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It was a proud day for his parents when their son came into destiny, granting the slowly-growing Durban cadet branch a strong, young heir and a definite bargaining chip with which to gain just a bit more influence in the world.

Durban Autis always seemed to show that he was a step beyond his peers, at least mentally; a fast learner and a good-natured, obedient child, Autis was the young man everyone around him had at least some tiny kind thing to say about... even most of his Dynast brethren. His Exaltation was a bit later than most, but he was more than ready for the Spiral Academy... or so he thought. His mind had been less on becoming a bureaucrat and more on a memory from long ago, hazy as it was, and his performance suffered immensely.

... he had been terribly ill once, that much he knew; he'd been a somewhat frail boy early on. But he could never remember who exactly his parents had called to tend to him that one fearful time, only that she was gentle, kind and soothing, like a cool stream. His body regained strength and his spirits were lifted, and the boy who felt like he'd never get up and see the sun again was well once more. That lady... he never remembered seeing her after that, but her memory remained. It seemed that, deep down, he had already decided his own path.

His parents were quite dismayed when he returned to announce that he'd decided to focus on becoming a physician, shattering what hopes they'd had for a financial boost. Nonetheless, they accepted his decision (grudgingly) and aided him in his independant study as best they could. There was the matter of the constant tug of Society... one that Autis eventually had no choice but to address; he pleaded with the head of his household to allow him to further his education away from his own kind. Needless to say, this request shocked and even angered his great-uncle, who felt Autis was attempting to abandon the Dynasty altogether.... but he nonetheless allowed him to do as he wished, but made the young man swear, on everything that was and would be his, to return and fulfill whatever requests were asked of him at any given time. Knowing how steep that price was, Autis nonetheless agreed and quickly struck out on his own... with a sizeable amount of seed money, of course.


A calm soul with a heart of gold, Autis' primary drive in life is to tend to the sick and ailing, especially those who are far less fortunate than himself (namely, the commonfolk). When he's not engrossed in hiw work, which is often, he's a charismatic, socialble young Dynast with a taste for fine wine, a game or two of Gateway and simple pleasures. He derives his Wood-influenced pleasure from his work, so he's not as intense about free-time activities as one would imagine a Wood-Aspect to be.


Standing at roughtly five feet ten inches, and of a wiry, athletic build, Autis is nonetheless not too terribly appealing to the eye; his features are solid, but decidedly average; somewhat-jade skin a bit soft, with deep brown eyes and exceedingly long gray hair that he braids up and wraps into a bun that's usually hidden underneath a hood of some kind. He tends towards simple white hooded robes so as to not draw too much attention to himself... and also to hide the breastplate and bracers he wears underneath just in case.


Name: Tepet Durban Autis
Aspect: Wood
Nature: Caretaker
House: Tepet


Strength ●●, Dexterity ●●●, Stamina ●●
Charisma ●●●●, Manipulation ●●●, Appearance ●●
Perception ●●●, Intelligence ●●●●, Wits ●●●

Favored and Aspect Abilities

Craft (Carpentry) ●●●
Archery ●●●●
Medicine ●●●●● <Herbal Cures ●●●●>
Performance ●●
Ride ●●
Survival ●●
Presence ●●●
Socialize ●●●

Non-Favored Abilities

Linguistics ● (High and Low Realm)
Lore ●●
Investigation ●●
Awareness ●
Endurance ●
Martial Arts ●●
Resistance ●
Athletics ●
Dodge ●●


Artifacts ●●
Breeding ●●●
Henchmen ●●
Manse ●
Reputation ●
Resources ●●●

Merits and Flaws

-Pacifist (3BP)

+1 difficulty to all attack actions. Autis just isn't the sort of person who likes to harm others, being a preserver of life; he will if he must, but he nonetheless hesitates.

-Favor (4BP)

He owes the head of his own household, his great-uncle Durban Mikaral, (who comes directly from the Tilis line ut decided to form his own cadet branch) an open-ended series of favors that can be called in at any time and that Autis has to fulfill on pain of losing everything he has. Mikaral finds Autis, the family's 'social experiment' amusing, but has every intention of making sure the young man knows where he should truly be focusing his life.

