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Revision as of 18:24, 12 July 2005

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Character Description

Darkard Galway isn't the best representation of the Eclipse Caste, enjoying a good bit of flair and resorting to swordplay with little hesitation. Dakard enjoys attention as if it were going out of style - to a fault even. He appears well-dressed in loose-fitting blue and purple custome-tailored outfits tied together with sashes, making no attempt to hide his combat prowess: a shoulder-slung belt of throwing knives, a well-crafted but otherwise unremarkable shortsword hangs at his back, and his favoured weapon - an ornate jade reaper daiklave named Humour - is sheathed at his side.

Backstory: Originally born into a merchant family, his parents' cargo freighter was beset and sunk by pirates, leaving Dakard to fend for himself during his teenage years, eventually elevating himself from the station of a menial dockworker to the station of a menial ship hand. Due to poor business relations, the ship he worked on eventually turned to privateering to keep afloat, and Dakard began to get noticed as one of the only crewmates to survive a boarding party.

Having survived in such a manner for this long, Dakard has risen to commanding own ship, currently on skeleton crew (followers: 4 dots), lives better than peers (resources: 4 dots) and has made modest connections with the outside and inside world (influence and contacts: 1 dot each). Far from a diplomat, Dakard currently makes a living through privateering and piracy alternatively as need dictates. His ship, the A Capella, is currently docked while Dakard seeks out additional crew, work, treasure maps, and a good party.