friends are inside." She turns, closing the door behind her firmly.

[15:34] [Avir] "Is it so hard just to make friends?" Avir laments as they walk back to the front door.

[15:35] [Miruna] He turns, cold, and walks to his scale-mates. "I have friends." Or comrades, and that was a different and better bond.

[15:37] [Avir] "None of whom are very pretty," Avir mutters, taking a next to Leopard.

[15:38] [ST] The interior of the Pony is well lit and furnished, but desolate. Trestle tables stand empty, and no entertainers fill the space by the fire. The only occupants of the room are an old man in the corner who appears to be asleep over his ale, and Leopard and Springing Elk, who look up as the two men take a seat.

[15:38] [ST] "Guess murder is bad for business," Leopard says. "But the food's not bad."

[15:39] [Avir] "Find out anything?" Avir asks, swiping a leg of chicken from Springing Elk's plate and muttering thanks as he bit into it.

[15:39] [ST] Greta bustles about behind the bar, paying the newcomers no particular heed.

[15:40] [ST] Elk opens his mouth to reply, but Leopard speaks over him.

[15:40] [Miruna] He gestures at her for service, and then whistles sharply when she hadn't deigned to notice.

[15:41] [ST] "Point the first, this place is a massacre just waiting to fucking happen. These yokels couldn't fight off an invasion of Barge Whores from the Great Ice." He laughs. "Not that such fine ladies would waste their time here."

[15:42] [ST] Greta grunts and begins pouring up a pair of ales. She's not particularly hurrying.

[15:43] [ST] Elk frowns. "Greta says there are rooms above for lodging. Usually empty."

[15:46] * Avir nods. He has his excuse for sticking to the wagon all plotted out already. He fills them in on what they found. He doesn't bother keeping his voice down.

[15:48] [ST] The old man wakens for a brief moment, coughs, and then falls asleep again. Elk listens, nodding.

[15:48] [Avir] "I've a mind to talk to Selza this evening."

[15:48] [Miruna] He scowls. He'd remembered it as much less convivial, but there was nothing important to add, really.

[15:49] [Miruna] "Accepting her offer, you mean? I want us to stay together, nights." Till they knew what was happening, they would have to be careful.

[15:50] [ST] "Selza isn't in the best of moods," Greta says. She sets plates of roast venison in front of the two newcomers. One might say that Miruna's tankard lands against the table a little too firmly. "You'll want to treat carefully."

[15:51] [ST] "I can't believe this place hasn't been attacked already," Leopard continues. "If the raiders hit this place, the wolfmen'll be picking stout peasant out of their teeth for a fortnight."

[15:53] [Avir] Avir avoids the topic of Cadda's wagon for the moment. "Thank you for the meal," he says, picking up a slice of venison from the plate. His stomach cramps with hunger. " We've no wish to intrude on her grief. Can you give us any advice on how to talk to her?"

[15:53] [Miruna] "Thanks" he grunts at her, and tears a strip off the venison. It was still hot, and fatty. The grease tasted good, licked from his fingers. The ale here was lighter than he liked, but it wasn't weak.

[15:55] [ST] "Tell her the truth," Greta shrugs. "She's very interested in getting to the bottom of this. So was Shinza's husband, so long ago. Problem is, there's no Lark to blame this time."

[15:56] [Avir] "Anyone going after Rolf?"

[15:57] [ST] "They tried, after the baby vanished. I begged them to only throw him in jail, and talked them down. While he was in there..." She shivers. "While he was in there, Selza's husband Delf and three or four others was torn to pieces. Rolf couldn't have done it. They let him out."

[15:58] [ST] "I think they hope whatever it is will take care of him."

[15:58] [ST] "But it was crazy anyway. Rolf wouldn't... even if he wanted to, he couldn't have overpowered the Guildwoman's man. Broc."

[16:00] [Avir] "Mmm." Avir chews his meat.

[16:01] [ST] "What should we do now?" Elk leans forward, intent upon Miruna. "It mostly attacks at night. We could stand guard-"

[16:01] [Miruna] "He was a guard, right? Big man, armed?" Samson hadn't been big, but he'd been dangerous. Maybe Cadda had been lucky, or maybe she had an eye for men who knew what they were about.

