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/TheChauntoftheGods - /ConcerningSish

The Sayings of Kib

Sender of Life in all the Worlds

Kib said: "I am Kib. I am none other than Kib."
Kib is Kib. Kib is he and no other. Believe!
Kib said: "When Time was early, when Time was very early indeed -- there was only MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI. MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI was before the beginning of the gods, and shall be after their going."
And Kib said: "After the going of the gods there will be no small worlds nor big."
Kib said: "It will be lonely for MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI." Because this is written, believe! For is it not written, or are you greater than Kib? Kib is Kib.
