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Back to Session 41

The Storyteller . o O ( In the meantime: David just asked me about the direction of the campaign. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Literally and metaphorically. )

Monkey . o O ( Must add "Plot Hook: Dino-striders" to the MonkeyNotes wikipage. )

Apollonian [to jetman]: Can you elaborate on the question a bit?

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Aha! I now have two Creation cartoon titles: Dino-striders and Girl Deathknight!

TonyC [to Apollonian]: With cross-overs, naturally.

jetman [to Apollonian]: Well, I'm wondering about the scale of things. We built up a big fleet, island base, political usefulness (if not respect), and then the Admiral went off to train and ended up on the opposite end of creation, with another pending mission nearby.

jetman [to Apollonian]: So I'm curious if we'll get back to the East and make use of all that buildup, or if that's something you'd rather avoid/keep in the background.

The Storyteller . o O ( Ah. Well, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, to be honest. In my other campaign, they were doing pretty much the same thing: empire-building. However, thanks to navigating through that, I'm a bit more comfortable with the larger scale. I hope. So yes, we'll probably be heading back there with some alacrity. I'm assuming the Admiral would like to, of course... )

TonyC [to jetman]: I'm quite sure we will, although I would prefer that the focus remains on us rather than on battle-groups. That is, rather than breaking up Mail & Steel when the Lookshy-Thorn war happens, Jesse just eyes the battle order list of both sides, move on to the duel between us and Juggernaut and Mask, and then mesh the two result into a coherent result.

The Storyteller . o O ( One of my GMing flaws is that I tend to throw in more plot threads and hooks than any reasonable campaign can sustain, and that's kinda happened in this case. From the oft-neglected Still Moon to the mysterious manses that may, perhaps, be found from clues in that hidden manse you discovered near Cherak... there's a lot dangling at the moment. Not to mention the upcoming Realm Civil War. )

jetman [to Apollonian]: There's no one minding the store back there, with all the more powerful people on the Sun, so I'm concerned that the whole thing will get torn down by the time we get back. I don't want to do a massive fleet action every time, of course... We worked out a plan for raiding Thorns that was mostly small-unit action to start with.

Monkey . o O ( What year is this anyway? )

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Speaking of M&S, I'm just not sure how to deal with it. Have you actually used it in play?

TonyC [to Apollonian]: No sir, but didn't we already use it during a caravan raid?

jetman [to TonyC]: And at the naval raid around Scarlet Fortress?

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Loosely. I find that it's rather complex when you get higher than around four units per side, since you need to whip up stats for every commander, work out relays, etc... and in my other campaign, I'm dealing with legions. 's a bit annoying.

TonyC [to Apollonian]: Then simplify. Rather than making units act like characters, combine Training and Magnitude and Miscellaneous into one trait. Call it Power. Compare opposing units' Power, roll a die, and eyeball the result.

jetman [to Apollonian]: Or handwave it outside of the units with leaders in direct combat.

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Might do that. OTOH, a couple of my players do love the crunch. Anyway, it's RY 769 and I really need to update the timeline.

TonyC [to Apollonian]: In fact, only units lead by PCs and named bad guys need to remain individual units. The rest should be amalgamated into an inchoate blob.

The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. Inchoate Blob, Attack 5, Defense 4, special ability: Mitosis. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( LOL! )

TonyC [to Apollonian]: If you like, I can give you summaries on how Mekton or GURPS handle wars.

The Storyteller . o O ( Anyway. Directionally, I... am going to see what happens. At the moment, I'm more working out hekatonkhires and doomed lovers, plus thinking about Dragon Kings in the near future and wondering how I can focus the antagonist list. )

Apollonian [to TonyC]: I've got the GURPS version.

TonyC [to Apollonian]: But that'll have to wait until next week. Busy.

jetman [to TonyC]: I didn't know you played Mekton!

TonyC [to Apollonian]: Antagonist list is easy. We offend as many as we like, but they all have to get in line.

The Storyteller . o O ( If you've any other questions, post 'em as I get my coffee. )

jetman [to TonyC]: No, no, we work out a "Let's you and him fight to get at us" list!

TonyC [to jetman]: I'm eclectic.

jetman [to TonyC]: Are you on the MZML?

TonyC [to jetman]: Not a bad idea. That'll significantly cut down the amount of work and ensure that Monkey only have to fight the interesting opponents instead of some weak Dragon-Blood like Barada and friends. <zing>

TonyC [to jetman]: No. I do not actually have much to contribute, although every year or so I'd trawl through Conkle's site, the MZML archives, etc. to see what's new with giant robots.

jetman [to TonyC]: Mike Pondsmith's been on the list of late, saying "I've done enough video games now, time to get back to pen and paper stuff."

TonyC [to jetman]: Tell him to get on the Gundam RPG. That'll get my money for sure.

jetman [to TonyC]: You and me both... the problem is that it's a big book in Japanese (I have a copy) and will be even bigger in English, so they have to split it up.

TonyC [to jetman]: Hmmm, speaking of Japanese.... You wouldn't happen to have the Japanese GURPS worldbooks, do you?

jetman [to TonyC]: Nope, I asked my friend to try and find them, but no luck.

Monkey . o O ( Back to Exalted: So something loud howled and made crashing noises in the forest, surprising a flock of crows. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Back. Checking notes. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Ah. I cleaned up the log but never posted it. Silly jesse. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Fixed that. Posing. )

TonyC [to jetman]: Speaking of Mekton: Shawn Hagen's Starblade Battallion is perhaps the best fanfic I've read ever, bar none.

From the hill where Kaizoku, Monkey and Leden stand, the road descends into a narrow valley. The valley is covered in the dark forest, and to your right and left hills enclose it, running south three or four miles to the far end, where a cliff and waterfall make the far end of the valley. In the center, a stepped pyramid rises up from the forest, white jade chased with moonsilver and -- starmetal? -- and capped with orichalcum. Four smaller pyramids stand beside it, red, blue, black, and green jade. As you stand and take in the sight, a murder of crows erupst from the middle distance between you and the tomb, a black cloud in the sky. Squawking furiously, the flock scatters in all directions. From whence it fled, you hear something large crashing through the forest, loud even at a mile's distance.

jetman [to TonyC]: I've been meaning to read it.

Monkey says, "Hmmm, a wild yeddim, perhaps?"

Monkey puts his hands over his eyes to shield it from the non-existant sun and peers.

Admiral Kaizoku shakes his head to clear it after falling. "No... in a place like this, there will be no coincidences Monkey. "Be on your guard."

Monkey . o O ( Oh, sorry for bring this, but Kaizoku shouldn't be reading much. Not much water in books and stone inscriptions. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( But the vague condensation of the air outlines them, no? )

The Storyteller . o O ( Heh. Good point. As with White Soul Weeping's muteness, I keep forgetting that Kaizoku's blind. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe there'll be an orichalcum blindcloth inside... they're normal-sight based. Or a super healing spell/artifact. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The marching order was Monkey, Kaizoku, Peleps? )

Monkey . o O ( I'm telling you. A demon. No, two little demons inhabiting your eye sockets and transmitting visuals straight to your brain is the way to go. )

The Storyteller . o O ( I believe so. )

Monkey . o O ( I don't think I have any charms active. )

Admiral Kaizoku draws his daiklave and points to the large central pyramid. "Onward, Monkey!" he orders.