[16:01] [ST] "Yeah," Leopard says. "I'm sure the five of us can watch the whole damn Emerald."

[16:03] [ST] "Yeah," Greta says, lifting the empty mug from the old man's table. "Big guy. Black skin. Southlander. He came in here a lot. Can't say I care for his boss, but he was a decent enough sort. Paid for what he bought, and he bought plenty."

[16:03] [Avir] "Selza's place has been hit twice. I say we scout it out a bit, speak to her, then hit the sack. Not much use if we're dead on our feet."

[16:05] [ST] "Be nice to sleep in a real bed for a change." Leopard adds.

[16:07] [Miruna] "If we go tonight, we all go." He didn't want to leave the inn. He was tired, and if someone did die, it would probably just make things clearer. But he wouldn't say it.

[16:08] [Avir] Avir claps Leopard on the shoulder. "So you will, then. Later."

[16:09] [Miruna] Edit: But he wouldn't say it.

[16:15] [ST] Leopard leaves behind the knife he won off the town's youth as payment, and the Once Dead take their leave.

[16:17] [Miruna] Miruna pushes himself up, and trudges after the others.

[16:19] [ST] The streets are even quieter by now, given over to patrols, which are probably as useless as Leopard opines, and to the snowflies. Selza's house is easy to spot with even the mildest of directions - the banner of black cloth and feathers that marks a state of mourning is nailed to her door. Curiously, the heavy winter shutters are not drawn, and as Elk raises a hand to knock on the door,

[16:19] [ST] the force of the movement causes it to open.

[16:20] [ST] Within, the one room dwelling is dark save for the flickering of the hearth. A woman springs up from a chair near it, clutching a spear in her hands.

[16:20] [Avir] "Selza?" Avir asks cautiously, hand to his sword.

[16:21] [ST] "What do you want?" the woman asks, jabbing with the spear. She wears the feathered veils and black garments of a mourner.

[16:23] [Miruna] He taps Elk on the shoulder, motioning for him to watch the street, and steps to join Avir at the door. "We wanted to ask you about the murders."

[16:23] [Avir] "We are from Icehome," Avir says, regaining his composure. Rather conscious of the spirt tapping his chest, he adds, "We regret intruding on your grief, but the information could be valuable."

[16:25] [ST] She stops, looking at them curiously. After a moment, the spear lowers, and she steps forward, raising the veil with a free hand. Selza is a young woman, in her late teens or early twenties, with a fair face and bright blue eyes. Black tattoos curl up the left side of her face. "You've answered Gaf's request then?" She says, quietly. "You've come to catch the killer?"

[16:26] [Avir] "Yes."

[16:27] [ST] She leans the spear against the wall. "Then you have my aid. Come in. Sit. Ask me whatever you wish, if it will help."

[16:28] [ST] Leopard gives a nod, gesturing for Miruna and Avir to knock themselves out as he takes up watch alongside Elk. He pulls the door shut behind him.

[16:29] [Avir] "Tell us of the disappearances. Did you hear anything? See anything? Even smell anything?"

[16:30] [Miruna] He stomps his feet at the door, and brushes the rest of the snow from his boot treads with the brush by the door. The room was pleasantly warm from the fire.

[16:32] [ST] "No." She sits again by the fire, hands resting in her lap, looking at the floor. "There was no reason to suspect. Aside from what happened to my cousin thirteen years ago, Tanstaad has always been a peaceful Emerald. No attacks by the fairies, no raids... when the Guild man disappeared, we paid it no mind - he was an outsider. The child slept between Delf and I. She was only a year old. We

[16:32] [ST] went to sleep as always one night... and in the morning, she was gone."

[16:33] [ST] "Delf swore he would find her. He went out, every night, searching. I begged him..." Her hands clench. "I begged him to let me go along. I wanted to find whoever had done it. But he said I should remain here, waiting... just in case it came back."

[16:34] [Avir] That was...alarming. Stealthy. Very stealthy. "Was your door barred? Your windows shuttered?"

[16:34] [ST] "Something attacked him in the darkness. He spoke of it... though he was not in his right mind. Teeth, jaws, the stink of dirt. Green eyes. It bit him. The wounds... would not close. Grond was not here to treat him. I couldn't-" She breaks off, glad for Avir's question.

