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#REDIRECT [[DarkheartOne/IdeaDump]]
Things have settled some, and the sun is slowly sinking into the west. Interestingly enough, this seems to be the best time for fishing, and numerous boats are out on the waters outside the ports of Solace. It was something watching them all file through the bottleneck, and one can imagine what it'll be like later.
Still, it's perhaps one of the few 'real' images one has seen of Solace life, and a throwback to the days when the place was but a sleepy village known for its excellent fish and tea...
... and then a column of water shoots fifteen feet into the sky with a chest-shaking crack. The alchemists busy testing samples of imported firedust grin as they watch a startled fisherman pitch headlong into the water. Needless to say, they begin to prepare the next sample for 'testing'.
<Dyna> Hey!  Be careful with that!  You could hurt somebody!
Dyna shakes an angry fist at the alchemists.
<Tian> I think that's the idea, eventually.
Tian seems to have appeared behind Dyna from out of thin air.
<Dyna> ... Eventually, yes.  But not hapless fishermen.
Deis sighs as he watches the alchemists, wringing out his hair from being splashed. "They're like children..."
Laranth, standing near Dyna, shrugs. "It seems a waste of human life and firedust to me. We <b>know</b> perfectly well that it explodes."
<Dyna> What I've read indicates that it's more destructive underwater than on dry land.
A passing firewand scout sighs, pausing to replace and relight one of the torches lining the coast that the splash doused. That done, he resumes eyeballing the alchemists from his post.
Rio sighs a bit as she watches the testing, and hops from one boat to another with weightless steps, reaching the one of the fallen fisheman and helping him up.
<Dyna> Water is a better medium for vibrations than air.
<Laranth> That doesn't make it worth studying, though. There have to be better things to be worried about.
Tian pauses and nods. Without warning, his foot lifts up almost 180 degrees, slamming down on the dock. The wooden planks ripple upward in a straight line, like a wave heading.. directly for the alchemists. "I've found that vibrations work almost everywhere, myself."
The remaining firedust, in a padded container, lands on the dock without incident. The alchemists themselves end up in the water in a hurry.
<Dyna> ... enjoying yourself?
<Rio> --come on, cut it out!
<Laranth> -- hm! Nice work. That should take care of them for a while.
Dyna glances over her shoulder at Tian.
Deis rushes over to the dock's edge, looking out to the water. "Are you sirs alright?!"
Tian raises an eyebrow. "Not particularly. But it should curtail their arrogance before it grows larger."
One pops up, spitting water. The other soon follows, sputtering, and glares at Deis. "... do we look alright? Help us out, boy!"
Laranth nods. "And that's better than anything more drastic. Besides, I suspect the Guild would have things to say to us about anything more serious."
<Tian> ..And besides, they had it coming.
Rio groans, and looks at the fisherman she pulled out of the water. "Might as well recall the ships. The explosion probably scared the fish away... sorry about that." That said, she proceeds to jump her way back to the dock!
<Dyna> Well, yes.  Somebody needed to reign them in.
Laranth glances towards Rio. "Have it all taken care of?"
The fisherman seems fine, if upset. "It's fine, missy..."
Deis throws one of the poor Alchemists a rope, bracing himself on one of the dock supports so the poor sod can pull himself in
<Dyna> ... and I guess you of all people know when it's safe to do what.
Dyna smiles a little at Tian.
Tian just nods, arms crossed as he watches the alchemists get out of the harbor the hard way.
... and up come the other two as well, their expensive-looking robes soaked through with seawater. Having gotten a good hint of who did that... they just give him dirty looks, scoop up the firedust canister and scuttle towards the town proper.
Tian gives the trio a two-fingered wave as they make their retreat.
Deis blinks a bit, laughing as they run off.
As for the fishermen... they seem to not have stopped just yet. No, not even explosions get in the way of the quest for dinner.
Rio patpats Deis on the back. "Not bad." Then she glances in the fishermen direction. "... well, catching will be easier with no explosions."
<Dyna> Well, not really.