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Nor do I. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Aight. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey's pose, I think. )
Monkey puts his staff back on his shoulders and marches on, whistling a sea-ditty as he walks.
think Kaizoku, then Deled.
The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku, then Deled. )
Admiral Kaizoku holds his blade at his side as he walks, looking to both sides and to the sky every few yards.  "The defenses of this place are still live... there may be bound demons or elementals, or buried automatons..." he cautions his companions.
think Oh, one more thing -- for the last four hours you've been regaining essence at 1/2 the normal rate.
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, one more thing -- for the last four hours you've been regaining essence at 1/2 the normal rate. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Got it. )
@emit Leden looks back over his shoulder at the great black archway. "I would be surprised if they didn't, Admiral." He shrugs and sheathes his daiklave. "Nought we can do about it but face them as they come." He takes up the rear, ten strides behind the admiral.
Leden looks back over his shoulder at the great black archway. "I would be surprised if they didn't, Admiral." He shrugs and sheathes his daiklave. "Nought we can do about it but face them as they come." He takes up the rear, ten strides behind the admiral.
Monkey . o O ( No problem. If we count the two hours spent interacting with Leden and Auspex as non-strenuous activity, I'm still down 6 motes and 1 WP. )
think Anybody got anima flare of any sort?
The Storyteller . o O ( Anybody got anima flare of any sort? )
Monkey . o O ( Kaizoku might, being the last person to use essence. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I got  up to level 2, but it should have come down by now. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, no, forgot about the spell... glowing like  a torch. )
Monkey . o O ( It's at least been one scene since you got dumped. )
Monkey . o O ( Look at it this way. At least now everything in yonder forest knows you are dangerous and thus be that much more less inclined to cause trouble. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Unless they've been trained to see anything Solar as Very Bad... )
Monkey . o O ( Of course there'll be things big enough that it think it can take you on, but that's what daiklaves are for. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And I think it's your posee Monkey. )
@emit After the cacophony of the startled crows, the forest has regained the eery silence of a shadowland. Occasionally you hear strange birdsong, or the distant sound of something moving through the trees, or the croaking of some foul beast looking for food or a mate. The air is still, and every so often you catch the smell of death. Under your feet, the pale road stretches on, turning to the west about a quarter-mile ahead. The only light is Kaizoku's anima flare. Monkey's shadow stretches out before you, and Leden's shadow behind, flickering on the road.
After the cacophony of the startled crows, the forest has regained the eery silence of a shadowland. Occasionally you hear strange birdsong, or the distant sound of something moving through the trees, or the croaking of some foul beast looking for food or a mate. The air is still, and every so often you catch the smell of death. Under your feet, the pale road stretches on, turning to the west about a quarter-mile ahead. The only light is Kaizoku's anima flare. Monkey's shadow stretches out before you, and Leden's shadow behind, flickering on the road.
Monkey . o O ( Huh? But I already posed, way back in the beginning. )
think Sorry. All that description takes time.
The Storyteller . o O ( Sorry. All that description takes time. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And I thought it had gone arond and would continue to cycle.  NM. )
think Doing another bit of pose. Just a moment.
The Storyteller . o O ( Doing another bit of pose. Just a moment. )
Monkey yawns. "I think it's probably past my usual bedtime. And still nothing interesting."
Monkey . o O ( Of course, usual bedtime is usually defined as "when the bottle is empty" )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Unless there's a duty schedule, of course. :) )
@emit Once past the first turn, the road narrows and takes on a different character. It's twistier, and not so smooth. The trees that line it grow larger, and great roots buckle the pavement. The stone is darker, and the branches of the trees hang over the road, giving it the feeling of a tunnel, dark and closed in.
Once past the first turn, the road narrows and takes on a different character. It's twistier, and not so smooth. The trees that line it grow larger, and great roots buckle the pavement. The stone is darker, and the branches of the trees hang over the road, giving it the feeling of a tunnel, dark and closed in.
think Make a Per + Awa check.
The Storyteller . o O ( Make a Per + Awa check. )
Monkey . o O ( Of course. Monkey always bring a second bottle then. ;) )
Monkey rolled 4 dice on Per + Awa and got 2 successes.
think Kaizoku?
The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku? )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Per and got 3 successes.
xl 8 Leden
You rolled 8 dice on Leden and got 1 success.
Monkey . o O ( Tsk tsk tsk.  )
Monkey . o O ( David, we need to get ourselves a better Night. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( He's concentrating too much on How Not To Be Seen to see anything else? )
Monkey . o O ( He isn't very good at that either. :) )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'm sure he's got some hidden strength!  Or he's a lover, not a fighter. )
Monkey . o O ( Well, he's a lover alright. )
@emit Shortly after you enter the narrow portion of the road, you notice patches of road that seem a little different from the rest of the pavement. At first they are small, no larger than a plate or the top of a cask, but soon they grow larger and closer together until you are soon confronted with a patch that covers all the road in front of you. Leden kneels down and holds his hand over the patch, which has a rougher, darker look to it than the ordinary pavement. "It's warm," he says with a trace of surprise. A moment later he pulls his hand back. "Very warm..."
Shortly after you enter the narrow portion of the road, you notice patches of road that seem a little different from the rest of the pavement. At first they are small, no larger than a plate or the top of a cask, but soon they grow larger and closer together until you are soon confronted with a patch that covers all the road in front of you. Leden kneels down and holds his hand over the patch, which has a rougher, darker look to it than the ordinary pavement. "It's warm," he says with a trace of surprise. A moment later he pulls his hand back. "Very warm..."
Admiral Kaizoku sees the spot as a zone with little water in it... a blind spot.  "Hot enough to burn?" he asks, having taken care not to step on any of them.  "Monkey, can you leap over it?"
Monkey says, "Why, of course. Why do you even need to ask?"
think Easily -- it's about fifteen feet to what looks like the next clear spot large enough for monkey to stand on.
The Storyteller . o O ( Easily -- it's about fifteen feet to what looks like the next clear spot large enough for monkey to stand on. )
Monkey says, "But what about you?"
Admiral Kaizoku says "Then do it... we will follow.  Be careful, there could be a trap on the other side."
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Admiral can broad jump 30 feet, so that's no trouble. )
Monkey jumps over the patch and lands at the clear spot with ease and grace.
Monkey . o O ( And if nothing happens, I'll keep moving, leaping over the next patch as necessary. )
think Nothing happens. As you move forward, you have to jump over about three more patches. Are you waiting for Kaizoku to catch up after each jump?
The Storyteller . o O ( Nothing happens. As you move forward, you have to jump over about three more patches. Are you waiting for Kaizoku to catch up after each jump? )
Monkey . o O ( Monkey? Patience? Nope. )
Admiral Kaizoku follows Monkey in leaping over the hot patches, taking care that he can make each one before attempting it... looking before he leaps.
think Thought not. Make a Per + Awa roll.
The Storyteller . o O ( Thought not. Make a Per + Awa roll. )
Monkey rolled 4 dice on per + awa and got 2 successes.
@emit It's midway through his fourth leap that Monkey realizes the patch of road he's aiming for isn't. Road, that is. Instead, it's a pit. Maybe a deep pit, with spikes and snakes at the bottom! This far from Kaizoku's flare, the shadows have thrown off his judgement a bit, but maybe he can grab that dangling, oh-so-convenient vine before he falls in...
It's midway through his fourth leap that Monkey realizes the patch of road he's aiming for isn't. Road, that is. Instead, it's a pit. Maybe a deep pit, with spikes and snakes at the bottom! This far from Kaizoku's flare, the shadows have thrown off his judgement a bit, but maybe he can grab that dangling, oh-so-convenient vine before he falls in...
think Meanwhile, Leden is following, jumping as carefully as the Admiral.
The Storyteller . o O ( Meanwhile, Leden is following, jumping as carefully as the Admiral. )
think Dex + Athletics, difficulty three, to catch the vine.
The Storyteller . o O ( Dex + Athletics, difficulty three, to catch the vine. )
Monkey's hand snakes up to grab the oh-so-convenient vine.
Monkey rolled 10 dice on Dex + Ath and got 3 successes.
A chance wind blew at a critical moment, moving the vine oh-so-slightly off Monkey's grasp. But just before he tumbles into the pit, Monkey extends his staff and twirls it, looping the vine around it. Dangling from the staff, he says, "I meant to do it" and climbs back up to the vine as the staff and vine starts to unloop.
@emit Monkey seizes the vine! And it starts wriggling with him on the end of it. Looking up into the overhanging canopy, he can see a very startled snake wondering what the hell's got hold of it. He can also see that it's a _large_ snake, with very sharp fangs. What to do?
Monkey seizes the vine! And it starts wriggling with him on the end of it. Looking up into the overhanging canopy, he can see a very startled snake wondering what the hell's got hold of it. He can also see that it's a _large_ snake, with very sharp fangs. What to do?
Monkey . o O ( I like my version better. It'll be my staff around the snake then. :) )
think Oh, fooey.
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, fooey. )
think Didn't see your pose till I finished with mine.
The Storyteller . o O ( Didn't see your pose till I finished with mine. )
Monkey . o O ( It's okay, it's more entertaining actually. )
Monkey . o O ( How big is the pit? )
Monkey . o O ( diameter. )
Monkey says, "Uh, hi. You shouldn't sleep like that. It's bad for your back, and all that blood rushing to your head causes nosebleed."