[16:35] [ST] "Yes. That's why all this hiding is so foolish. Walls... shutters... they can't stop this thing. I just hope it's foolish enough to come back here." She raises her eyes, and cold fury burns in them.

[16:36] [Avir] "How long did he live?" Avir asks gently.

[16:37] [ST] "Only a few hours... most of them too far gone to speak. It was a terrible poison. I've never seen anything... like it."

[16:39] [Avir] "When was the last body found?"

[16:40] [ST] "Two days ago. One of the women out on patrol. Torn to pieces. Whatever it is is growning more violent. You will kill it?"

[16:41] [Avir] "Yes." If it could be killed. If it didn't kill them first. Avir swallows. "Where is she buried?"

[16:43] [ST] "She was burned. The ashes strewn around the temple. They have all been burned." She stares at the two men, piercingly. "When you kill it, I want to help."

[16:45] [Avir] Damn. He supposed no one had thought to keep a sample of the poison. He glances at Miruna. "I've no objection." She was walking dead as it was- those with the tattoos often were.

[16:45] [Avir] Maybe if she survived, they would invite her to join the Once Dead.

[16:46] [Miruna] He shakes his head. "We'll kill it when we find it, and we can't take you with us everywhere." He could trust the Once Dead at his back in a fight.

[16:48] [ST] "I have a right, damn you," she hisses. "Gaf too. He knows Lark didn't kill Shinza. This thing did. It's been hiding here, waiting, for years."

[16:48] [Avir] Hiding. "Do you...think it's someone in the village?" Eerie thought.

[16:49] [Miruna] Her, she would break, or she would try to die by its hand. Even if she didn't she would be a weakness for it to exploit.

[16:50] [ST] "It's the same as thirteen years ago. People vanishing... just like my cousin. Maybe my family is cursed."

[16:50] [Miruna] "If it hid for years between kills, why has it gone berserk now?"

[16:52] [Avir] Avir had a pretty good idea.

[16:52] [Avir] "Who was the first to disappear?"

[16:53] [ST] "I couldn't tell you. Maybe it left and came back." At Avir's question, she says, "The first time anyone noticed, it was... my child, Bright Sun. Grond vanished as well, around the same time. Broc as well... but the southlander could have been first. None of us would have missed him."

[16:54] [Avir] That seemed as close to confirmatino as he was like to get. "Tell me about Grond."

[16:56] [ST] "He was a good man. A skilled shaman. The spirits of the forest did not harm us while he held sway. He was here from the beginning. I think... it must have known he was protecting us. It went for him first."

[16:56] [ST] "It knew he could identify it."

[16:57] [Avir] "The village moved to him, did it?"

[16:59] [ST] "No... he came with us. He knew Elder Swan back when they were together in the old Kushkin Emerald... before it became the Forsaken Green. He was with us then. He sheltered us."

[16:59] [Avir] "Were he and Elder Swan particular friends? Did he have others?"

[17:01] [ST] "He and the Elder were close. But he was well liked by everyone. Even the Guildwoman and her men seemed to like him well enough, and they like no one." She scowls. "They are a poison here, but I do not believe that they have done these things."

[17:02] [Avir] Avir nods. "Thank you. I believe we've spoken enough for the time being."

[17:03] [ST] "Where are you staying? The hospitality of my home is open to you."

[17:04] [Avir] Avir hesitates. "I have accepted Cadda's invitation - it is convenient, as I have more questions for her. As for my comrades.." he trails off.

[17:06] [Miruna] He glances sharply at the man, wakened from the lull of a warm fire and comfortable chair. They would discuss that later, but not infront of an outsider. "We are staying at the tavern."

[17:08] [ST] "With Greta? I suppose... She is not the most honorable of residents. She should have wed."

[17:11] [Avir] Avir shrugs. He puts his hands together and bows low. "Thank you for your conversation."

[17:11] [ST] "In any case, I thank you for your efforts." She still sounds slightly bitter about Miruna's refusal. "If you need help, you should speak with Gaf as well. He was married to Shinza, all those years ago. He would help you gladly."

[17:12] [ST] She walks to the door, holding it open respectfully.

[17:12] [Miruna] Miruna get up to leave as well. "We will tell you what we find, and if you can help." He could unbend that much. She had determination, and cause.

