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Death That Lingers



Name:		Death That Lingers	Concept:	Fallen Shaman
Player:		Nick			Nature:		Scholar
Caste:		Daybreak		Anima:		Gaping Maw

Strength	***	Charisma	***	Perception	***
Dexterity	****	Manipulation	***	Intelligence	*****
Stamina		**	Appearance		Wits		***

+Archery	****	Endurance		+Craft		
Brawl			Performance		+Investigation	*
Martial Arts		+Presence	**	+Lore		***
Melee			Resistance		+Medicine	**
Thrown			Survival		+Occult		*****

+Athletics	***	Bureaucracy		
Awareness	*	Linguistics	**	
+Dodge		****	Ride		*	
Larceny			Sail			
Stealth		****	Socialize	

Artifact	***	Flitting Shadow Form	FiveFold Shadow Form	[Dodge]
Liege		***	Flesh Mending Discipline       	[Medicine]
Manse		**	Crypt Bolt			[Lore]
Necromancy	*****	Shadowlands Circle		[Occult]
UnderworldManse	**	Labyrinth Circle
			Terrestrial Circle
-- VIRTUES --		Celestial Circle
Compassion	*	
Conviction	***	-- Sorcery --
Temperance	***	Iron Countermagic           |   Mercury's Deliverence
Valor		**	Onyx Countermagic           |   Impenetrable Frost Barrier
			Hungry Creeping Shadow      |
-- OTHER --		Raise Skeletal Horde        |
Willpower	6	Call Greater Servitor       |
Essence		*****	Ivory Razor Forest          |
Essence Pool	21/39	Reaping the Fallen          |
Committed	11	Sting of the Ice Hornet     |
Experience      18?

-- COMBAT --
Base Initiative:	7
Dodge Pool:		6
Soak:			9L/7B - No armor 3L/3B
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Bare Fist Speed 7 Accuracy 4 Damage 3B Defense 4
Kick Speed 4 Accuracy 3 Damage 5B Defense 3

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