think More a chasm than a pit. It's about ten feet across, stretches out of sight into the forest on both sides of the road, and appears to be a sinkhole or some kind. You can't see the bottom, but that may simply be darkness as opposed to depth.
The Storyteller . o O ( More a chasm than a pit. It's about ten feet across, stretches out of sight into the forest on both sides of the road, and appears to be a sinkhole or some kind. You can't see the bottom, but that may simply be darkness as opposed to depth. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And we're a few hot spots back, too far to react yet? )
Monkey says, "Anyway, so sorry to interrupt your sleep."
think You're one hotspot back, Leden is two.
The Storyteller . o O ( You're one hotspot back, Leden is two. )
@emit The snake, unimpressed with Monkey's rapier wit, is thrashing as best it can with Monkey on the end of its tail.
The snake, unimpressed with Monkey's rapier wit, is thrashing as best it can with Monkey on the end of its tail.
Monkey . o O ( posing )
think getting more coffee
The Storyteller . o O ( getting more coffee )
Monkey bends himself up. His feet grab hold of the overhanging canopy and once secure there, he lets go of the snake and swings from the canopy to the next safe spot.
Monkey says, "Oi, watch out for that spot. It's a pit. And you might want to avoid the canopy too. I saw a big snake sleeping there."
Monkey . o O ( Grabbing chai. )
think Okay, that's a Dex + Ath roll, diff three, with a 2-die stunt.
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay, that's a Dex + Ath roll, diff three, with a 2-die stunt. )
Admiral Kaizoku calls out sternly "No grandstanding, Monkey!  This is just to discourage the casual intruders... the real peril lies ahead!"
Monkey rolled 12 dice on Dex+Ath+stunt and got 6 successes.
think Ta-da!
The Storyteller . o O ( Ta-da! )
Monkey . o O ( Mmmm, chai. )
think Mmmm, iced coffee.
The Storyteller . o O ( Mmmm, iced coffee. )
think Kaizoku, your pose.
The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku, your pose. )
Monkey lands safely and replies, "No worries, Admiral. I can handle it" and continues on.
think Monkey, make a Wits + Awareness roll.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey, make a Wits + Awareness roll. )
Monkey rolled 5 dice on Wit + Awa and got 4 successes.
think quick pose for monkey courtesy the GM
The Storyteller . o O ( quick pose for monkey courtesy the GM )
@emit As Monkey strides on down the road -- no more hotspots! -- he looks around and realizes that he's probably pretty close to where the crows fled from a few minutes ago...
As Monkey strides on down the road -- no more hotspots! -- he looks around and realizes that he's probably pretty close to where the crows fled from a few minutes ago...
Admiral Kaizoku takes more care in leaping over the chasm than Monkey did and keeps his blade between himself and the snake.  "The hot spots grew larger and the pits will too!"
@emit Leden follows with more care than the Admiral, pausing at the far edge of the pit to toss a pebble in. He mutters, "Not so deep after all," and hurries after you.
Leden follows with more care than the Admiral, pausing at the far edge of the pit to toss a pebble in. He mutters, "Not so deep after all," and hurries after you.
Monkey looks around, one hand on the staff on his shoulder and another on his waist. Not seeing anything immediately interesting, he scratches his head and sits down crosslegged.
Admiral Kaizoku adds "For now..."
Monkey . o O ( It was 15 yards deep! I swear! )
Admiral Kaizoku steps up to Monkey and says "From this point on, sweep the road before you with your staff, Monkey."
xl 10
You rolled 10 dice on something and got 1 success.
@emit So after all these hotspots, Monkey is sitting in the road while Kaizoku and Leden hurry to catch up to him. Monkey, you now have the option to use Reflex Sidestep Technique.
So after all these hotspots, Monkey is sitting in the road while Kaizoku and Leden hurry to catch up to him. Monkey, you now have the option to use Reflex Sidestep Technique.
Monkey . o O ( Used, naturally. )
Monkey rolled 8 dice on Dodge and got 6 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Jesse's pose. )
Monkey . o O ( Monkey suddenly has an urge to lie down and does so? )
@emit Without warning, a giant foot smashes down into the space Monkey was occupying a heartbeat ago. Looking up from his new position six inches away from the foot, still crosslegged, staff in hand. Towering over him is a vine-draped humanoid figure, maybe eighteen feet tall and coated in mud and dirt. Two pale gleams in the head serve as eyes, and in one hand it clutches a jagged tree trunk. Roll initiative.
Without warning, a giant foot smashes down into the space Monkey was occupying a heartbeat ago. Looking up from his new position six inches away from the foot, still crosslegged, staff in hand. Towering over him is a vine-draped humanoid figure, maybe eighteen feet tall and coated in mud and dirt. Two pale gleams in the head serve as eyes, and in one hand it clutches a jagged tree trunk. Roll initiative.
Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 12.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( With weapons? )
Monkey . o O ( Will probably go with MA rather than Melee, so won't count Staff's Speed this time. )
think Not for you and leden.
The Storyteller . o O ( Not for you and leden. )
think At least, this turn.
The Storyteller . o O ( At least, this turn. )
That would require a shovel and more free time than you have.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+7 and got 10.
roll 1d10+9 Leden init
On 1d10, you rolled 4.
roll 1d10+9
On 1d10+9, you rolled 18.
roll 1d10+9
On 1d10+9, you rolled 13.
(From Pyramid Lobby) [[BrianH]] KICKS his connection.
(From Pyramid Lobby) [[BrianH]] says, "SOrry about that..."
(From Pyramid Lobby) [[BrianH]] says, "And about last week. >.<"
@emit Round One: Leden, Giant, Monkey, Kaizoku. Posing...
Round One: Leden, Giant, Monkey, Kaizoku. Posing...
page [[BrianH]] 'sokay. Just send an e-mail or post a note on my wiki page next time, please.
Your message has been sent.
[[BrianH]] has arrived.
Shen . o O ( *sighs*  Sorry, guys. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And the giant foot crushes Shen!  Oh, hi. :) )
Shen . o O ( Thhbt.  What'd I miss? )
@emit Leden draws his daiklaive in a quick motion. His Caste mark brightens as he dons Flow Like Blood.
Leden draws his daiklaive in a quick motion. His Caste mark brightens as he dons Flow Like Blood.
think Quite a bit. I've got last session up under the session logs if you want to catch up...
The Storyteller . o O ( Quite a bit. I've got last session up under the session logs if you want to catch up... )
think giant's turn.
The Storyteller . o O ( giant's turn. )
@emit With a grinding noise, the giant raises its tree trunk club and brings it down on Monkey's head.
With a grinding noise, the giant raises its tree trunk club and brings it down on Monkey's head.
Monkey looks up, "Hmmm, you're new. What are you? Hey, are you that hekahekehoko Pippi - Whoah. Hey, can't we talk about this first? Stop that.
think One melee attack...
The Storyteller . o O ( One melee attack... )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We made friends with the Night, Leden, and his Deathknight mate, heard their story and decided to explore this valley with a Solar tomb in it.  As we spoke, the Admiral sent Shen to chart the bay with an eye to raising and salvaging the ships there for raw materials, with Suda's help. )
xl 11 Giant smash!
You rolled 11 dice on Giant smash! and got 6 successes.
Shen . o O ( Ah, okay.  I'll catch up-- shall I wait? )
Monkey . o O ( Hi [[BrianH]]. )
Monkey . o O ( 7SE. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We told the crew of the Sun we were off and left via Stormwind Rider.  Suda has that spell too, and may be able to catch up. )
think No prob. Pose it.
The Storyteller . o O ( No prob. Pose it. )
Monkey . o O ( Doesn't like to roll dice. )
Shen . o O ( Works for me! )
Monkey ducks under the club at the last moment only to suddenly appear on top of the club, landing there on all fours.
Shen . o O ( Did you mean I should pose it, or ...?  *blinks* )
Monkey . o O ( Oh, I think Jesse meant me posing the dodge. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I was just proposing a way you could get in before too long... it's up to Jesse how to work it. )
Monkey . o O ( Me? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Brian. )
think Now I'm confused...
The Storyteller . o O ( Now I'm confused... )
Monkey . o O ( Clarification: my turn? )
Shen . o O ( ... o.o )
think Ugh. Yes, Monkey's turn. Brian, make an Int + Sail roll for Shen.
The Storyteller . o O ( Ugh. Yes, Monkey's turn. Brian, make an Int + Sail roll for Shen. )
Monkey continues clambering up the tree trunk and up the giants shoulder before settling down on the giant's back. Settling down, he says, "Look, we're kinda busy here. So quit getting in the way!"
Shen rolled 10d10 and got 52.
[[TonyC]] [to [[BrianH]]]: pxl or xl 10.
Shen . o O ( err. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( You can use XL for a success counter here too. )
Shen . o O ( *caepalms* )
Shen rolled 10 dice on something and got 6 successes.
Shen . o O ( It's been a bad night. )
[[TonyC]] [to [[BrianH]]]: And Shen and Monkey has a one obol bet on whether you can chart the dock area in one watch.
Monkey . o O ( Figure out what kind of roll that is and I'll do it. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( How far is the giant from the Admiral? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( And is there a crater where he stomped? )
@emit As Monkey climbs up the giant's arm, he scrapes some of the dirt and mud off, revealing dull jade. The giant head turns a bit to watch him, pale eyes illuminating an angular face that looks like an old, Shogunate Era face mask.
As Monkey climbs up the giant's arm, he scrapes some of the dirt and mud off, revealing dull jade. The giant head turns a bit to watch him, pale eyes illuminating an angular face that looks like an old, Shogunate Era face mask.
think He's about twenty feet away, and yes, there's a crater about six inches deep.
[[TonyC]] [to [[BrianH]]]: In all fairness, I think Shen will win that bet though.
The Storyteller . o O ( He's about twenty feet away, and yes, there's a crater about six inches deep. )
Monkey . o O ( Oooo, ooo, that castle guardian from Laputa: Castle In The Sky. )
Monkey . o O ( neat! )
think Oh, I should watch that again.
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, I should watch that again. )
[[BrianH]] [to [[TonyC]]]: I'm pretty sure he has.  The question is whether or not I'll be here to help you with the other fun.  *chuckles*
Admiral Kaizoku is confident Monkey can occupy the creature... or construct, for the moment.  "Knock more of that dirt away!" he calls out to Monkey, wracking his brain for anything he knows of automatons of this sort, and how to shut them down.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( WITHOUT knocking them to bits, that is. )
think Is that it? Roll Wits + Occult if it is.