[17:13] [Avir] "Thank you for your help." He slips out the door, bracing for the argument with Miruna sure to come

[17:14] [Avir] He pauses outside. "One more thing- did Grond go barearmed in summer?"

[17:16] [ST] "He wore his robes and his feathers. I don't recall ever seeing his arms... but I would not have looked." Selza frowns, unasked questions marring her face.

[17:18] [Avir] He nods and raises his hand in farewell, walking towards the center of town.

[17:20] [ST] Light still flickers in the Pony's windows, but nowhere else. The roaming guards and their torches, and Luna overhead, are the only sources of illumination. The tall meeting hall rises silent and still behind the Once Dead.

[17:21] [Miruna] "What were you asking about arms for?" he stamps along with the rest, grumpy and tired, and grumpier with the strain of not admitting it.

[17:24] [Avir] "I wanted to know whether Grond used the heroin himself. His 'calendar' starts thirteen years ago. I think he hid it, whatever it was, and he's been feeding or placating it. It got lose when he stopped whatever was doing, and started attacking people...or maybe it killed him."

[17:25] [Avir] "We need to search Elder Swan's house somehow. Discreetly."

[17:26] [ST] Elk nods, absorbing this information. "What do you think it is, Avir?"

[17:27] [Avir] "I don't think it's a demon. A fair folk, perhaps. Or something twisted by one of those Wyldfog patches....Maybe even Elder Swan's daughter, or her child. That would explain why Grond might have protected it."

[17:28] [ST] "Heh."

[17:28] [ST] "Think you've... got it all figured out, do you?"

[17:28] [ST] Rolf crouches, covered with a light dusting of snow. He raises a hand in greeting.

[17:29] [Avir] "Maybe. You say different?"

[17:29] [Miruna] "You think it went mad with the purer heroin?"

[17:30] [ST] "I'm not a blind man... sometimes... I see things." Rolf reaches back, untying the cloth, and letting it drop. His eyes...

[17:31] [ST] His eyes are clustered, like a fly's compound eyes, dozens of facets. But where an insect's eyes would be smooth and featureless, his are replicated in miniature, dozens of times over, clustered together and staring in every direction. A dozen green irises fix each of the Once Dead, a dozen pupils contracting in the light.

[17:32] [Avir] "Or maybe without the contraception, it--" he stops. Swallows hard.

[17:32] [Miruna] Miruna curses quickly, quietly, incomprehensibly, and makes a superstitious gesture warding away the evil eyes.

[17:32] [Avir] "I see that. What have you seen?"

[17:33] [ST] "A man. Or something shaped like one. When it walked, its footsteps made no sound. It opened the window of Selza's house, and there was no sound. It went in, and there was no sound. It came out again, and closed the window again, and there was no sound."

[17:34] [ST] He laughs. "But who would believe... a man touched by the Wyld? Not even Greta. Only someone as crazy as you, stranger."

[17:35] [Avir] "What man?"

[17:35] [Miruna] He wondered if Greta had been trothed to this thing, before his accident. Maybe that was why she saved him. Selza had said she should have been married.

[17:36] [ST] "Couldn't see... it was too dark." He shrugs. "These eyes... heh. They're not as impressive as they look."

[17:38] [Avir] "How did he move? Like an old man, a young one? Did he have a hitch in his step?"

[17:39] [ST] "Well enough. He went over the sill slowly, but he was quiet.. about it." He smiles. It is ghastly. "My ears work better, too. They don't know that."

[17:39] [Miruna] "How big was he? Was he armed, or clawed? Was he carrying the babe, or had he already eaten?"

[17:40] [ST] "Didn't see no baby... but he could've had it. Wasn't looking... for it."

[17:43] [Avir] Avir supposed it could be a cult after all. Sacrifices. He did not prefer that explanation. It would be...uglier for the village, in the end.

[17:43] [Miruna] Miruna's hand squeezes on the hilt of his mace. He hated looking at the man, hated having to wait for him to answer questions. But they needed the information, and he would just have to wait for the drunk to spit it all out and leave them.

[17:44] [Avir] "Have you seen anything else? Things we should know?"

[17:45] [Avir] Avir meets Rolf's clustered eyes easily. He had seen worse things.

