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The sun hasn't quite risen yet, and the only people really active at the docks are old seadogs who're fishing for their morning meal. West is among them, sitting on the bow of Rio's ship while he casts. It's quiet and calm, nothing like the hustle of yesterday. Perfect conversation weather.
#REDIRECT DarkheartOne/IdeaDump
Tian has been up for some time now, using one of the taut ropes about twenty feet up as a.. hammock. His hands are behind his head, his legs are crossed at the knee, and his eyes are closed. Balance doesn't seem to be an issue with him. "Catch anything yet?"
Dyna is walking along the docks, taking in the sights as she heads for the ship... Breon isn't anywhere to be seen, at the moment. However, that says little about where he actually is.
West snorts. "I would if you left me alone, boy."
<Tian> I guess I'd better stay here, then. Wouldn't want you getting too full of yourself.
West says nothing, which is probably for the best, and goes back to the fine art of catching nothing.
Tian yawns. "So, how did you find Captain Storm, anyway?"
"She found me, actually. Luck, and alotta Lintha." West's jaw works a few times. "Damned fish..."
Dyna spots Tian using a rope as a hammock... and just stops to look, for a moment. Not quite boggling, but definitely thinking.
<Tian> How is she? At captaining, I mean.
Tian seems surprisingly comfortable. From a distance, it almost looks like he's napping.
Dyna makes her way up the gangplank, looking up at Tian every so often... "Um, hello?"
West waves to Dyna idly, then resumes fishing. "Best damn captain I've ever seen, and I've seen alot. She whipped this crew into damn good shape with what we had."
Tian tosses off a two-fingered wave. "Mm. It's good that she's competent."
<Tian> I'd hate to swim to that island.
<Dyna> So... is anyone else here, or is it just us right now?
<West> Far as I know, this is it for now. Rio didn't say alot... just to prepare for passengers.
West's jaw works a bit more, then he pulls his line in and checks the hook. "... clever fish." He baits said hook and tosses it back in, grumbling.
<Dyna> ... Tianyu, isn't it?
Tian yawns a little louder this time, covering his mouth with a hand. His balance is nothing short of amazing -- he doesn't even move. "Mm-hm."
Dyna looks up at Tian, smiling warmly. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone who could take a nap on a single rope, before."
<Tian> That's interesting.
<Dyna> Mmmhmm... any particular reason you're doing that?
Tian cracks an eye open, glancing down. "Maybe I can get a job in your circus if this Guild business doesn't pan out."
<Tian> Because I can.
"Will <b>that</b> get you off the ropes?"
Dyna shrugs. "Well, Gallant is always looking for a new act..." Dyna blinks, looking over her shoulder at the newcomer.
Rio looks up at Tian with a small, annoyed glare... which becomes a big smile when she sees Dyna! "Hi there! Dyna, isn't it?"
Tian grins broadly. "It'd take more than financial misfortune to seperate us, Captain."
Dyna nods and smiles. "Also known as the Living Abacus." ... and that's when a huge tiger proceeds to burst from the water and land in the middle of the deck, a few fish in his jaws. He shakes himself out, then lies down to wolf down breakfast, purring loudly.
Rio opens her mouth to answer and... jumps right the hell back, hand going for her sword. "<b>WHAT</b> the..."
<Dyna> ... Breon!
Dyna puts her arms up to keep the water off her face.
<Tian> It's a tiger. A four-legged predatory mammal that lives in the Southeastern jungles, often characterized by orange and black stripes, as well as a large appetite.
Tian just keeps grinning.
Jade and Lily, looking up from their own little morning snack, glance at the tiger... then shrug and go back to eating.
<Rio> --I KNOW what it is, smartass.
<Tian> Are you sure? I can rattle off a number of facts about them, including their mating habits.
Dyna sighs, and approaches the huge cat. "You big baby... did you miss me?"
Breon looks up, lets out a faintly fish-scented whuff, then nudges one of the fish towards Dyna. It is whole, for the record.
Dyna smiles a bit... and pets the massive animal on it's wet, furry head. There's no caution or fear in her actions, as though she is doesn't feel threatened at all.
<West> That thing better know how to use a pot.
<Dyna> I guess we'll find out if he does or not, eh?
Rio ... stares at Dyna for a moment. "... -that's- the tiger I heard about back there?"
Tian laughs. "I like her."
Dyna nods, wrapping the fish in some scrap paper from her backpack. "Don't worry, he won't hurt anyone."
<Dyna> And I promise he'll pull his weight.
Dyna playfully scritchies Breon behind the ear while he eats.
Rio ... lets her sword go, and moves closer towards Breon and Dyna. "... huh..."
<Dyna> He's a little overprotective, but that's all.
Breon quickly turns to Rio and gives her a withering tiger stare.
<Dyna> ... Breon.
Dyna narrows her eyes at Breon and shakes a finger. "Be nice."