<Laranth> I imagine they'll do all right.
<Dyna> Underwater explosions kill lots of fish really easily... I imagine they'll find quite a catch just floating around, waiting to be scooped up.
<Rio> ... yeah, torn to pieces.
<Laranth> .. I don't know, isn't food-scavenging a rather poor idea? At home, at least, you're best to let anything too bad for the crows lie.
Deis blushes a bit, sinking his head into his tunic. "Umm... thank you... but I just did what was right... helping them was right."
<Laranth> And, yes, firedust isn't gentle.
<Tian> Regardless, those three won't be back.
<Rio> Well, what now?
<Dyna> As far as the plan goes, I'm all set on my end.
<Laranth> I was about to ask.
Tian glances between Laranth and Dyna. "Did you get what I sent you?"
And then something... odd happens. In the distance, from the direction of the everpresent Imperial Mountain, there is a shape that differentiates itself from the horizon. Tiny, right now, but it's approaching with surprising speed, judging by how much is steadily grows.
Rio ... blinks a bit, and narrows her eyes, glancing towards the distance...
Deis narrows his eyes, lookinig at one of the dock hands. "Sir....do you have a...umm, what is it... spyglass, I think?
Rio looks towards her ship. "WEST!"
<Dyna> Yes, it's quite sufficient.
<Dyna> ... eh?
Laranth turns west. "... well. It would have been nice to have been told about any of this. And yes, I got it."
Dyna turns and looks, adjusting her glasss to focus on the incoming object.
West peeks out of the crow's nest. "Hoi!"
<Laranth> If it's what I think it is.
Rio points in the direction of the incoming object. "Heads up!"
<Deis> What is it?!
Tian nods, and then glances in the direction that Rio indicates.
<Laranth> .. would someone mind explaining what's going on?
<Rio> I intend to find out...
West pauses, then groans audibly and digs out a spyglass. "... ship. Sails. Big one. Can't see the banners yet, but it's moving like hell's on its heels."
<Laranth> Because... well. This all spells trouble.
<Rio> ... Hmm.
Rio ... licks a finger, and raises it into the sky to test the wind. The wind's not all that strong.
<Dyna> ...
Dyna hurries onto Rio's ship, runner over to Deis and West. "Let me see!"
<Rio> ... it should not be moving that fast. Some sort of charm, spell, or something else... get those fishermen to pull back in! I don't like this...
<Laranth> Oh? I did think it was fast, but I don't know anything about this sort of thing.
<Rio> West! Spyglass!
West hucks it down to Rio. "Thereyago, lady. Don't break it!"
Rio snatches it out of midair, and takes a look at the ship.
Dyna runs to Rio's side, glancing eagerly between the spyglass and the approaching ship.
Tian stands back a bit, waiting.
Laranth looks from the ship to Rio and back, starting to look a little anxious.
Rio... sees basically the same thing West saw, perhaps a bit more. To her comfort, there are indeed sails.
Deis yawns a bit, sitting down at the docks, looking back at Rio.
Rio frowns, offering the spyglass over her shoulder at whomever wants it. "It doesn't have a banner that I can see... how is it moving so fast?"
Dyna quickly nabs the spyglass and focuss it on the approaching ship.
Dyna sees about as much as Rio and West did. Tian, even without the spyglass, closes the distance from eye to object with essence. It is indeed a ship, and a finely-made one at that. The contents are unknown, but it bears a curious banner: a single ink-black rose wrapped around the circular mon of House Tepet.
Tian chokes on something.
<Rio> .. what?
Rio blinks at Tian
<Laranth> What is it?
<Dyna> ... it's Dragonbloods, isn't it?
"Dragonbloods?" Deis' voice holds an air of question in it.
<Tian> It's.. Tepet Ejava. The Roseblack.
<Rio> ...
Deis blinks. "Umm... who is that?"
<Rio> ... a... very, very famous warrior of the Realm... what the <b>hell</b> is she doing all the way over here?
Tian just rubs his temples in clockwise motions.
Laranth 's face falls. "They've sent the <b>Roseblack</b>."
<Dyna> ... I really hope this is just a coincidence.
<Tian> No such thing.
Deis still gives a blank stare, finally snapping to "And... she is a bad person to be around right?"
<Laranth> Hope for a coincidence, prepare for an attack.
<Rio> ... no, with a single ship?
Laranth shrugs. "I would rather estimate things as worse than they are and be pleasantly surprised. And with the Roseblack... well."
Deis pauses a moment to ponder what was said. "Wait... wait... an attack! We have to tell people!"