The Storyteller . o O ( Is that it? Roll Wits + Occult if it is. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( it is.  Past Lives bonus? )
think yes. Difficulty 5 though.
The Storyteller . o O ( yes. Difficulty 5 though. )
Monkey . o O ( Re: Shen. Hmmmm, we never did talk to Suda about it. I imagine that Suda is quite put out when she discovers that 1. there's an abyssal staying with her. 2. Their solar pawns going with a strange exalt that isn't her pawn. Might be possible she gets upset enough to go there herself, escorted by her other Solar pawn. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on Wits+Occ and got 3 successes.
Monkey . o O ( It's okay, leave it to Monkey. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Naturally, since it was an important roll... )
think She'll probably be torn: Go keep an eye on her pawns, or keep an eye on this Abyssal?
The Storyteller . o O ( She'll probably be torn: Go keep an eye on her pawns, or keep an eye on this Abyssal? )
@emit Despite his best efforts, the only thing the Admiral can think of is warstriders, and he reflects glumly on past attempts to bring _those_ down quickly without bashing them to pieces.
Despite his best efforts, the only thing the Admiral can think of is warstriders, and he reflects glumly on past attempts to bring _those_ down quickly without bashing them to pieces.
think Roll init again.
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll init again. )
Monkey . o O ( I say pawns. I mean, if she keeps an eye on this abyssal, and she goes nuts, she'd be at risk. )
Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 14.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d1+14 and got 15.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 18.
Monkey . o O ( On the other hand, if the abyssal goes berserk while she's keeping her eyes on the pawns, that's only a couple dragonbloods and mortals gone. Plenty more where that come from. )
think Lovely example of sidereal thinking.
The Storyteller . o O ( Lovely example of sidereal thinking. )
roll 1d10+14
On 1d10+14, you rolled 19.
roll 1d10+12
On 1d10+12, you rolled 20.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( But even Sidereals can't stand up before the presence of Solars... all the Admiral's speeches might be getting to her. )
Monkey . o O ( Nah, she's just humoring you. The better to manipulate Kaizoku. Right, Brian? )
Shen . o O ( ... I know nothing and am not already plotting against her.  oyalty, that's me! )
[[TonyC]] [to [[BrianH]]]: So how's your 4th btw?
[[BrianH]] [to [[TonyC]]]: Blerrrgh.
[[BrianH]] [to [[TonyC]]]: Just... Blergh.
[[TonyC]] [to [[BrianH]]]: Awww. <pats pats>
@emit Leden springs forward, daiklaive first, and leaps into the air as the giant automaton raises its club again. His blade flashes in the anima flare and shatters the club. He lands in a crouch on the other side, daiklave in a defensive posture as splinters rain down around him.
Leden springs forward, daiklaive first, and leaps into the air as the giant automaton raises its club again. His blade flashes in the anima flare and shatters the club. He lands in a crouch on the other side, daiklave in a defensive posture as splinters rain down around him.
think And now let's see if he actually does that...
The Storyteller . o O ( And now let's see if he actually does that... )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Dang, I wanted to do that! )
think Sorry!
The Storyteller . o O ( Sorry! )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( NP, now I have a better idea. )
xl 14 Attack plus stunt
You rolled 14 dice on Attack plus stunt and got 8 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Hmmmm, I'd say this is probably a disguised Brass Legionnaire. What do you think, guys? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I think I don't have that book. )
Monkey . o O ( I promise not to crack Wyld open and look up the stats. )
xld 19
You rolled 19 dice on something and got 6 hits.
think Good enough.
The Storyteller . o O ( Good enough. )
@emit In the wake of Leden's strike, the greater part of the giant's club falls to the road. It casts the remainder aside and reaches for the Monkey on its back with its now free left hand. You notice that the right arm is stiff and unmoving.
In the wake of Leden's strike, the greater part of the giant's club falls to the road. It casts the remainder aside and reaches for the Monkey on its back with its now free left hand. You notice that the right arm is stiff and unmoving.
think Sorry. Distracted for a sec.
The Storyteller . o O ( Sorry. Distracted for a sec. )
xl 7 Grab!
You rolled 7 dice on Grab! and got 3 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Ah, successful plan. Monkey distract opponent. Opponent focuses on Monkey. Everyone else beats up Opponent. Monkey didn't have to work. )
think Monkey dodge?
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey dodge? )
Monkey . o O ( Sure. Shadow Over- Nah. Abort to Full Dodge. )
Monkey rolled 14 dice on Dodge and got 6 successes.
think Easy-peasy
The Storyteller . o O ( Easy-peasy )
think Pose and then Kaizoku.
The Storyteller . o O ( Pose and then Kaizoku. )
Monkey clambers to the right side of the giant, putting its own head between the grabbing hand and him. The whole thing quickly devolves into a hide-a-seek game, much to Monkey's delight.
Admiral Kaizoku thinks back to his experiences with and against warstriders... they are complex machines indeed, especially the legs, full of gears and moving parts under great pressure... time to exploit that!  He bends down and dashes forward, arms out at his side and coat flapping, and runs right between the creature's legs.  His heel  kicks up dust as he spins on it, bringing his blade around in an arc to cut at where the hamstring would be on a human.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Two attacks, using Hungry Tiger on both. )
Monkey . o O ( Ah, looks like we're about done with this encounter. )
think Okay. Good call, though knee-joints would have been a better target. 2-die stunt.
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Good call, though knee-joints would have been a better target. 2-die stunt. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 15 dice on Left leg and got 9 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 14 dice on right leg and got 4 successes.
think No dodge, so both hit. Soak is 20.
The Storyteller . o O ( No dodge, so both hit. Soak is 20. )
[[TonyC]] [to [[BrianH]]]: So, have you decided on Shen's entrance scene yet?
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 9 dice on something and got 4 hits.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on something and got 1 hit.
think Eh?
The Storyteller . o O ( Eh? )
think Nevermind. Posing.
The Storyteller . o O ( Nevermind. Posing. )
@emit The Admiral's blade strikes true, and the giant staggers at the twin blows, falling to one knee. Gears and machinery scream in protest.
The Admiral's blade strikes true, and the giant staggers at the twin blows, falling to one knee. Gears and machinery scream in protest.
think Roll init.
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll init. )
Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 15.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 19.
roll 1d10+9
On 1d10+9, you rolled 11.
roll 1d10+14
On 1d10+14, you rolled 20.
[[BrianH]] [to [[TonyC]]]: I don't know if I'm going to show up-- or when-- so I'm waiting on the boss's word.
think After this scene.
The Storyteller . o O ( After this scene. )
@emit Leden spins around and starts another charge -- then pulls up, listening. Something big is moving through the forest, not too far away. "Admiral! Permission to scout?"
Leden spins around and starts another charge -- then pulls up, listening. Something big is moving through the forest, not too far away. "Admiral! Permission to scout?"
think Admiral?
The Storyteller . o O ( Admiral? )
Admiral Kaizoku ponders for one moment and says "Granted, go!" as he readies his blade for another attack.
@emit Caste mark lighting his way, Leden springs into the forest, a flicker of sunlight in the darkness.
Caste mark lighting his way, Leden springs into the forest, a flicker of sunlight in the darkness.
think Admiral's turn.
The Storyteller . o O ( Admiral's turn. )
Admiral Kaizoku continues his attack on the falling giant, bringing his blade out to his side and then across the knee it is resting on before he continues upward to shatter the hip of the golem, aiming to bring it down to its side.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Two attacks again. )
think 1-die stunt
The Storyteller . o O ( 1-die stunt )
Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, a flaring arrow shooting through the darkness. Drats, which anime was that from. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 14 dice on Knee! and got 5 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 13 dice on hip! and got 4 successes.
think Again, no dodge, soak 20
The Storyteller . o O ( Again, no dodge, soak 20 )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4  dice on something and got 2 hits.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4  dice on something and got 1 hit.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Looks like it's time for the Poke of Doom. )
@emit The giant's internal workings scream in protest as it stands, sparks and smoke seeping from the gashes left by the Admiral's blows. With a desperate effort, it swings around and aims a punch at the Admiral.
The giant's internal workings scream in protest as it stands, sparks and smoke seeping from the gashes left by the Admiral's blows. With a desperate effort, it swings around and aims a punch at the Admiral.
xl 7 giant fist!
You rolled 7 dice on giant fist! and got 2 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Dipping Swallow. )
Monkey . o O ( combo? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Didn't use Hungry Tiger that time. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 15 dice on Parry! and got 10 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, god... )
Monkey . o O ( True. Somehow I thought you're initiating the poke of doom now. )
think Heheheh.
The Storyteller . o O ( Heheheh. )
think Feel free to pose that one.
The Storyteller . o O ( Feel free to pose that one. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( The Poke of Doom is 4-5 multi attacks depending only on ping. )
Monkey . o O ( Go pose. But isn't your big combo more appropriate for this thing? )
Admiral Kaizoku's blade goes out as quickly as a ray of light, knocking several points on the machine's arm to make its blow go completely astray.  He lines up his next attack from what he sees on its underside.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Big target, big soak, no dodge is the best thing to use the combo on, but I've used it once already and it is spendy... )
think roll init then
The Storyteller . o O ( roll init then )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 16.
roll 1d10+9
On 1d10+9, you rolled 18.
Monkey rolled 1d10+8 and got 13.