Rio stares right back. She's impressed, but not all that scared. "Nice. He obeys you?"
Tian idly slips off his rope, dangling from it by one hand for a moment before dropping all twenty feet into a crouch a fair distance from the ladies and the tiger.
Dyna nods. "More or less."
Breon whuffs again, and curls back down to the deck, returning to the fish. West just doesn't look towards the tiger, shaking his head. "Crazy days..."
<Dyna> He'll warm up to you.  Just give him some time.
<Tian> So, Miss Dyna, how did an educated woman like yourself end up in a circus?
<Dyna> Sometimes, you can't find the answers to life's questions in a classroom.
Walking towards the ship is a fourth member of this little enclave. His elaborate traveling clothes have been exchanged for something loose and olive-green; at his sides are a pair of what look like curved short swords, sheathed. "Hello there!" He starts to walk up the gangplank.
Dyna takes the fish Breon gave her over to west. "Carve this one up for me, and I'll split it with you."
Rio looks back. "... ah... Laranth, right?"
<Dyna> ... oh, hello there!
Laranth nods. "Laranth, yes. You're the captain, correct?"
Tian smiles at her non-answer, sitting down on the deck with legs crossed. He glances over at Laranth and nods.
Dyna smiles and waves to Laranth.
West glances over, pauses... then shrugs, pulls his line in, and proceeds to get to cleaning the fish up. "Much thanks, miss."
Dyna nods cheerfully to West, and makes her way over to Laranth. "New clothes, I see."
<Laranth> I suspected I would need something with more range of motion.
<Tian> You're less likely to have your pocket picked in that outfit, too.
<Rio> Yeah, I'm the captain of this ship ^^
<Laranth> They're welcome to try regardless.
<Dyna> ... oh, I hope you don't mind Breon's mess on your deck.
Dyna looks back at the massive tiger, who is currently devouring fish.
Breon looks up for a moment, almost like a child caught ruining some important thing.
Laranth seems just now to notice Breon. "Oh! Is he yours, ma'am?"
Dyna nods. "He shouldn't be too much trouble."
<Rio> ... Never thought I'd hear that about a beast that size, to be honest.
<Laranth> He's... large even by the standards, isn't he? I must confess this is my first time seeing a tiger!
<Dyna> Well, you'd think he would be, I know.  But he's smart, and knows how to take care of himself.
Jade glances over at the group as they form, then nudges Lily. "So. Which one is Tian going to annoy now?" Lily pauses, thinking, then points at Rio. Jade snorts, smirking. "Hoi, Tian. You sure about all this?"
Tian glances over at Jade. "Sure about what?"
<Dyna> And yes, he's huge by any standard.
"All this. Doesn't take an army to... you know. Set up shop." Jade shrugs lightly. "I'm sure you know what you're doing, as always..."
<Laranth> So I see.
Dyna walks over to Breon and affectionately scratches behind his ears.
<Tian> We'll do fine by ourselves. We always have.
Tian scoots forward a bit, leaning against a mast.
Breon, under all that attention, makes a slightly miffed sound and finishes up breakfast. That done, he purrs at the scratch, looking to be quite the immense kitten.
<Dyna> See?  No worries.
<Laranth> I see. I wasn't particularly worried, in any event.
<Dyna> Not afraid of big cats, eh?
<Rio> ... heh. Cute.
<Tian> It looks like we're mostly here. Interesting that they found a group of early risers.
<Laranth> I think we all understand that we're doing something important. To someone, at least.
Rio ... grins. "I don't know about you, but I like the sound of adventure."
<Dyna> Adventure is nice, but I'm hoping to learn something.
Tian rests his head on his hands, adjusting his smoked-glass spectacles. "At the very least, it's the first step to steady employment."
Rio grins at Dyna. "Well, who knows what we could find anyway?"
"Hoi, miss." West finishes cleaning the offered fish with a bit of fresh water, then looks to Dyna. "How do you like your fish?"
<Laranth> We will see what comes of it.
Laranth sits down on the deck, falling into a relaxed-looking yet poised posture.
<Dyna> Smoked or roasted, thanks.
Tian reaches into his pocket, producing a wrapped piece of bread. He stuffs the thin paper back into his pocket and takes a bite, chewing the slightly-stale food without too much in the way of distaste.
Dyna keeps gently scratching Breon, which he will doubtlessly enjoy. "I don't suppose any of you caught our show, did you?"
<Laranth> I'm afraid I didn't. ... Is there any more fish?
<Dyna> No, I'm afraid not.  Breon ate the rest of it.
<Tian> Once.
<Laranth> All right.
<Rio> No, I'm sorry to say I haven't
<Dyna> Really?
Dyna smiles up at Tian.
Tian nods. "Lily wanted to see it, and I went with her."
<Dyna> I hope you enjoyed it, then!
<Tian> It was interesting.