Rio shakes her head. "... an attacking force would be at least half a dozen ships. She's... a legend, yes, but there's no need to be foolhardy."
<Tian> She's not assigned to anything at the moment. It could be a resupply.
<Dyna> She's not going to be in a good mood.
<Rio> ... eh?
<Dyna> She's been through two unsuccessful courtships lately.
<Rio> ... oh.
<Rio> ... Deis, tell the dockmaster that a Realm ship is approaching fast.
<Laranth> .. hm. Well, look, I'm not saying we wait here with ammunition, just that we be careful.
Deis does as asked, running to get the dockmaster and warn him
<Dyna> I don't think direct confrontation is a good idea, either.
The dockmaster already seems to notice, as the ship has somehow picked up speed, tearing towards the dock. Ships try to move out of the way... which isn't a problem, as a powerful wind basically shoves them aside. Thankfully, none capsize.
<Laranth> If we can avoid it, I'd like to. Direct confrontation... well, if we win, they'll send more and better. If we lose, nothing good comes of it.
<Rio> ... it's moving too fast.
<Dyna> ... what the hell is she doing?!
<Rio> I don't know if a charm can stop it... clear the docks!
Laranth takes Rio's word for it, moving back away from the docks at a brisk speed.  "Right, right, let's go..."
Rio dashes towards her own ship.
Dyna starts running after Laranth, holding her hat onto her head with one hand.
The soldiers themselves act as Rio speaks, and people start to withdraw; those fishermen just coming back with their evening catch hustle. The vessel, blowing past a shrimping boat, weaves into the bottleneck, scraping one of the manmade 'caltrops' before it comes to a sudden, hard stop, practically skating along the water. It even lowers; whatever magic was carrying must have been holding it above the water.
Tian idly puts his hood up over his head, moving back with Laranth and Dyna.
Rio <b>stares</b> at the ship as it comes to a stop. "... I have to learn to do that."
The dockmaster looks at Deis. "Mn. I'll muster the rest of the gunners. You go somewhere safe, boyo." And off he goes, grabbing a bugle on the way out of his post. As for the ship...
... it has a small detachment of Legion troops on it, all of them looking haggard and injured. Even still, they quickly begin to haul cargo off of the ship and toss it to the docks as fast as they can. Because much of the rear of the ship is gone. It appears to have been either torn or bitten off.
Deis grimaces a little and runs back to the others.
Rio ... blinks at that, and then dashes back into the docks. "... whoa... what the hell..."
<Dyna> ... okay.  My guess is that they met up with our 'guests'.
Laranth turns and frowns. ".. this is an unpleasant turn of events."
<Tian> ... maybe they wore each other out?
<Dyna> We can only hope they're in the same shape, yes.
<Rio> That-- gods, Exalted on board or not, I'm surprised the ship made it here.
Rio ... heads over towards the legionnaires!
<Laranth> Even with Exalts on board, they'll need help getting back out of the docks, would be my guess.
<Dyna> Ask them what happened!  See what you can find out!
<Rio> If it doesn't sink first!
Dyna waves at Rio as she heads for the legionares.
Tian follows behind and just to the right of Rio, adjusting his hood.
Laranth hangs back, watching Rio and Tian intently.
Soon enough, the soldiers themselves start to abandon the slowly-sinking (odd, that; more magic?) ship.  As Rio approaches, they give her a wary look; the man who's apparently their commander steps forward. "Helping or here to gawk?"
Rio gazes towards her ship, puts a couple of fingers on her lips, and gives a sharp whistle, before gazing at the man. "Helping. What happened?"
Tian immediately heads onto the ship, as if following Rio's command, to help unload the ship as quickly as possible. He'll also keep an ear open to catch anything the crew says.
"... heh. Jenkins, you still got it?" 'Jenkins' comes through the crowd. He promptly drops an ivory-white, serrated chunk of enamel shaped much like a shark's tooth if it were three feet long. Rio's men gawk at the massive tooth as they move to help unload as well; Tian can feel the eyes of soldiers on him.
Dyna hangs back, pulling the rim of her hat down to help conceal her face... content to watch from a distance for now.
<Rio> ... shit. Only one?
Tian ignores their gazes, slowing pace to merge with Rio's crew and blend in.