@emit The giant staggers forward and aims another punch at the Admiral, ignoring Monkey for the moment.
The giant staggers forward and aims another punch at the Admiral, ignoring Monkey for the moment.
xl 7 punch!
You rolled 7 dice on punch! and got 2 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku brings up his blade to parry it with the power of the sun.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( DSD once more. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 15 dice on Parry! and got 7 successes.
think Pose and... pose again, since it's your turn next.
The Storyteller . o O ( Pose and... pose again, since it's your turn next. )
Admiral Kaizoku has the construct's movements fully analyzed  now and bats its good arm straight up in the air this time, setting up his next attack... he brings his daiklave in under its arm then leaps up and attacks its shoulder and swings out at both sides of its neck before flipping back off his head to crouch on the ground, blade held before him.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Four attacks. )
think Aye. 2 dice for stunting bits.
The Storyteller . o O ( Aye. 2 dice for stunting bits. )
Monkey . o O ( Alright, if Kaizoku's attack doesn't finish it, tell me, how far away is the pit from here? )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 13 dice on Underarm! and got 10 successes.
think About twenty yards.
The Storyteller . o O ( About twenty yards. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 12 dice on shoulder! and got 5 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 11 dice on Neck! and got 6 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 10 dice on Again Neck! and got 5 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( NOW I wish I'd used Hungry Tiger... bleh. )
think Roll that damage.
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll that damage. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on something and got 2 hits.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on something and got 1 hit.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on something and got 2 hits.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on something and got 2 hits.
Monkey . o O ( Dead? )
@emit The forest rings with the fury of the Admiral's blows, and with each one the giant staggers back. At the last, the pale eyes wink out and the automaton topples forward with a loud crash of jade on stone.
The forest rings with the fury of the Admiral's blows, and with each one the giant staggers back. At the last, the pale eyes wink out and the automaton topples forward with a loud crash of jade on stone.
think Ayup. Off in the distance, you can hear something big crashing through the forest -- but it's moving away from you.
The Storyteller . o O ( Ayup. Off in the distance, you can hear something big crashing through the forest -- but it's moving away from you. )
Monkey . o O ( Wheee! )
Shen . o O ( Argh.  RL, sec. )
think Okay. Feel free to pose, take photos, etc.
The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Feel free to pose, take photos, etc. )
Admiral Kaizoku straightens up once the creature has gone down in a cloud of dust behind him and brings down his sword.  "As I suspected..." he says.  "Report!" he barks.
Monkey pokes at the remains with his staff. He turns to face Kaizoku and shrugs, "Eh, I could've taken it out by myself, but I suppose with your help it's faster. So, Admiral, onward or do we wait for Leden?
think I suggest examining the giant a little closer...
The Storyteller . o O ( I suggest examining the giant a little closer... )
Monkey says, "At any rate, I'm fine."
Monkey . o O ( Poking counts, I hope. )
Admiral Kaizoku says "This device is part of the defenses Monkey, and may hold ways to bypass other parts..." as he strides over to the head of the automaton and looks for a way to open it up.  "Come here and look carefully."
Monkey says, "And judging from the noise, looks like Leden has found another one and is leading it to a merry chase. I think."
@emit Now that it's fallen, you can see that whatever it is now, this thing started life as a warstrider. Even prone, it's taller than the Admiral. Maybe if you flipped it over, you could get at the cockpit... but for now, it looks like you can get at one or two maintenance hatches. And there, on the shoulder -- some kind of identifying mark?
Now that it's fallen, you can see that whatever it is now, this thing started life as a warstrider. Even prone, it's taller than the Admiral. Maybe if you flipped it over, you could get at the cockpit... but for now, it looks like you can get at one or two maintenance hatches. And there, on the shoulder -- some kind of identifying mark?
Monkey . o O ( It is a warstrider, controlled by the materialized ghost of loyal Shogunate soldier. )
think Make a Wits + Lore roll
The Storyteller . o O ( Make a Wits + Lore roll )
Monkey squints.
Monkey rolled 4 dice on Wit + Lore and got 2 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on Wits+lore and got 7 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Woo!  Unimportant! :) )
@emit Hm. Yes, it's an identifying mark, in Old Realm. It looks like a unit badge and the number 4. Assuming it was deployed as part of the defenses, there are probably four others wandering around the valley.
Hm. Yes, it's an identifying mark, in Old Realm. It looks like a unit badge and the number 4. Assuming it was deployed as part of the defenses, there are probably four others wandering around the valley.
Monkey grabs the giant's body. His caste mark starts to glitter as essence races through his muscles. Exerting himself, he lifts and flips the giant over and starts opening the hatch, by force if necessary.
Monkey . o O ( With judicious use of Strength Increasing Exercise, Str 7. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( You can spend a WP point to make a WP roll and add that to your Str+ath for lifting... )
Shen . o O ( Sorry, cat thing. )
@emit Jade groans and snaps, and Monkey pops open the hatch. Inside is -- neither man nor ghost, but a tangle of machinery. Jade rods and gears, and in the center a hearthstone glowing with a faint white light.
Jade groans and snaps, and Monkey pops open the hatch. Inside is -- neither man nor ghost, but a tangle of machinery. Jade rods and gears, and in the center a hearthstone glowing with a faint white light.
Admiral Kaizoku steps back, unable to admonish Monkey over the din of his entry attempt.
Monkey . o O ( I know. But WP expensive. Motes cheap. )
Monkey says, "Oooo, shiny."
Monkey reaches for the glowing thing and grabs it. Taking it out, he holds it near his face to admire its glow and glitter.
Admiral Kaizoku steps forward to pull the Hearthstone from its setting and examine it, knowing it is linked to the smaller pyramid Manse of the same color.
Monkey . o O ( Shoo, shoo. Mine! )
Monkey . o O ( Hiss. )
think Who's got it?
The Storyteller . o O ( Who's got it? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( I'll pull it from Monkey's hand. )
Shen . o O ( So, what -am- I doing right now? )
Monkey . o O ( I got it first, being the one who opened the hatch. But after admiring it for a few secs, I'll get bored and let Kaizoku take it. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, maybe that sea monster we heard about showed up. )
[[TonyC]] whispers, "I told [[BrianH]] that he should actively ask you about it because let's face it, Monkey and Kaizoku can spend a lot of time on this sort of hijinx."
'[[BrianH]] Sorry. You've just finished surveying the harbor -- result in e-mail when I make them up -- and have done it in time to win a bet. Back on the Unconquered Sun, you get to watch in amused detachment as Suda throws a hissy fit over having an Abyssal nearby, then more-or-less commandeering you to go chasing after Kaizoku "before he gets in any deeper shit." Which means you'll show up on the scene in... about thirty minutes game time.
Apollonian [to [[BrianH]]]: Sorry. You've just finished surveying the harbor -- result in e-mail when I make them up -- and have done it in time to win a bet. Back on the Unconquered Sun, you get to watch in amused detachment as Suda throws a hissy fit over having an Abyssal nearby, then more-or-less commandeering you to go chasing after Kaizoku "before he gets in any deeper shit." Which means you'll show up on the scene in... about thirty minutes game time.
[[BrianH]] [to Apollonian]: CHeck.
Monkey . o O ( Does Suda and Shen get dumped too when the spell fizzles? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Is Suda more, or less, prudent than the Admiral? )
@emit The hearthstone -- is it a hearthstone? It looks odd, now that you hold it. The stone, then, is in size and shape similar to a hen's egg, uncut, and milky gray in color. Its glow dims a little when it is taken from its setting.
The hearthstone -- is it a hearthstone? It looks odd, now that you hold it. The stone, then, is in size and shape similar to a hen's egg, uncut, and milky gray in color. Its glow dims a little when it is taken from its setting.
Monkey says, "Anyway, do we wait for Leden or do we go on, Admiral, and let Leden catch up with us when he can?"
think Rather more prudent, and more familiar with First Age tomb complexes. So she doesn't lose her Stormwind Rider until she gets to the canopy road.
The Storyteller . o O ( Rather more prudent, and more familiar with First Age tomb complexes. So she doesn't lose her Stormwind Rider until she gets to the canopy road. )
Admiral Kaizoku says "Jump up and see how he is doing Monkey... if he needs our help, he will get it."
think I've suddenly got this great image of Monkey-as-praire-dog...
The Storyteller . o O ( I've suddenly got this great image of Monkey-as-praire-dog... )
Monkey jumps up and lands on a nearby branch. A couple of quick movements later, he's on top of the tree. "Don't see any anima banner yet! He's probably fine."
A slight rustle of leaves, and Monkey lands next to Admiral Kaizoku with a soft thump.
think An accurate description. The forest is dark and silent.
The Storyteller . o O ( An accurate description. The forest is dark and silent. )
Admiral Kaizoku says "He knows where the center lies... we will meet him there!" as he pockets the hearthstone and continues down the path.  "Take the point again Monkey."
Monkey starts walking and whistling again.
Admiral Kaizoku calls out "And use your staff to probe for traps!  This golem was not the greatest of their defenses, of that I am sure!"
@emit About fifteen minutes of walking later, the forest suddenly ends. A wide clearing stretches out before, running perpendicular to the road and vanishing into darkness on either side. In the distance ahead of you, you can barely make out a wall.
Monkey . o O ( What's that Monkey? Oook ook! Kaizoku fell down the well? Oook! Again? Oook ook. Oh well, I suppose we'll have to bail him out again. Oook oook eeek. Yeah, yeah, I agree Monkey. Eeek oook. Very well, lead the way Monkey. )
About fifteen minutes of walking later, the forest suddenly ends. A wide clearing stretches out before, running perpendicular to the road and vanishing into darkness on either side. In the distance ahead of you, you can barely make out a wall.