Virtues and Other Stats

Compassion ●●●●
Conviction ●●●
Temperance ●●●
Valor ●

[Willpower] ●●●●●●●
[Essence] ●●●
[Personal] 7/13 [Peripheral] 31/31
[Committed] 6, Personal
[Soak] 10B/6L

[Health Levels]
-0 ■ / -1 ■ ■ / -2 ■ ■ / -4 ■ / In ■

[Anima Effects]
5 motes for scene's-worth of [Essence] dice to either a single Dodge or Athletics action once per turn. Can be used as a separate dice pool.


Standard Longbow
Accuracy +1, Rate Of Fire 3, Range 200
-5 Broadhead arrows: Str+2 Lethal damage
-5 Target arrows: Str Lethal damage, halves Lethal soak of target armor
-10 Fowling arrows: Str+2 Bashing damage

'The Five Dragons Dancing' green-jade Hearthstone Bracers (Artifact ●●)
+2 Initiative, +3 to all dodge attempts, 4-mote Commitment
Set with Stone of Healing (Wood ●) for +3 dice to Medicine rolls

'Nameless' green-jade Breastplate (Artifact ●)
6B/4L soak, Mobility and Fatigue -0, 2-mote Commitment

Purifying Collar of Sextes Jylis (Artifact ●)
Negates Social penalties involving cleanliness, 2B/1L soak, 3 motes/+2 to Resistance vs poisons.

Charms And Such

Flickering Candle Meditation

Loquacious Courtier Technique

Infection-Banishing Prana
-Disease-Banishing Technique
--Wound-Closing Touch
---Grievous Wound Alteration Energy

Wild-Wandering Forester Charm

Expanded Backgrounds

Artifact ●●

Autis owns three green-jade artifacts: a pair of Hearthstone Bracers he refers to as The Five Dragons Dancing, a nameless breastplate (as he feels no need to name a weapon associated with battle and bloodshed) and the Purifying Collar of Sextes Jylis.

Breeding ●●●

For someone as loosely attached to Dynast society as Autis, his bloodline is nonetheless very strong. granting +3 to Personal Essence and +5 to Peripheral Essence.

Henchmen ●●

Autis has two non-Exalt aides that help him with his work as a physician:
The first is a young and gangly, yet bright peasant teenager from Lord's Crossing (somewhere between sixteen and eighteen, as far as Autis can tell) who refers to himself as 'Mouse'; Autis came across him during a trip to treat a well-to-do patient, then a runaway and quite sick. Nursed back to health over time, Mouse came to become a part of Autis' household, and looks up to the Dynast as a sort of older brother/father figure, doing his best to absorb whatever the Wood-born teaches him. He also seems to have a slight crush on Ia (see below), but can't form any kind of dialogue with the distant girl.
The second is a small-framed young lady Autis calls 'Ia', perhaps no more than sixteen or so, with the features one would expect from a Northern barbarian, but without the usual wild edge. She literally appeared on his doorstep; the girl, dazed and badly injured, had somehow wandered into a Dynast camp that was pitched on the edges of the territory of Bull of the North, mostly to (attempt to; the scouting mission failed miserably) observe firsthand the man who'd done so much damage to the Tepet's forces. Autis was there on his great-uncle's order to act as a field medic, and tended to the girl's wounds. What fear she showed at first turned into something approaching respect and a fair amount of shame, and upon his duty's end, the girl demanded to follow him back, if only to honor a life-debt. She rarely speaks, works diligently, and avoids Mouse whenever she can, much to his dismay.

Manse ●

While he doesn't have enough sway to utilize the network of connections that many of his brethren can, he's nonetheless managed to finagle his way into possessing a single Hearthstone (a Stone of Healing), mostly to aide his work. This, thankfully, had nothing to do with his great-uncle.

Reputation ●

Autis has made a living as a rather effective, nigh-miraculous healer, even though he only uses his blood-given gifts in the rarest and most moving of circumstances. This word-of-mouth fame that seems mostly focused along the lower levels of society; if one asks his family members, he's something of a public relations experiment... but could be more if he got away from all those silly, dirty commonfolk.

Resources ●●●

Autis lives very well on a spacious plot of farmland a bit aways from the hustle and bustle of the city proper; the villa there has more than enough room for Autis and his charges, as well as beds and space for patients he'd prefer to keep a close eye on. He lives well within his means, but manages what he as well.