Rio reaches down to grab the tooth and pull it up, staring at it.
"Mn. Wyld things jumped the ship. We handled them, but then that thing hit the ship. The sorceror pulled some miracle out of his ass, kept us from sinking." Rio can see her reflection in it; it's a perfect specimen of lethality. Tian... can hear coughing. Wet coughing. He can also soon see the source as three Dynasts rise from belowdeck.
Rio shakes her head. "... amazing. Are you the captain then?"
Tian hefts a crate and then passes it off to a crewmember, watching the three.
"HAH! Like hell! The General is. Over 'ere." Pretty much everyone can see the tallish woman with impressively flowing red hair and greenish skin, flanked by a robed man (who's coughing into a bloody rag) and a solid-looking beast of a woman in white-jade plate. The redhead... is unarmed and unarmored.
Rio ... stares at the woman in the middle. "... Is... is that..." she points towards the ship's banner.
The commander simply grins as the trio leave the ship and pass on by Rio. As soon as the man's feet leave the ship, it lurches and begins to sink much faster.
<Deis> There's not anyone else on there is there?
Tian blinks and picks up three heavy-looking crates, hefting them easily and making good time off the sinking ship.
Rio wavers a bit in place. "... whoa..." she shakes her head. "What's wrong with the robed man?"
Deis' comment gets the attention of the brick of a woman in plate, and she whips out a daiklave as wide as Deis' torso in an instant. "Friend or foe?!" She practically bellows. Her redhead accomplice... sighs.
Laranth winces, but he doesn't move.
"Used some crazy miracle to keep the ship going, twice. I think it took a pretty big toll on him... and you better go introduce yourself. Ixili over there's one to behead first and ask questions fifth." The mortal commander nudges Rio along.
Dyna grips Wizard's Wrath tightly as she watches Deis.
Tian heads over to Dyna, Deis, and Laranth after setting his crates down.
Rio ... frowns a bit, and steps forward. "There's no need for that! Please put your weapon down."
Deis pales a little at the voice. "F-friend... I hope. I was just asking if there was anyone who needed help that was still on there."
"I will not stand down until I know your intenti---" A hand from the woman who is apparently the Roseblack shuts her up, and she grudgingly sheathes her weapon. "The ship is empty. The Roseblack does not waste troops needlessly."
<Rio> We saw the ship approaching fast... so fast we feared it was going to smash into the docks. We aren't a menace... we are here to help.
... and then she speaks. Softly, but there's an obvious edge of power in her voice. "Please forgive my bodyguard. She is... fervent. And if you wish to help, I only ask that you tell those who ask that I was not here."
Tian hovers off to the side, silent.
Rio ... grins a bit. "I don't think that'd be a problem, ma'am."
She eyes the others, seeming to commit their faces to memory. She pauses upon seeing Dyna, only to continue onward, her guards following (and coughing) along. The Legion troops remain, sorting out the good from the ship... and eyeing their 'General' as she is escorted off towards a waiting group of Guild soldiers.
Dyna keeps her face covered as best she can with her hat.
Laranth glances towards the Guild group, still silent.
<Dyna> ... I don't like that look she gave me.
Deis looks up at Dyna. "Why is that?"
Mostly gunners, but they're at ease. To the rear is... Henpin, and she quickly catches up to the group and escorts the wood-blooded along. She's chattering cheerily for as long as the group can see them leaving the dock.
<Dyna> I just don't.
<Laranth> Leave it be for now.
<Rio> ... Hmm.
Rio glances towards the sinking ship, and then steps next to Tian. "... well... I'd say there are a few more fighting hands now..."
<Tian> Quite so.
Dyna turns and starting walking away, keeping one eye on the Dynasts as she makes her exit.
Tian heads off towards the town proper, waving over his shoulder. "I'll modify my plans and send them to all of you."
Laranth waits for a moment, watching, before turning. "... yes, could someone send me the plans this time?"
<Rio> ... eh? ... oh, yeah, sure...
Rio steps towards Laranth, hands behind her back. "Somewhere more quiet would work better, I think..."
<Laranth> Right. Shall we?
Rio nods, leading Laranth back to her ship
Laranth follows, head down, apparently in thought.
* back to [[/RisingForce|Rising Force]]