Admiral Kaizoku's anima banner has continued to blaze high from the battle with the construct, yet it does him no good with his blindcloth.  "To the top of the wall, Monkey, and see what you can see."
think Roll Willpower.
The Storyteller . o O ( Roll Willpower. )
Monkey says, "Aye aye."
Monkey rolled 9 dice on WP and got 5 successes.
think Hm.
The Storyteller . o O ( Hm. )
think Climbing or jumping?
The Storyteller . o O ( Climbing or jumping? )
Monkey . o O ( Probably good time to bring Shen in. We've been walking carefully, and with the anima banner, Kaizoku's real easy to find. )
Monkey . o O ( Jumping. Climbing's too long. )
Monkey . o O ( Do I need charm-assisted jumping? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( You can jump 12 yards straight up... )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Without the charm. )
@emit Monkey leaps to the top of the wall, a mere twenty feet. As his feet touch the top of the masonry, he feels a shiver of uncharacteristic nervousness. Looking past the wall, he sees nothing but darkness... and a faint glow from the wall beneath him. Under his feet, sigils are lined in red light, spreading out from a point beneath his right heel.
Monkey leaps to the top of the wall, a mere twenty feet. As his feet touch the top of the masonry, he feels a shiver of uncharacteristic nervousness. Looking past the wall, he sees nothing but darkness... and a faint glow from the wall beneath him. Under his feet, sigils are lined in red light, spreading out from a point beneath his right heel.
@emit Back on the ground, Kaizoku hears a shout behind him. "Admiral? Are you all right?" It's Suda, accompanied by Shen.
Back on the ground, Kaizoku hears a shout behind him. "Admiral? Are you all right?" It's Suda, accompanied by Shen.
Think Everybody gets a chance to pose.
The Storyteller . o O ( Everybody gets a chance to pose. )
Admiral Kaizoku brings up his blade at the noise but lowers it as he sees the outline of his companions and hears their voices.  "There are large automatons in the area... we have dealt with one" he returns.  "We are well."
Monkey says, "Don't see anything much. Some letters on the topside of the wall. That's it. Eh, looks safe, Admiral. I'll go over and wait for you on the other side."
Monkey lets himself fall over. Landing hands first on the other side, he kips back up.
Monkey . o O ( Alright, does Monkey get zapped by the automated defense system? )
think In a sec. Shen?
The Storyteller . o O ( In a sec. Shen? )
Monkey . o O ( And yes, I know Kaizoku would've told Monkey not to do it. Why do you think Monkey didn't wait for an answer? )
Shen . o O ( Yo? )
think Pose?
The Storyteller . o O ( Pose? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Pose in! )
Shen . o O ( Sorry, I think I missed the line. :P  This is NOT my night. )
Shen walks in, carrying his bow under one arm.  "You owe me'n'Obol, Monkey," he says with a smile."
think Has monkey got his caste mark lit up, or any other illumination?
The Storyteller . o O ( Has monkey got his caste mark lit up, or any other illumination? )
Monkey . o O ( All the more reason to go over the wall now and delay payment. )
Monkey . o O ( 1st level only. Not enough to see. )
think Got it.
The Storyteller . o O ( Got it. )
Monkey . o O ( If it's dark enough, of course I'll turn on the headlight. )
Maybe Monkey heard Shen. Maybe that's why he quickly went over the wall to the other side.
@emit On the other side of the wall, it's completely dark. Until light glints of a spear blade. And another. And a third, a fourth... Monkey realizes he's surrounded by soldiers, clad in armor and carrying spears of steel, faces hidden by grotesque devil masks. Without a word, they attack.
On the other side of the wall, it's completely dark. Until light glints of a spear blade. And another. And a third, a fourth... Monkey realizes he's surrounded by soldiers, clad in armor and carrying spears of steel, faces hidden by grotesque devil masks. Without a word, they attack.
@emit Meanwhile, back on Kaizoku's side...
Meanwhile, back on Kaizoku's side...
@emit Suda says, "What were you thinking, inviting an Abyssal on board?"
Suda says, "What were you thinking, inviting an Abyssal on board?"
think Admiral, make a Per + Awareness roll.
The Storyteller . o O ( Admiral, make a Per + Awareness roll. )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Per and got no successes but no botches either.
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Must be important. )
Shen says, "I have a feeling this is going t'be an interestin' trip."
Monkey . o O ( does this count as new scene, btw? )
think Yes.
The Storyteller . o O ( Yes. )
think On all counts, actually.
The Storyteller . o O ( On all counts, actually. )
Admiral Kaizoku clips his blade into its holder.  "First, I am thinking it is my ship... Second, that this is a deathknight gone rogue from the Silver Prince.  He has declared himself my enemy, and whatever he desires, he will not have" he says cooly.
Monkey . o O ( If it becomes important, assume Full Dodge and Leaping Dodge Method. )
@emit Suda frowns, opens her mouth, shuts it, then says, "Contrariness is rarely a winning strategy, Admiral. I will keep an eye on her even if you do not." She looks around. "On more immediate topics... do you hear that?"
Suda frowns, opens her mouth, shuts it, then says, "Contrariness is rarely a winning strategy, Admiral. I will keep an eye on her even if you do not." She looks around. "On more immediate topics... do you hear that?"
think Shen, make a Per + Awa check
The Storyteller . o O ( Shen, make a Per + Awa check )
think Monkey, you're being attacked by 5 soldiers. To keep it simple, I'm just averaging their attacks -- 5 attacks at 3 successes each.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey, you're being attacked by 5 soldiers. To keep it simple, I'm just averaging their attacks -- 5 attacks at 3 successes each. )
think Oh, and everyone -- roll your highest Virtue.
The Storyteller . o O ( Oh, and everyone -- roll your highest Virtue. )
Shen rolled 3 dice on something and got 3 successes.
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 3 dice on Conviction and got 2 successes.
Monkey's response to the first spear stab is to jump overhead to the second guy's head. Not that he gets any peace over there. The soldiers turn around as one facing Monkey and Monkey is forced to find another safe spot, on the third guy's shoulder this time. In that manner, Monkey crosses the yard.
Monkey rolled 14 dice on Dodge and got 6 successes.
Monkey rolled 5 dice on Valor and got 4 successes.
Monkey rolled 13 dice on Dodge and got 9 successes.
Monkey rolled 12 dice on Dodge and got 9 successes.
Monkey rolled 11 dice on Dodge and got 6 successes.
Monkey rolled 10 dice on Dodge and got 2 successes.
Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, close. I'm gonna need stunt bonus. Please please with sugar on top? )
@emit As Monkey reaches the far side of the yard, he turns and sees the soldiers fade like smoke in the wind. Looking up and in front, he sees a form rise above him: one of the outlying pyramids. Before him, a wide door yawns open, steps leading down from it into the darkness of the tomb.
As Monkey reaches the far side of the yard, he turns and sees the soldiers fade like smoke in the wind. Looking up and in front, he sees a form rise above him: one of the outlying pyramids. Before him, a wide door yawns open, steps leading down from it into the darkness of the tomb.
think Back on the other side...
The Storyteller . o O ( Back on the other side... )
think Shen, was that a Virtue roll or a Per + Awa roll?
The Storyteller . o O ( Shen, was that a Virtue roll or a Per + Awa roll? )
Shen . o O ( Virtue, sorry. )
Shen rolled 7 dice on something and got 5 successes.
Shen . o O ( Hit the wrong button. :P )
Monkey . o O ( Anima flare. The 15+ version. )
@emit Shen hears nothing, but over Suda's shoulder he sees a shape moving out of the darkness toward the three Exalted. Hard to make out at first, it quickly grows more distinct. Man-high but twice as wide, it is a dog-headed figure that seems carved from smoke.
Shen hears nothing, but over Suda's shoulder he sees a shape moving out of the darkness toward the three Exalted. Hard to make out at first, it quickly grows more distinct. Man-high but twice as wide, it is a dog-headed figure that seems carved from smoke.
Shen . o O ( Could I recognize it as something or other with a Per + Lore or OCcult roll? )
think Admiral: You feel a hot wind blowing over you, from the south.
The Storyteller . o O ( Admiral: You feel a hot wind blowing over you, from the south. )
think Shen: yes, Per + Occult
The Storyteller . o O ( Shen: yes, Per + Occult )
Monkey yells from the tomb entrance. "Be careful. There's some sort of zombie soldiers around. Nothing to worry about, I'm fine. I'm going in. See you inside!
Shen rolled 3 dice on something and got 4 successes.
Shen . o O ( ... Sweet. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Is it a natural wind, or somethign else?  And can we hear Monkey over the wall? )
Monkey, still whistling, turns back to the entrance and step by step descends into the tomb.
Monkey . o O ( And was never seen again! <thunder sfx> )
think Monkey: As you cross the threshold, the joy of entering a new place thrills through you... almost involuntarily, you quicken your step.
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey: As you cross the threshold, the joy of entering a new place thrills through you... almost involuntarily, you quicken your step. )
whisper Gain a point of Valor. Lose a point of Willpower and a point of Temperance.
You need to specify someone to whisper to.
whisper Gain a point of Valor. Lose a point of Willpower and a point of Temperance. to [[TonyC]]
You whisper, "Gain a point of Valor. Lose a point of Willpower and a point of Temperance." to [[TonyC]].
Monkey . o O ( Woohoo! )
think Kaizoku: Unnatural, most likely, and yes. Make a Wits + Occult roll
The Storyteller . o O ( Kaizoku: Unnatural, most likely, and yes. Make a Wits + Occult roll )
Shen . o O ( What is it? )
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 7 dice on Wits+Occ and got 2 successes.
[[TonyC]] whispers, "Well, that's Valor 6, and Temp 1. And do you mean temporary willpower or permanent willpower?"
think Shen: You recognize it as hobgoblin from one of the Wyld zones up north, servant a particularly renowned Raksha noble known for gambling with mortals.
The Storyteller . o O ( Shen: You recognize it as hobgoblin from one of the Wyld zones up north, servant a particularly renowned Raksha noble known for gambling with mortals. )
whisper Temporary to [[TonyC]]
You whisper, "Temporary" to [[TonyC]].
think Crud, it's already 2:00.
The Storyteller . o O ( Crud, it's already 2:00. )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Time flies when you're having fun! )
whisper It feels a lot like the wind from that incident at the demon-tainted manse. And now that you think of it, things are taking on a bit of a green tint, too. Gain a point of Conviction, lose a point of Compassion and a point of temporary Willpower.