[17:46] [ST] "Heh. Seen a lot of things in this town. Know who's cuckolded. Know who killed Janka's cat. Know what Greta does to earn a living. Heh." He shakes his head. "But you shouldn't know those things. Grond... you think it was Grond? Might be. He went to see the Guildwoman often. Even saw him with her men a time or two."

[17:47] [Avir] Cadda hadn't told them that. Avir tenses. "Drinking? Or doing other things?"

[17:48] [ST] "Drinking, once. Him and the dark one left the bar together, once."

[17:48] [Miruna] "Has anyone started acting different? Not staying home at night, or ending a long running affair? Well, other than everyone shutting themselves in."

[17:49] [ST] "Everyone's different... everyone's staying in, watching... the streets. Swan is losing it. Gaf looks ready to kill any man that crosses him. Heh. They're not used to monsters. Besides me."

[17:50] [ST] He reaches down, picking up his fresh jug of wine and taking a long pull. He wipes his mouth on his sleeve.

[17:51] [Miruna] "Weren't the shutters locked? Did you see how it opened them?"

[17:51] [ST] "If they let this guy live, these people at least have strong stomachs," Leopard mumbles.

[17:52] [ST] "Not locked," Fly-Eyes answers. "Just a latch. Snow can't pick locks. Never worried about anything else."

[17:52] [Miruna] If it could get through the locked shutters silently somehow, it could still have been Rolf, unless they had watched his cell every night. The village didn't seem competent enough for that.

[17:54] [Avir] Avir glances at Miruna. "Easy," he mutters. "Thank you," he tells the Wyld mutant. He digs into his pocket and draws out a heavier coin than they were used to seeing in this village. He flips it to Rolf. "For your troubles."

[17:56] [ST] "Heh." Rolf catches the coin easily. "I can start paying my tab with Greta. But I'm hardly the only one with troubles." At this, he turns to leave, dragging his jug along behind him. It leaves a crooked, zigzagging trail in the muddy street.

[17:58] [Avir] "We should talk to Graf." Avir watches the mutant go. A pity the man was a drunkard; there might have been a place for him outside the village elsewise. "...in the morning," he adds, thinking of Cadda and her wagon.

[17:58] [Miruna] He spits in the street. "That leaves a nasty taste." He'd be happy when they found their beds. Speaking of which. "You coming back to the tavern with us?"

[18:02] [Avir] The man was determined to prevent him from getting laid. "I have a few follow-up questions for Cadda," he says serenely. "Nothing to trouble you."

[18:03] [ST] "Avir's made a friend, eh?" Leopard asks, with a knowing smirk.

[18:05] [Miruna] He grunts. He couldn't stop him, not without creating far more problems than he'd solve. "I don't want anyone out at night by himself" he says, and grudgingly adds "Take Leopard. And you, if he gets eaten, make sure you can tell me what did it."

[18:06] [ST] "You'll hardly notice me," Leopard adds. "I'm small."

[18:08] [Avir] Hell, perhaps Cadda would welcome the extra company. "You got it," Avir says, clasping Miruna on the shoulder. "We'll meet in the morning at the tavern, yeah?"

[18:09] [Miruna] "Right" he agrees sourly. He'd told Elk that the lodgings he'd found should have available women, for exactly this reason. The lad probably thought he'd been joking.

[18:10] [Miruna] He rewraps his scarf, keeping it tight and warm, and trudges back to the inn. "Lets get some sleep. See whos dead in tha morning."

[18:11] [ST] Leopard has the good grace to avoid making too many jokes as he and Avir make their way to the wagon. Samson reacts with stoic aplomb. "Figured you'd be back."

[18:12] [ST] "Go in and ask your questions, Avir," Leopard says, taking a seat next to the other man. "I'll keep this charmer company."

[18:12] [Avir] "You're a good man, Leopard," Avir says, walking up the steps.

[18:13] [ST] There is the clatter of wooden cards. "Samson, right? You ever play 'Pike Me?'"

[18:13] [ST] "Fuck yourself."

[18:13] [ST] The interior of the wagon is even hazier with smoke. Cadda looks up from a book, a slow grin spreading across her features. "I was beginning to think you were already tucked in for the night, Avir."