Revision as of 19:47, 9 February 2006

Things have settled some, and the sun is slowly sinking into the west. Interestingly enough, this seems to be the best time for fishing, and numerous boats are out on the waters outside the ports of Solace. It was something watching them all file through the bottleneck, and one can imagine what it'll be like later.

Still, it's perhaps one of the few 'real' images one has seen of Solace life, and a throwback to the days when the place was but a sleepy village known for its excellent fish and tea...

... and then a column of water shoots fifteen feet into the sky with a chest-shaking crack. The alchemists busy testing samples of imported firedust grin as they watch a startled fisherman pitch headlong into the water. Needless to say, they begin to prepare the next sample for 'testing'.

<Dyna> Hey! Be careful with that! You could hurt somebody!

Dyna shakes an angry fist at the alchemists.

<Tian> I think that's the idea, eventually.

Tian seems to have appeared behind Dyna from out of thin air.

<Dyna> ... Eventually, yes. But not hapless fishermen.

Deis sighs as he watches the alchemists, wringing out his hair from being splashed. "They're like children..."

Laranth, standing near Dyna, shrugs. "It seems a waste of human life and firedust to me. We know perfectly well that it explodes."

<Dyna> What I've read indicates that it's more destructive underwater than on dry land.

A passing firewand scout sighs, pausing to replace and relight one of the torches lining the coast that the splash doused. That done, he resumes eyeballing the alchemists from his post.

Rio sighs a bit as she watches the testing, and hops from one boat to another with weightless steps, reaching the one of the fallen fisheman and helping him up.

<Dyna> Water is a better medium for vibrations than air.

<Laranth> That doesn't make it worth studying, though. There have to be better things to be worried about.

Tian pauses and nods. Without warning, his foot lifts up almost 180 degrees, slamming down on the dock. The wooden planks ripple upward in a straight line, like a wave heading.. directly for the alchemists. "I've found that vibrations work almost everywhere, myself."

The remaining firedust, in a padded container, lands on the dock without incident. The alchemists themselves end up in the water in a hurry.

<Dyna> ... enjoying yourself?

<Rio> --come on, cut it out!

<Laranth> -- hm! Nice work. That should take care of them for a while.

Dyna glances over her shoulder at Tian.

Deis rushes over to the dock's edge, looking out to the water. "Are you sirs alright?!"

Tian raises an eyebrow. "Not particularly. But it should curtail their arrogance before it grows larger."

One pops up, spitting water. The other soon follows, sputtering, and glares at Deis. "... do we look alright? Help us out, boy!"

Laranth nods. "And that's better than anything more drastic. Besides, I suspect the Guild would have things to say to us about anything more serious."

<Tian> ..And besides, they had it coming.

Rio groans, and looks at the fisherman she pulled out of the water. "Might as well recall the ships. The explosion probably scared the fish away... sorry about that." That said, she proceeds to jump her way back to the dock!

<Dyna> Well, yes. Somebody needed to reign them in.

Laranth glances towards Rio. "Have it all taken care of?"

The fisherman seems fine, if upset. "It's fine, missy..."

Deis throws one of the poor Alchemists a rope, bracing himself on one of the dock supports so the poor sod can pull himself in

<Dyna> ... and I guess you of all people know when it's safe to do what.

Dyna smiles a little at Tian.

Tian just nods, arms crossed as he watches the alchemists get out of the harbor the hard way.

... and up come the other two as well, their expensive-looking robes soaked through with seawater. Having gotten a good hint of who did that... they just give him dirty looks, scoop up the firedust canister and scuttle towards the town proper.

Tian gives the trio a two-fingered wave as they make their retreat.

Deis blinks a bit, laughing as they run off.

As for the fishermen... they seem to not have stopped just yet. No, not even explosions get in the way of the quest for dinner.

Rio patpats Deis on the back. "Not bad." Then she glances in the fishermen direction. "... well, catching will be easier with no explosions."

<Dyna> Well, not really.

<Laranth> I imagine they'll do all right.

<Dyna> Underwater explosions kill lots of fish really easily... I imagine they'll find quite a catch just floating around, waiting to be scooped up.

<Rio> ... yeah, torn to pieces.