You need to specify someone to whisper to.
Shen pulls back Swift Retort, his hand flipping an arrow forwards to the ready.  "Raksha!" he says clearly.  "We mean you no harm, save if you mean us harm.  This is a dire place, and if you treat unfairly with us, you will suffer the scourge of the Sun."
whisper It feels a lot like the wind from that incident at the demon-tainted manse. And now that you think of it, things are taking on a bit of a green tint, too. Gain a point of Conviction, lose a point of Compassion and a point of temporary Willpower. to jetman
You whisper, "It feels a lot like the wind from that incident at the demon-tainted manse. And now that you think of it, things are taking on a bit of a green tint, too. Gain a point of Conviction, lose a point of Compassion and a point of temporary Willpower." to jetman.
xl 4 suda
You rolled 4 dice on suda and got 5 successes.
think Dayum.
The Storyteller . o O ( Dayum. )
Admiral Kaizoku spins around to face the fell creature, hand on his blade.  "This place is the property of the Chosen of the Sun!" he declares sternly.
Shen . o O ( I love having immunity. :P )
Monkey starts skipping down two steps at a time.
Monkey . o O ( Wheee. )
think Shen: Have you put your sheet up on the wiki yet?
The Storyteller . o O ( Shen: Have you put your sheet up on the wiki yet? )
Shen . o O ( ... No, but I'll do that this week, I promise.  I have a LOT to catch up on anyway. >.> )
@emit Back to Monkey: Without warning, the steps give way to a narrow walkway, no more than a foot wide, over a deep chasm. Far below, red firelight flickers, giving the space a fearsome cast. The walkway has no visible support, but then, Monkey can't see below it. It still descends, at a shallow slope, until it reaches a door in the far wall some twenty paces away. Between Monkey and the door stands a human figure carved from white jade, holding a greatsword out in front of it.
Back to Monkey: Without warning, the steps give way to a narrow walkway, no more than a foot wide, over a deep chasm. Far below, red firelight flickers, giving the space a fearsome cast. The walkway has no visible support, but then, Monkey can't see below it. It still descends, at a shallow slope, until it reaches a door in the far wall some twenty paces away. Between Monkey and the door stands a human figure carved from white jade, holding a greatsword out in front of it.
think Admiral, you can't see the creature. That hot wind is blowing a little harder, though.
The Storyteller . o O ( Admiral, you can't see the creature. That hot wind is blowing a little harder, though. )
Admiral Kaizoku narrows his ruined eyes under the blindcloth.  "Something else is near..." he warns Suda and Shen in a low voice.  "Something powerful and wicked."
@emit Suda is speaking in Old Realm, carrying out a conversation with someone or something -- a little god, to judge from her side of it. Her dialect is strange, and the Admiral can't make out the entire thread of things. "A what.... now? ... intolerable. I'm in good standing... can't do this! Liu Bang can... well. What must be done, must be done... As you wish. In three days..."
Suda is speaking in Old Realm, carrying out a conversation with someone or something -- a little god, to judge from her side of it. Her dialect is strange, and the Admiral can't make out the entire thread of things. "A what.... now? ... intolerable. I'm in good standing... can't do this! Liu Bang can... well. What must be done, must be done... As you wish. In three days..."
Still holding his staff in one hand, Monkey puts both hands together in a greeting. "If you're like the rest of them outside, you're probably some sort of guardian. In which case, mind opening the door for me? If you're just a statue, boy, I am glad no one else is here."
Monkey . o O ( Ah, Liu Bang. Great sorcerer. )
think Monkey: No door, just an opening in the wall. The statue says nothing, nor does it move until and unless you get within three paces of it. I'm assuming you do, of course...
The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey: No door, just an opening in the wall. The statue says nothing, nor does it move until and unless you get within three paces of it. I'm assuming you do, of course... )
Monkey . o O ( Well, duh. )
Monkey says, "No response eh. Guess you're just a statue after all."
Monkey shrugs and starts walking past the statue and into the opening in the wall when...
Monkey . o O ( Back to you guys. )
Admiral Kaizoku tenses as he hears Suda talking, trying his best to make out her words... he's never thrilled to deal with any outside power, demon or god, and actually growls a bit.
Shen . o O ( What's the critter doing? )
whisper The hobgoblin stops a good five paces away from you and holds out its hands to show its peaceful intentions. It looks at you, tongue lolling from the side of its mouth, and beckons you forward. to [[BrianH]]
You whisper, "The hobgoblin stops a good five paces away from you and holds out its hands to show its peaceful intentions. It looks at you, tongue lolling from the side of its mouth, and beckons you forward." to [[BrianH]].
Shen lets the bow lag slightly.  "Not forward here, I am afraid, though I will lower my weapon.  Speak!  And tell me who you bring emissary of."
@emit The statue raises the sword to bar Monkey's way as he tries to go past. It is a quick motion, for a statue.
The statue raises the sword to bar Monkey's way as he tries to go past. It is a quick motion, for a statue.
whisper The hobgoblin shrugs, and gestures back to whence it came. A groaning of wheels echoes out of the darkness, and a pair of fiery-eyed and hooved horses come into view, pulling a cart. The cart is a cage, filled with wailing women and children, from all over Creation. They look out of the cage with fear and longing in their eyes, screaming for release, for mercy. All have the look of the soul-ravaged victims of the Fair Folk, of those not yet fully lost but who have tasted the full hunger of the Rakshas for human souls. The hobgoblin points at them, then at you, and then produces a pair of dice from a pouch at its waist and gently tosses them up and down. to [[BrianH]]
You whisper, "The hobgoblin shrugs, and gestures back to whence it came. A groaning of wheels echoes out of the darkness, and a pair of fiery-eyed and hooved horses come into view, pulling a cart. The cart is a cage, filled with wailing women and children, from all over Creation. They look out of the cage with fear and longing in their eyes, screaming for release, for mercy. All have the look of the soul-ravaged victims of the Fair Folk, of those not yet fully lost but who have tasted the full hunger of the Rakshas for human souls. The hobgoblin points at them, then at you, and then produces a pair of dice from a pouch at its waist and gently tosses them up and down." to [[BrianH]].
think Posing
The Storyteller . o O ( Posing )
@emit Though the statue says nothing, a voice echoes out of the chasm below. "Ere thou may pass the guardian, thou must best him in a contest." Looking down, Monkey can see no speaker, but he has the sense of someone watching him.
Though the statue says nothing, a voice echoes out of the chasm below. "Ere thou may pass the guardian, thou must best him in a contest." Looking down, Monkey can see no speaker, but he has the sense of someone watching him.
Monkey rolls his eyes, "Lookie here, I'm the greatest fighter in Creation. So the result of a fight between you and me is a foregone conclusion. Fortunately for you, I'm kinda in a hurry, so let's just pretend that we already fought and you lost already and none of us need to waste time. Alright? Right.
Monkey ducks under the sword and moves on.
Monkey . o O ( Back to Shen, I suppose. )
@emit Under Monkey's feet, the bridge vanishes. (Dex + Athletics roll to jump to the other side, diff 3)
Under Monkey's feet, the bridge vanishes. (Dex + Athletics roll to jump to the other side, diff 3)
Monkey rolled 10 dice on Dex + Ath and got 5 successes.
think Shen and Kaizoku: Make Per + Awareness rolls
The Storyteller . o O ( Shen and Kaizoku: Make Per + Awareness rolls )
whisper And shen: you gain a point of Compassion, but lose a point of Conviction and a temporary Willpower point. to [[BrianH]]
You whisper, "And shen: you gain a point of Compassion, but lose a point of Conviction and a temporary Willpower point." to [[BrianH]].
Admiral Kaizoku rolled 4 dice on Per and got 3 successes.
Shen . o O ( *KICKS his computer*  I am five seconds from giving up here. )
You sense that [[BrianH]] is looking for you in The Holodeck.
He pages, "= Permanently on those?"
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Lag? )
Shen rolled 7 dice on something and got 3 successes.
Shen . o O ( Incredibly so. )
think That bad, huh? Well... we have to knock off shortly anyway so I can go to bed.
The Storyteller . o O ( That bad, huh? Well... we have to knock off shortly anyway so I can go to bed. )
whisper No, these are temporary changes. to [[BrianH]]
You whisper, "No, these are temporary changes." to [[BrianH]].
Shen . o O ( I'm good for now. )
Monkey is prepared for such tricks and as the bridge disappears, he takes a step forward and jumps to the other side.
Shen looks back at the hobgoblin and frowns.  "Your word on the reality of this?
Monkey . o O ( So Suda is communicating with her superiors in Heaven. Shen is dealing with the Wyld. I suppose Monkey in the tomb counts as dealing with the Realm (Shogunate) and the Dead. That leaves the Yozi for Kaizoku. )
@emit In the glow from his caste mark, the hallway before him stretches downward, shallow steps cut into it every few paces. All along the sides are carved characters in Old Realm -- a cursory glance tells you that they are prayers to stave off the spirit of the one buried here.
In the glow from his caste mark, the hallway before him stretches downward, shallow steps cut into it every few paces. All along the sides are carved characters in Old Realm -- a cursory glance tells you that they are prayers to stave off the spirit of the one buried here.
Admiral Kaizoku says in a stern, disapproving voice "What are you dealing with here?" to both Suda and Shen.
@emit The hobgoblin does not speak, but nods emphatically. It kneels and draws a circle in the bare earth, then tosses the dice again and looks askance at Shen.
The hobgoblin does not speak, but nods emphatically. It kneels and draws a circle in the bare earth, then tosses the dice again and looks askance at Shen.
@emit Suda says, in a tone that can only be described as peevish, "An audit."
Suda says, in a tone that can only be described as peevish, "An audit."
Monkey . o O ( Oh no! We're doomed! )
Shen . o O ( Can I hear Suda's voice? )
Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Does that make any sense to the Admiral, from what he recalls of Sidereals? )
whisper The top of the wall is glowing red, casting grim shadows from the cage of Fair Folk victims. to [[BrianH]]
You whisper, "The top of the wall is glowing red, casting grim shadows from the cage of Fair Folk victims." to [[BrianH]].