[18:15] [Avir] Avir inhales the smoke. It brings a pleasant langour to the evening. His tense muscles relax, and he blinks. "Who could resist your company, sweet lady?"

[18:16] [ST] "I haven't heard flattery like that in months. Have a seat." She fishes for the hookah, offering it to Avir again. The coals are smoldering, but still bright. "Smoke?"

[18:17] [Avir] "Certainly." It would be impolite to refuse. He sits on a cushion beside her and takes a huff. He didn't understand why working for the Once Dead had such a bad rap. It offered a sorts of pleasant opportunities.

[18:19] [ST] The smoke swirls pleasantly in Avir's mouth, and the world starts to grow a bit hazy. Cadda leans over, slipping a slim arm around his shoulders. "Now, what brings you here?" she asks, voice calculatingly coy.

[18:22] [Avir] He kisses the hand on his shoulder. The drugs made it a hard to concentrate on anything but the feel of her. "Why- you...lovely Cadda. And questions about Grond, Broc....the heroin shipments." He sounds a bit indifferent to it all, in fact. But he had a duty. He was damned if he'd suffer Miruna sneering at him. His smile is at her is a bit foolish.

[18:23] [ST] "I did remember something about your shaman after you left," Cadda says, leaning in close to nibble at Avir's neck. "If you're interested."

[18:23] [Avir] "Oh yes," he breathes.

[18:25] [ST] "He asked me if I had any slaves. Male slaves, specifically." She shifts slightly, pressing herself against Avir. "I told him only in the figurative sense. I'm a wicked woman, but I'm no peddler of flesh."

[18:28] [Avir] "Hmm..." He pulls her toward him and kisses her lingeringly. Her breath smells like opium. "Very wicked. He was seen with Broc a couple times. Was Broc in charge of transporting the opium?"

[18:30] [ST] "Broc was only a guard... he was inclined to spend his time wenching... and rather frustrated that I would not respond. But I keep business business. Broc spent a lot of time with the town whore. Perhaps the shaman did too." She smiles against Avir's ear. "As for the heroin, he carried it out of here himself. He wouldn't let my men follow him."

[18:34] [Avir] "Mmm." What had Broc been up to? Fed to the monster, or sacrificed? "One last question," he said, watching her robe slide across her skin as she shifted. "When did Grond start buying heroin, according to the papers you- borrowed- from your friend?"

[18:34] [Avir] "And what happened to him?"

[18:36] [ST] "Five years ago. Gull came through here with a batch of heroin he'd intended for Icehome, and the shaman bought it up. Gull figured he was looking to spread it around the town." She leans her forehead against Avir's. "I was expecting to find a nest of addicts... but there was only the shaman. I don't know what he's doing with it. I doubt he's using it himself... he doesn't show any of the

[18:36] [ST] signs. Not that I looked that closely."

[18:40] [Avir] "Gull still around?" Avir's hands go to the knot holding her robe together, pulling gently.

[18:41] [ST] "Gull is in Nexus," She says, shrugging off the robe. "I don't much miss him. Now... are we all done with business?"

[18:43] [Avir] Avir's eyes glint. More questions could wait. "Definitely." His sword belt drops to the floor and he pulls her down on top of him.

[18:44] [ST] And for a time, all is pleasant, slow, and warm, and there's no need for thinking about Tanstaad or its myriad problems at all. Afterwards, Cadda leans close, tracing the rim of Avir's ear with her tongue. "When I get to Icehome, perhaps I shall keep you," she whispers, and then a scream splits the air, tearing through the darkness.

[18:45] [ST] Miruna, slumbering above the Pony, hears it too.

[18:46] [Miruna] He's up, and off the bed in moments, covers thrown haphazardly on the floor.

[18:47] [Miruna] He has his hatchet in his hands first, and then he begins to feel around for clothes. They probably wouldn't catch it in the act, but if the victim was still alive, they needed to question him, her.

[18:47] [ST] Elk rises as well, struggling into his armor. His eyes are haunted. "Miruna- what's-" he stammers, buckling on his sword.

[18:48] [ST] There is another scream. More distant to Avir, closer to Miruna.

[18:49] [Avir] Avir scrambles to his feet, adrenline shooting through the drug haze. Mostly. He struggles into his armor- Cadda is useless with buckled- and almost falls out the wagon door, looking around for Leopard.