<Laranth> .. I don't know, isn't food-scavenging a rather poor idea? At home, at least, you're best to let anything too bad for the crows lie.

Deis blushes a bit, sinking his head into his tunic. "Umm... thank you... but I just did what was right... helping them was right."

<Laranth> And, yes, firedust isn't gentle.

<Tian> Regardless, those three won't be back.

<Rio> Well, what now?

<Dyna> As far as the plan goes, I'm all set on my end.

<Laranth> I was about to ask.

Tian glances between Laranth and Dyna. "Did you get what I sent you?"

And then something... odd happens. In the distance, from the direction of the everpresent Imperial Mountain, there is a shape that differentiates itself from the horizon. Tiny, right now, but it's approaching with surprising speed, judging by how much is steadily grows.

Rio ... blinks a bit, and narrows her eyes, glancing towards the distance...

Deis narrows his eyes, lookinig at one of the dock hands. "Sir....do you have a...umm, what is it... spyglass, I think?

Rio looks towards her ship. "WEST!"

<Dyna> Yes, it's quite sufficient.

<Dyna> ... eh?

Laranth turns west. "... well. It would have been nice to have been told about any of this. And yes, I got it."

Dyna turns and looks, adjusting her glasss to focus on the incoming object.

West peeks out of the crow's nest. "Hoi!"

<Laranth> If it's what I think it is.

Rio points in the direction of the incoming object. "Heads up!"

<Deis> What is it?!

Tian nods, and then glances in the direction that Rio indicates.

<Laranth> .. would someone mind explaining what's going on?

<Rio> I intend to find out...

West pauses, then groans audibly and digs out a spyglass. "... ship. Sails. Big one. Can't see the banners yet, but it's moving like hell's on its heels."

<Laranth> Because... well. This all spells trouble.

<Rio> ... Hmm.

Rio ... licks a finger, and raises it into the sky to test the wind. The wind's not all that strong.

<Dyna> ...

Dyna hurries onto Rio's ship, runner over to Deis and West. "Let me see!"

<Rio> ... it should not be moving that fast. Some sort of charm, spell, or something else... get those fishermen to pull back in! I don't like this...

<Laranth> Oh? I did think it was fast, but I don't know anything about this sort of thing.

<Rio> West! Spyglass!

West hucks it down to Rio. "Thereyago, lady. Don't break it!"

Rio snatches it out of midair, and takes a look at the ship.

Dyna runs to Rio's side, glancing eagerly between the spyglass and the approaching ship.

Tian stands back a bit, waiting.

Laranth looks from the ship to Rio and back, starting to look a little anxious.

Rio... sees basically the same thing West saw, perhaps a bit more. To her comfort, there are indeed sails.

Deis yawns a bit, sitting down at the docks, looking back at Rio.

Rio frowns, offering the spyglass over her shoulder at whomever wants it. "It doesn't have a banner that I can see... how is it moving so fast?"

Dyna quickly nabs the spyglass and focuss it on the approaching ship.

Dyna sees about as much as Rio and West did. Tian, even without the spyglass, closes the distance from eye to object with essence. It is indeed a ship, and a finely-made one at that. The contents are unknown, but it bears a curious banner: a single ink-black rose wrapped around the circular mon of House Tepet.

Tian chokes on something.

<Rio> .. what?

Rio blinks at Tian

<Laranth> What is it?

<Dyna> ... it's Dragonbloods, isn't it?

"Dragonbloods?" Deis' voice holds an air of question in it.

<Tian> It's.. Tepet Ejava. The Roseblack.

<Rio> ...

Deis blinks. "Umm... who is that?"

<Rio> ... a... very, very famous warrior of the Realm... what the hell is she doing all the way over here?

Tian just rubs his temples in clockwise motions.

Laranth 's face falls. "They've sent the Roseblack."

<Dyna> ... I really hope this is just a coincidence.

<Tian> No such thing.

Deis still gives a blank stare, finally snapping to "And... she is a bad person to be around right?"

<Laranth> Hope for a coincidence, prepare for an attack.

<Rio> ... no, with a single ship?

Laranth shrugs. "I would rather estimate things as worse than they are and be pleasantly surprised. And with the Roseblack... well."