The Storyteller . o O ( Shen: Yes. Kaizoku: No. )

Shen says, "Suda? If you have ever danced over the waves of the desert, watch where you walk." whisper You can feel some kind of Essence flow from in front of you, from the wall that Monkey just jumped over. You can also see someone walking out of the wall toward you, a tall figure. to Kaizoku

You whisper, "You can feel some kind of Essence flow from in front of you, from the wall that Monkey just jumped over. You can also see someone walking out of the wall toward you, a tall figure." to jetman. Shen heads over to the hobgoblin and picks up the dice. "There do, of course, have to be *stakes*," he says. "On each part."

The Storyteller . o O ( Monkey: Make a Per + Awareness roll )

Monkey rolled 4 dice on plus autosuccess and got no successes but no botches either.

Monkey . o O ( So one total. )

Admiral Kaizoku moves his legs apart and turns sideways at the wall, saying "Be wary..." as he grips his blade and reviews a certain spell in his mind.

The hobgoblin nods enthusiastically. It points, first at Shen, then at the cage. (Roll Wits + Linguistics)

Shen rolled 7 dice on something and got 4 successes.

The Storyteller . o O ( Okay... )

On the stairs ahead of him, Monkey sees a swarm of beetles, black ones no larger than his thumb. They are all looking at him. The swarm is... maybe a little larger than it looks at first glance, as more beetles keep appearing the longer he looks at it. As he watches, they move in an eerily choreographed dance, forming into characters. It's one word: "Cheater."

You whisper, "The hobgoblin's offering the victims as a stake versus you as a stake. If you win the gamble, you save them. If you fail, you join them." to BrianH.

Monkey says, "Pfft. It's not cheating. Merely skipping of formalities."

Shen takes up the dice in the air and tries to hint again, "Those are /admirable/ stakes you have there. Of course, I'll dice against that lot."

Admiral Kaizoku says in a low voice "State your business, spirit" to the tall man.

Monkey gets the distinct impression that hundreds of beetles are giving him a disapproving look. Then they disperse, scuttling into the cracks of the tunnel. Behind him, he hears a groaning noise, stone scraping against stone.

Monkey says to the beetles, "Say, if that section moves over to the right a bit, do you know that it kinda looks like a face? Oh, now what?"

You whisper, "In a hoarse whisper, the tall man says, "My lord. I come... to teach you. In fulfillment of our ancient... bargain."" to jetman.

The Storyteller . o O ( Shen, what are you trying to hint at? I'm pretty clueless here. )

Admiral Kaizoku 's posture stiffens visibly.

You sense jetman hisses back "Tell me of this bargain first... and what it will teach."

Monkey . o O ( I gotta to look at the log and see all the whispers flying around. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Yup! :) )

Shen . o O ( He's trying to tell everyone that they're all seeing something separate, that the stakes are high, and someone needs to either unify or complete this. And, well, he's going to make a play for it. :P )

The Storyteller . o O ( Ah. )

The Storyteller . o O ( wrapping up in a few more poses, btw. )

The Storyteller . o O ( for the night, that is. )

You whisper, "The dog-faced hobgoblin tosses the dice into the circle. They spin, bounce against the edges -- which shouldn't be possible -- and come up snake-eyes. Shen suddenly gets the uneasy feeling that he doesn't really know what game he's playing..." to BrianH.

Shen catches up the Hobgoblin's hand and stares at him. "I see. So you have to cheat, is that it? I may not know *your* rules, but I know the rules-- and the vengeance of Heaven."

Behind Monkey, the groaning noise gets louder. Looking back, he can see the hallway twisting -- and contracting. Already, the exit is gone replaced by an irising wall of stone. Under his feet, Monkey feels the floor shift, and above him he sees the ceiling get a little closer... and keep getting closer, faster. Ahead the way is clear, but for how long?

Monkey starts jogging, then running, then sprinting.

You whisper, "The tall man says, "The ancient bargain and the ancient price: service for sorcery. The service -- long done, and now the reward -- past due. Come... without the knowledge you have paid for... your struggles are foredoomed to fail. What must be done... must be done." to jetman.

The Storyteller . o O ( Okay. Stopping now, even if it's in the middle of a scene. )

Monkey . o O ( okay. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Well, it's a good cliffhanger! )

The Storyteller . o O ( I'll try to get the log up tomorrow so y'all can see the whispers. Any questions? Anyone mind if I put off XP until after next session? )

Monkey . o O ( IIRC, I said something about how much motes and WP I spent. Well, that's wrong. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Hmmm... is the admiral practical to take that deal, or stubborn enough to avoid it? )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( We can't train now anyway, so that's fine. )

Monkey . o O ( Re: XP. Sure thing. )

The Storyteller . o O ( Probably depends on his conviction rating. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Now THAT I can boost without training! )

Shen . o O ( Sounds good to me. )

jetman whispers, "And are those changes to virtues permenant?"

Monkey . o O ( Re: motes and WP. Correct as of right now is 21/21, 27/50, 3/9. )

You whisper, "No, temporary." to jetman.

jetman whispers, "Got it."

Monkey . o O ( So I guess this is good night. )

Monkey . o O ( How come I didn't get any whispers? )

The Storyteller . o O ( Ayup. I'll see you guys next week, 10:00 pm )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Same bat time! )

Shen . o O ( I'm really sorry about being flaky this week and missing last week. RL is NOT my friend. :/ )

The Storyteller . o O ( Because you were physically separate from the rest of the group. )

Shen will be on time and *will* master the connection next week. One way or another.

The Storyteller . o O ( That's okay. Just try to send an e-mail or something next time, before or after the fact. )

Shen . o O ( I shall. )

Admiral Kaizoku . o O ( Meanwhile, I'm off to Comic-Con! )

The Storyteller . o O ( Catch you guys later. Bedtime for me. )

On to Session 43