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Before The Sun

To be born a Copperpot is to be born tough. With ex-mercenary parents (with Matron Bella now a tanner and Mister Tem a blacksmith of some skill), every single one of their children grew up knowing that one had to be strong in order to get ahead in life. This, of course, turned the Copperpot kids into the local band of general problem children who were as rough with each other as they were with those they bullied and harrassed. The birth of the Copperpot's first girl after six boys didn't change things at all. Young Ashes (so named because of her father accidentally dumping ashes on her head from his tobacco pipe) was just another Copperpot, and her parents and brothers treated her (for the most part) just like one of the boys. She even kept up with them heightwise for quite some time. Her hometown came to know 'that damn redheaded rascal' all too well, even though she somehow managed to make friends along the way---for all her troublemaking, she was friendly enough, and easy to get along with if one overlooked her usual behavior.

One fateful day, Ashes realized something was different about her.

The wiry, coltish Ashes found herself not only growing at a startling rate, but had many other... personal matters that only Bella could help her with. Such trying times also made her a bit crankier, and even her brothers came to fear her when she was upset. By then, the lot of the Copperpot kids were adults, helping their parents with their professions... but Bella and Tem were pretty certain that Ash's future lay elsewhere, and on Ashes' fifteenth birthday, Tem gave her his old warblade, still in excellent shape and ready for use. 'Maybe you should be wielding iron instead of forging it,' he told her, and soon went about teaching Ashes everything his days as a sellsword had taught him. By the time Ashes was ready to strike out into the world, she had found some degree of self-control to go along with her training, but was still mule-stubborn and very self-confident.

The wind led her South, and it wasn't very long before she fell into various mercenary bands, learning the trade while impressing those who hired her with her toughness and skill. A few even recognized the Copperpot name, and were pleased to see that 'Old Man Tem' had finally brought another fine soldier into the world. Ashes, naturally, drank up the praise, all while diving headlong into this new and terrifying world with enthusiasm and gusto. The life of a mercenary seemed perfect for her, and the world was always in need of a few good blades.


Ashes is decidedly tall for a woman, standing at six feet three inches, and built in a manner that walks the line between feminine (Bella made certain to drill it into her head to not seem too mannish) and fearsome, with a curved figure that only serves to highlight her defined musculature and a modest bosom. Piercing steel-blue eyes and short, slicked-back red hair (shaved low on the sides) help to add to her tomboyish good looks.


Starting off as a howling wash of gold and red, her anima forms into a orbiting 'halo' of five artifact-sized grand daiklaves similar in form to Calamity. Once fully iconic, the blades are held by five warriors of indeterminate gender in shining golden plate, moving and striking as Ashes herself acts.