Tian glances over at the more delicate of his sisters. "She was mostly interested in the animals, though."
Dyna turns to Lily. "Maybe I could get you a better look at them, sometime."
Lily, at first, blinks... then gives Tian a look. "I could have asked on my own... but thank you anyway. And I would not mind at all, no."
<Dyna> Alright, I'll see what I can do.
Tian returns the look with a guileless smile.
<Rio> ... you enjoy doing that, don't you --;
<Dyna> ... eh?
Dyna looks up, curiously.
Rio is looking at Tian
<Tian> She thinks I'm a troublemaker.
<Dyna> Are you?
<Tian> No more than anyone else is.
<West> The boy is too crafty for his own good, I tell you. Watch him. Watch 'im close.
West gives Tian a quick glare to emphasize.
Tian just shakes his head slowly.
<Dyna> I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.
Rio sits on the ship's railing. "... so, Dyna... are you from the Isle?"
Dyna nods. "I went to university, there."
<Laranth> ... university there? Really? I've heard they have the best.
<Tian> That's to be expected from the seat of the Realm. Why did you run away?
<Dyna> Not satisfied with my answer the first time, eh?
Laranth glances at Tian with vague suspicion.
Breon looks around lazily, then towards Lily. Lily herself pauses, then holds a hand out towards the big cat. In the space of a few moments, he's sniffing at said hand, then licks it a few times. Lily actually giggles a little... Jade looks like she's about to turn ghost-white, and backs off some.
Tian grins, stretching his shoulders. "Calling that an 'answer' would be charitable."
<Dyna> I wasn't lying.  I won't find what I'm looking for in any library on the Sacred Isle.  What I'm looking for is somewhere else entirely.
<Tian> Alright, then, I'll respect your privacy.
<Laranth> It's rather better that way.
Rio chuckles a bit, and then looks at Laranth. "And you... well, they only grow them so big in the North, I say ^_^"
<Laranth> You ought to see some of the Icewalkers, if you think *I'm* something to see.
Rio waves a hand. "Nah. I saw enough just by being in the northwest for a while."
<Tian> Mm, I've never taken the time to travel North. Maybe some day.
<Dyna> I bet you sailors get to see all sorts of interesting things...
Rio grins. "Oh, that we do! Don't we, West?"
<Laranth> The Northwest... unpleasant country, that. Go far east or far west of true North, and things get unpleasant quickly. In my experience, anway.
<Dyna> So I've heard.
Tian closes his eyes. "Are the rumors of the Haslanti League's wonders true?"
<Dyna> I've read some very disturbing accounts of expeditions.
<Laranth> The Haslanti are remarkable. I've got a brother there, actually, studying the works. His letters tell incredible stories.
Rio waves a hand. "Any place can be dangerous... the farther from known routes, the more dangerous they tend to be. Don't want to run into a bunch of Fair Folk!"
Laranth nods. "We're grateful for the road, believe me."
<Tian> Maybe Captain Storm would be interested in taking me to the North if this doesn't pan out.
<Rio> Can I leave you there?
<Dyna> ... you two have known each other for a while, haven't you?
<Tian> Oh, I'd find a way back.
<Rio> If "quite a while" is "a few weeks", yes.
Tian smiles. "I think Captain Storm will agree that it's felt like so much longer, though. So, so much longer."
Dyna blinks at Tian, then looks at Rio.
<Rio> Oh yes, yes indeed.
Rio smiles at Dyna. "But enough about that... how -did- you get the tiger anyway?"
<Dyna> He followed me home, one day.
<Laranth> .. followed you home? They do that?
Breon rrrrfs at that. By now... his head's in Lily's lap, and she's scratching behind his ears. Both look content. Jade looks like she'd rather not be near the thing.
Dyna smirks. "I'm kidding. When I first joined the circus, he just took a liking to me. The feeling is mutual."
<Laranth> Oh!
Laranth smiles. "Forgive me. I've only begun my travels. And... I see."
<Dyna> He was with them long before I set out on the round.  And it's okay.
Tian hides his smile behind a gloved hand.
Dyna smiles at Lily, and rubs Breon's side. "He's a big baby, isn't he?"
Lily smiles, just a bit. "Indeed. It's amazing... he's so docile. Does the cat still has some instinct left, miss?"
<Laranth> I wouldn't have expected a tiger to act that way.
<Dyna> He does, but he's smart enough to keep them in check until he needs them.
<Tian> My sister has a way with animals. And people, come to think of it.
<Dyna> He's not your typical tiger, no.He's unique.
Tian glances over at Rio, not even maintaining a subtle pretense.
Rio pokes her tongue out at Tian, and resumes watching the tiger and the two ladies.
Lily rolls her eyes at Tian's comment, then resumes petting the big kitty. Breon is content, purring loudly and looking relaxed.
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Revision as of 01:37, 14 March 2008

  1. REDIRECT DarkheartOne/IdeaDump