Deis pauses a moment to ponder what was said. "Wait... wait... an attack! We have to tell people!"

Rio shakes her head. "... an attacking force would be at least half a dozen ships. She's... a legend, yes, but there's no need to be foolhardy."

<Tian> She's not assigned to anything at the moment. It could be a resupply.

<Dyna> She's not going to be in a good mood.

<Rio> ... eh?

<Dyna> She's been through two unsuccessful courtships lately.

<Rio> ... oh.

<Rio> ... Deis, tell the dockmaster that a Realm ship is approaching fast.

<Laranth> .. hm. Well, look, I'm not saying we wait here with ammunition, just that we be careful.

Deis does as asked, running to get the dockmaster and warn him

<Dyna> I don't think direct confrontation is a good idea, either.

The dockmaster already seems to notice, as the ship has somehow picked up speed, tearing towards the dock. Ships try to move out of the way... which isn't a problem, as a powerful wind basically shoves them aside. Thankfully, none capsize.

<Laranth> If we can avoid it, I'd like to. Direct confrontation... well, if we win, they'll send more and better. If we lose, nothing good comes of it.

<Rio> ... it's moving too fast.

<Dyna> ... what the hell is she doing?!

<Rio> I don't know if a charm can stop it... clear the docks!

Laranth takes Rio's word for it, moving back away from the docks at a brisk speed. "Right, right, let's go..."

Rio dashes towards her own ship.

Dyna starts running after Laranth, holding her hat onto her head with one hand.

The soldiers themselves act as Rio speaks, and people start to withdraw; those fishermen just coming back with their evening catch hustle. The vessel, blowing past a shrimping boat, weaves into the bottleneck, scraping one of the manmade 'caltrops' before it comes to a sudden, hard stop, practically skating along the water. It even lowers; whatever magic was carrying must have been holding it above the water.

Tian idly puts his hood up over his head, moving back with Laranth and Dyna.

Rio stares at the ship as it comes to a stop. "... I have to learn to do that."

The dockmaster looks at Deis. "Mn. I'll muster the rest of the gunners. You go somewhere safe, boyo." And off he goes, grabbing a bugle on the way out of his post. As for the ship...

... it has a small detachment of Legion troops on it, all of them looking haggard and injured. Even still, they quickly begin to haul cargo off of the ship and toss it to the docks as fast as they can. Because much of the rear of the ship is gone. It appears to have been either torn or bitten off.

Deis grimaces a little and runs back to the others.

Rio ... blinks at that, and then dashes back into the docks. "... whoa... what the hell..."

<Dyna> ... okay. My guess is that they met up with our 'guests'.

Laranth turns and frowns. ".. this is an unpleasant turn of events."

<Tian> ... maybe they wore each other out?

<Dyna> We can only hope they're in the same shape, yes.

<Rio> That-- gods, Exalted on board or not, I'm surprised the ship made it here.

Rio ... heads over towards the legionnaires!

<Laranth> Even with Exalts on board, they'll need help getting back out of the docks, would be my guess.

<Dyna> Ask them what happened! See what you can find out!

<Rio> If it doesn't sink first!

Dyna waves at Rio as she heads for the legionares.

Tian follows behind and just to the right of Rio, adjusting his hood.

Laranth hangs back, watching Rio and Tian intently.

Soon enough, the soldiers themselves start to abandon the slowly-sinking (odd, that; more magic?) ship. As Rio approaches, they give her a wary look; the man who's apparently their commander steps forward. "Helping or here to gawk?"

Rio gazes towards her ship, puts a couple of fingers on her lips, and gives a sharp whistle, before gazing at the man. "Helping. What happened?"

Tian immediately heads onto the ship, as if following Rio's command, to help unload the ship as quickly as possible. He'll also keep an ear open to catch anything the crew says.

"... heh. Jenkins, you still got it?" 'Jenkins' comes through the crowd. He promptly drops an ivory-white, serrated chunk of enamel shaped much like a shark's tooth if it were three feet long. Rio's men gawk at the massive tooth as they move to help unload as well; Tian can feel the eyes of soldiers on him.

Dyna hangs back, pulling the rim of her hat down to help conceal her face... content to watch from a distance for now.

<Rio> ... shit. Only one?

