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Keepers of the Old Path: The Beasts of the Fourth Age

The Castes

Hollow Moon

The Hollow Moon is not seen, but it is nonetheless there. While it is easy to forget and ignore, it remains ever aware of what occurs beneath its shadowed face. Thus are the Hollow Moons the introspective souls of the Lunars. Someone must make sure that they remain safe on the path that has been set... especially after the immense failure of allowing Howls-At-Nothing and the Blooded Moon to break away from the One Pack. Most new Eyes of Luna have it drilled into them to watch for abberant behavior, as well as to keep an eye out for the signs of the Nightmare, lest the splinter in the Pack's paw becomes a blade piercing its heart.

Surging Moon

The Surging Moon is racing to be seen, hoping to be the first to shine over that which is new and interesting. Thus are the Surging Moons the seekers of new paths, those who have been chosen to build the new ways of life for the One Pack in the ever-changing Age of Reason. At the same time, they also are mindful of change, and the problems and dangers that it may bring, for it was one of their own who broke away to lead the Blooded Moon into what has been termed 'the Culling'. The Hands of Luna still seek new roads with joy, but are aware that some paths simply must not be walked; they feel it to be their duty to close those forever.

Divided Moon

The Divided Moon is, and is not. It is light and darkness, rising and fading, yes and no. Thus are the Divided Moons the seekers of the balance. The Hearts of Luna are natural leaders and judges, but are often very much wildchildren at heart, for to find balance one must know the extremes between them. Their guidance has been most helpful in allowing the One Pack to grow and prosper, but they feel that the blame for allowing the Blooded Moon to exist falls on their shoulders the heaviest. Leaders should be mindful of their flock, lest they be taken away by hungry beasts. Still, they lead and guide and judge, hoping to perfect their craft in time to prevent another disaster.

Fading Moon

The Fading Moon is moving, gracefully, away from the sight of those below. It nonetheless leaves after having been Surging, Divided and Brilliant--so much seen, so much known. Thus are the Fading Moons charged with the keeping of the Lore---especially of the Times Before, which only the Exalted, the Gods, and a select few even remember the slightest bit of. Even as wise in the old ways as they were, their wisdom and teachings could not have predicted the rise of the Blooded Moon, and this they accept with a weary sigh and a shrug. "Wisdom only goes as far as the heart it lies within takes it," the Minds of Luna say.

Brilliant Moon

The Brilliant Moon is full, visible, dazzling, impossible to ignore. The sign of 'lunacy', it represents mystery, the loss of inhibitions and sanity. Thus are the Brilliant Moons the 'mad kings' of the One Pack, the joyous revelers who feel the song of Luna in their body in a way that moves them to live life to the fullest... and to bring along as many people as possible along for the ride. The Faces of Luna are adept at both proper application of ritual bodypaint as well as how to wear royal attire like a well-established king... but such social skill availed them little in persuading the Blooded Moon to give up their violent mission, for it is the Brilliant Moon's duty to start the dance, not force others to join in.

Eaters of Civilization: The Blooded Moon

"This 'new way'... this choice that has been made, which they say is vital to the One Pack's future, is nothing but a ruse! The lost Hands seek to throw us headlong into civilization, letting the soft ones beat the Wyld out of our hearts so that we'll be tamed little pets for them to treat as they wish... but I refuse such a fate! And I know you all refuse to become slaves of conformity as well! We must rise... and we must rage! Grasp the Wyld in your hearts and let it color your Caste Mark red with the blood of the weak!"

Thus did the Surging Moon prodigy known as Howls-At-Nothing set into motion the creation of the Blooded Moon, a splinter faction of the One Pack that rejects the call to accept and embrace the inevitable technological and cultural revolution just waiting to explode throughout Creation. Instead, they step back to the ways of the Pack in the Days Before; the beasts that struck fear into the hearts of Man, raiding and slaughtering the 'weak' and nurturing the 'strong'. There are many more tenets found within the Decree of Red and Silver, but it all boils down to a semi-nomadic sea of Lunars, beastmen and Wyld savages leaving chaos and carnage in their wake. Comprising nearly fifteen percent of the One Pack's original numbers, they have proven to be a threat both to mortal and Exalt alike.

Once a Lunar is properly initiatied, which requires tasting a drop of Howls-At-Nothing's blood, their anima and caste mark are forever colored a bloody red, even is the Lunar should ever leave the group and its ideals. Mortal tagalongs simply wear red 'dripping' moonshape tattoos or paint on their person and their belongings. No matter where they are, the Blooded Moon makes no attempt to hide who and what they are.

The truth behind the start of the faction is simple: Howls-At-Nothing is not completely who he says he is. While he is what he is, as far as the Loom is concerned, he is a Skin Nightmare copy of the original Lunar, who was far less radical... and died quickly enough for barely a ripple to register on the local strands of Fate. Now both a powerful Identity of The Skin and seamlessly woven into the Loom, he works towards creating enough havoc to let his fellow Nightmares in, under the guise of a violent rebellion. So far, not a single person is aware of this, and Howls-At-Nothing is careful to cover his tracks when meeting with his true allies to discuss further tactics.

History and Assorted Information
