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Latest revision as of 07:42, 22 March 2009

Name: Summer Sky (son of Summer Hunt (daughter of Hunted Stag) and Sunning Cat)

Concept: Tribal warrior, last of his family, escaping retribution for his revenge.

Motivation: Fame, fortune and the restoration of his family's honor.

WP: 7

Essence: 1


Strength ****

Dexterity ****

Stamina ***

Charisma ****

Manipulation *

Appearance **

Perception ***

Intelligence *

Wits **



Melee ***** (Axe **)


War ***

Resistance ****

Athletics ****


Awareness ***

Perform *** (Boasting *)

Presence ***

Socialize *

Stealth ***

Survival **

Craft (Wood) *


Skytongue (Tribal Dialect *)


Resources **** (Resources and investments inherited from his family.)

Backing *

Contacts * (Hawk A-wing, eldest daughter of the Chief of the Bull Seal tribe hates him, but owes him her life, after a duel.)

Mentor *** (Snowshine)


Compassion ***

Conviction *

Temperance *

Valor ****


Perfect Axe (Spring): Speed 4 Rate 3 Accuracy +3 Damage +5L Defense -1

Attack Pool: 14d Damage: +9dL

The sun returns triumphant to the sky in spring.

Exceptional Reinforced Buff Jacket: Soak 6L/+9B(12) Mobility: -1 Fatigue: 2

Defense: Parry 6 (5 vs ranged)

Thick cured animal skin cloak and clothes, reinforced by both metal and boiled leather plates, and occasional mail (although none of the metal is anywhere where it would normally come into skin contact).

Essence Fire-Sword: Spd 4 Acc+3 Damage *Variable, depends on successes* Defense +2 Rate 3

Attack Pool: 11d Parry stays the same

A golden hilt with a button and a hold where the blade appears. Came with batteries containing some finite amount of essence. Note: Toy.

Buckler (+1 defense vs. hand to hand)

Pot Helm

Skinning Knives

Ale, for personal use and offerings to Snowshine

Other Offerings (Bone carvings to be snapped, dried meat)


Survival gear, grease for cold protection

Earring-relic for communication with Snowshine

Changing color hair ribbon. He sifts through the dresses, too bulky to take, and some too loud. One of them catches his eye, shimmering between a pale blue, icy white and occasionally flowing stark red. He rips a strip, somewhat uniform, from its hem, winding it into his hair.

Fiery red silk wall hanging strip, and 'Searching about in the closet, Summer uncovers a scarf the bright yellow of Sol Invictus at his Zenith. Sewn into it is an opalescent gem the size of his thumb.'


Young, tall, lean, and strong (and clean shaven, for contrast :p). He has haphazardly braided dirty blonde hair, stuck through with occasional ornaments and ribbons depending on his mood.

Like any sensible Haslanti tribesman, he is well protected against the cold, with layers of wool, hides, thick gloves, thicker socks and a multitude of colored scarves to tie round any place letting in a cold breeze.

His buckler rests on a hook at his hip when not in use, and his axe strapped to his back. He wears a collection of carved wooden fetishes hanging from leather thongs on his other hip, crude faces of the warriors he has killed (in battle only, NOT those who he burned to death in the night). Currently there are sixteen.


Summer grew up in a powerful family of the Split-striped Moose. He was a younger son, and joined the tribe's warriors at a very young age, quickly gaining a reputation as an able fighter, if not the least impulsive. He has participated in one large battle, and a number of raids, both in protection of his tribe and against others, as well as a few honor duels, some to the death.

Two years ago, his family's matriarch and her retinue died when her hunting party ran into another poaching on tribe land. Other accidents befell his oldest sister, and some of his more distant relatives. The family drew together, worried at their ill-fortune, and one night masked warriors raided their tents, killing all those they could. It was a night raid, and other tents were hit, but none were killed outside of his clan, and little damage done besides. They had gotten past the lax tribe sentries, and with surprise and the night, they managed to do their work and escape without revealing themselves.

Summer and his sister Hunting Lynx survived, and suspected a rival family, although nothing could be proved. Snowshine goaded them into exacting revenge soon after, while the tribe was still observing mourning for the dead. They attacked the suspect family's tents at night, killing some guards and setting fire to three tents, killing two children, a nursemaid, and an honored warrior. Lynx died that night, and Summer escaped. He ran from the camp, and made it to a city ahead of pursuit. He joined the Once Dead to save himself from the tribe's retribution, the Split-striped Moose unable to overcome the law of the Once Dead when they arrived behind him.

Depending on who is asked, his deed was either brave and well done, or foolhardy and despicable. Still he has fierce enemies and few staunch enough to be called friends in the Moose.


Snowshine was, and is, the god of blinding reflections off of snow and ice. He used to be a minor god prayed to when travelling or hunting. When the Immaculate Order came, destroying sacred places and humiliating the gods, he was one who hid, binding himself to a family, promising them divine protection and guidance in exchange for eternal worship, devotion, and secrecy.

Various heads of the family payed him more or less heed, but all performed at least sporadic trivial sacrifices to Snowshine. Over time, due to his counsel and protection he would say, the family grew in standing within their tribe, even having two chieftans and one tribe dreamseer over the years.

Now that the family is dead, he has only Summer to keep his observance, and to meddle with, both things he is very concerned about. He wishes to guide Summer to restore his family, so to win glory, win a wife, and have many children. He plies the boy with promises of great fame and forune, and spurs him to protect his family's honor. He is perhaps a bit ambitious, and does not recognize his ward's limitations, but he does care about him.