Tian ignores their gazes, slowing pace to merge with Rio's crew and blend in.

Rio reaches down to grab the tooth and pull it up, staring at it.

"Mn. Wyld things jumped the ship. We handled them, but then that thing hit the ship. The sorceror pulled some miracle out of his ass, kept us from sinking." Rio can see her reflection in it; it's a perfect specimen of lethality. Tian... can hear coughing. Wet coughing. He can also soon see the source as three Dynasts rise from belowdeck.

Rio shakes her head. "... amazing. Are you the captain then?"

Tian hefts a crate and then passes it off to a crewmember, watching the three.

"HAH! Like hell! The General is. Over 'ere." Pretty much everyone can see the tallish woman with impressively flowing red hair and greenish skin, flanked by a robed man (who's coughing into a bloody rag) and a solid-looking beast of a woman in white-jade plate. The redhead... is unarmed and unarmored.

Rio ... stares at the woman in the middle. "... Is... is that..." she points towards the ship's banner.

The commander simply grins as the trio leave the ship and pass on by Rio. As soon as the man's feet leave the ship, it lurches and begins to sink much faster.

<Deis> There's not anyone else on there is there?

Tian blinks and picks up three heavy-looking crates, hefting them easily and making good time off the sinking ship.

Rio wavers a bit in place. "... whoa..." she shakes her head. "What's wrong with the robed man?"

Deis' comment gets the attention of the brick of a woman in plate, and she whips out a daiklave as wide as Deis' torso in an instant. "Friend or foe?!" She practically bellows. Her redhead accomplice... sighs.

Laranth winces, but he doesn't move.

"Used some crazy miracle to keep the ship going, twice. I think it took a pretty big toll on him... and you better go introduce yourself. Ixili over there's one to behead first and ask questions fifth." The mortal commander nudges Rio along.

Dyna grips Wizard's Wrath tightly as she watches Deis.

Tian heads over to Dyna, Deis, and Laranth after setting his crates down.

Rio ... frowns a bit, and steps forward. "There's no need for that! Please put your weapon down."

Deis pales a little at the voice. "F-friend... I hope. I was just asking if there was anyone who needed help that was still on there."

"I will not stand down until I know your intenti---" A hand from the woman who is apparently the Roseblack shuts her up, and she grudgingly sheathes her weapon. "The ship is empty. The Roseblack does not waste troops needlessly."

<Rio> We saw the ship approaching fast... so fast we feared it was going to smash into the docks. We aren't a menace... we are here to help.

... and then she speaks. Softly, but there's an obvious edge of power in her voice. "Please forgive my bodyguard. She is... fervent. And if you wish to help, I only ask that you tell those who ask that I was not here."

Tian hovers off to the side, silent.

Rio ... grins a bit. "I don't think that'd be a problem, ma'am."

She eyes the others, seeming to commit their faces to memory. She pauses upon seeing Dyna, only to continue onward, her guards following (and coughing) along. The Legion troops remain, sorting out the good from the ship... and eyeing their 'General' as she is escorted off towards a waiting group of Guild soldiers.

Dyna keeps her face covered as best she can with her hat.

Laranth glances towards the Guild group, still silent.

<Dyna> ... I don't like that look she gave me.

Deis looks up at Dyna. "Why is that?"

Mostly gunners, but they're at ease. To the rear is... Henpin, and she quickly catches up to the group and escorts the wood-blooded along. She's chattering cheerily for as long as the group can see them leaving the dock.

<Dyna> I just don't.

<Laranth> Leave it be for now. <Rio> ... Hmm.

Rio glances towards the sinking ship, and then steps next to Tian. "... well... I'd say there are a few more fighting hands now..."

<Tian> Quite so.

Dyna turns and starting walking away, keeping one eye on the Dynasts as she makes her exit.

Tian heads off towards the town proper, waving over his shoulder. "I'll modify my plans and send them to all of you."

Laranth waits for a moment, watching, before turning. "... yes, could someone send me the plans this time?"

<Rio> ... eh? ... oh, yeah, sure...

Rio steps towards Laranth, hands behind her back. "Somewhere more quiet would work better, I think..."

<Laranth> Right. Shall we?

Rio nods, leading Laranth back to her ship

Laranth follows, head down, apparently in thought.