[18:50] [ST] Leopard and Samson are both nowhere to be seen. A puddle of blood lies on the ground, and a severed arm still clutching a flame piece. A long streak of blood extends away towards the center of town.

[18:51] [Avir] "No. Bloody fucking hell-" He follows the streak of blood at a run.

[18:52] [Miruna] He dons his armor as fast as he can without missing a strap. If the thing was still out there, a few minutes wouldn't save more than one, two people. Killing it would save the rest of them. So now was the time to do things right. "Wait for me" he yells to Elk, much hastier.

[18:53] [ST] As Miruna and Elk race down the stairs of the tavern, there is the sound of cracking bone. They burst into the town square at almost the same time as Avir, panting and out of breath.

[18:56] [ST] The streak of blood terminates in a ragged clump of flesh that must once have been Samson. Leopard stands aghast, staring.

[18:57] [Avir] "Gods," Avir says fervently. He draws his sword.

[18:57] [Miruna] Miruna crashes down the wooden steps at the door of the tavern. "What was it?" he yells.

[18:57] [ST] A thing crouches in the center of the square, a massive, doglike creature. Its eyes burn red, and it stands at least five feet at the shoulder. In its ragged fur can be seen sticks and clumps of mud. A huge, blunt muzzle drips with green ichor as it bends to chew on the corpse of Rolf.

[19:05] [Avir] "It's a Dog of the Unbroken Earth." Avir swallows. He hears an eager huffing at his shoulder. "Miruna- get meat. We need to offer it meat."

[19:06] [ST] "Rolf!" Greta wails from the doorway behind Miruna, anguished. Elk takes a step back towards her. The creature stands framed against the meeting hall. A series of scratches, made by terrible claws and teeth alike, scar the stone foundation. Rolf's blood is sprayed across the building in a strange design.

[19:06] [Miruna] He stares at the thing, repulsed and angered. "Elk, get tot eh kitchens!"

[19:08] [ST] Leopard stares the thing down. "It came out of nowhere..." he says, rattled. "It... it grabbed Samson like he was a toy... but..."

[19:09] [Avir] "It wants meat." Samson had *known* something. Damn it all.

[19:11] [ST] "I think it... already had it..." Leopard says, as the Dog raises its head from Rolf's corpse. Greta drops to her knees, wailing. A scattering of armed youths with spears have drawn close, watching the creature suspicously.

[19:11] [ST] Elk returns from the kitchens, staggering. A haunch of raw pork is dripping in his arms.

[19:13] [ST] "Big... one..." Stomp wheezes in Avir's ear.

[19:13] [Avir] Avir speaks certain sweet words of praise and banishment in Old Realm. "Put the haunch down and back away."

[19:13] [Avir] "Yes. Any more?"

[19:13] [Miruna] "Don't attack it" he tells the crowd. They wouldn't want to set it off. "Well, throw it the meat, lad."

[19:14] [ST] Elk steps forward, trying to control his trembling as he sets the haunch down and retreats, shaking.

[19:16] [ST] Stomp does not reply. The beast edges forward, bending its massive muzzle low to nudge at the haunch. It devours it with one massive gulp. Bones snap again, and Greta rocks back and forth on her knees.

[19:17] [ST] The Dog lifts its head, running its eyes across the crowd, and then rears back, howling.

[19:17] [ST] The crowd staggers back. Glass breaks all across town. All five of the Emerald's pregnant women miscarry at the same time. A thick green patina forms over every piece of copper.

[19:17] [ST] The Dog is not pleased.

[19:18] [Miruna] He edges towards Avir, moving slowly, trying not to provoke it. "Do we have any chance at killing it?" he mutters to him.

[19:19] [Avir] "A chance," he acknowledges. Especially with Stomp and the other. But risky, very risky. "Not without losing someone, most like."

[19:20] [Miruna] It was large, strong, and fast, but that alone they could handle. Probably. But it obviously had some magic about it as well, and he knew nothing of that.

[19:20] [Avir] "It must be controlled somehow. It should have been placated."

[19:20] [ST] "Meat," the dog says, taking a step towards the once dead. Earthworms squirm in its muddy fur. "Give us meat."

[19:20] [Avir] "....We gave you meet," Avir says in Old Realm.

[19:20] [Miruna] "Can you placate it, get it to leave here?" He didn't see how that was going to happen.

[19:20] [ST] "Meat..." another voice hisses, and another dog materializes behind the first. "Give us."

[19:20] [Avir] Shit. Shit.

[19:21] [ST] "Give us the sweet meat," the Dogs growl. "The Sweet."

[19:21] [ST] "Yessss"

[19:21] [ST] "Give us-"

[19:21] [Miruna] He waves at Elk, top send him back to the kitchens. Another haunch might hold them for a time, or appease them somewhat.

[19:21] [Avir] Heron. Fuck.

[19:21] [ST] "The Meat-"

[19:21] [ST] "Give us."

[19:21] [Avir] "He must have been feeding them the drugs. How many, Stomp?" Avir growls.

[19:22] [ST] "Just see these two."

[19:24] [ST] "I'll give you something, you bastards!" A woman, shrieking in rage. Selza.

[19:24] [Miruna] Adrenaline is pumping through him, preparing him to die well. He wished he had found time to repaint his armor, still scraped and chipped from the wolfmen. His helmet muffled his panting breath.

[19:25] [Avir] "I'm going to try to banish them- dammit!"

[19:26] [Avir] "Help her!" He couldn't stop the demons from battling anyway- let them indulge their bloodlust and thank him from it.

[19:26] [ST] Selza stands at the edge of the crowd, her spear held high, a look of utter hatred in her eyes. A bearded man springs from the crowd to grab her, dragging her backwards. The Dogs chuff bemusedly.

[19:26] [ST] "The meat..." one moans. "Last chance. Don't fail us..."

[19:26] [ST] "like the feathered man"

[19:26] [Avir] The smell of rotting meat permeates the air almost overpoweringly.

[19:27] [ST] "The meat."

[19:27] [Miruna] He takes a step forward, misunderstanding Avir's intention, but the other man saved him, saved them all from joining battle.

[19:27] [Avir] He wondered who had stolen Grond's heroin as he begins to chant, arms raised and fingers twisted into gestures of banishment.

[19:27] [Miruna] "Should we send for Cadda and whatever is left of her supply?"

[19:28] [Avir] Avir squeezes his eyes shut and nods. A slight wind raises around him, whipping up dust and pelting the Dogs with small pebbles.

[19:28] [ST] "Give usss...."

[19:32] [Miruna] Seeing the nod, he turns to the nearest townsman. "Run, get to the guildwoman, and tell her to give us all the herion she can."

[19:32] [Avir] "Run to the meeting hall!" he shouts to the others as the wind breaks useless against the elemental's power. "It's safe!"

[19:33] [ST] The Dog lowers its head, taking a step or two towards Avir. "Meat- give us-"

[19:33] [ST] "The sweet-" the other Dog says, clawing at the earth.

[19:33] [ST] "Last chance-"

[19:34] [ST] "These fucking things don't make any sense," Leopard snaps.

[19:34] [ST] The townsman races away, but whether he'll actually stop at Cadda's wagon is anyone's guess.

[19:35] [Miruna] The crowd was ragged, but circled the scene. For many, the Dogs were between them and the warded building. The Ravens would need to hold the Dogs off them, for even half those gathered to reach safety. "Hold them!" he yells to the other Dead.

[19:35] [Avir] "Stomp- materialize," Avir grounds out, drawing his sword.

[19:36] [Miruna] He steps forward dramatically, true to his words, drawing his shield tight, flourishing the mace.

[19:43] [Avir] Stomp materializes with a putrid smell at one side of a Dog. Blood drips from his paws and the blood ape grins, loose-jawed. On the Dog's other side materializes the female blood ape. It snorts, sneezes, and digs in the ground. "Unbroken Earth," she mutters. "I'll break you."

[19:45] [Miruna] "Wha- more of them?" he asks, taken aback. And more disgusting as well. His nose wrinkles at the stench.

[19:46] [Avir] Stomp hoots, beating his chest. His fur is matted and foul. "They're with us," Avir says, eyes narrowed.

[19:46] [ST] The Dogs slaver, pacing back and forth as they contemplate the meals before them.