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Latest revision as of 03:29, 5 July 2008

Malleable Earth Style was created ages ago by an Earth Aspect who was tired of earth being associated with stone and mountains. He was more concerned with the unity of water and earth that formed the dripping, flexible substance of mud. Not wanting to be embarrassed by a fighting art named “Mud Style,” he called it “Malleable Earth.” However, every student since its creation has insisted on calling it “Mud Style” and eventually the original master gave in. Rumors have it that this style is practiced among the Mountain Clan, or the Five Shade Clans. The charms of Malleable Earth Style are both Water and Earth aspected, but for out-of-aspect character, this costs the standard one mote surcharge.

Malleable Earth Style cannot be practiced in armor, for its rigidity would violate the freedom of flowing mud. It considers the staff, the wrackstaff, the club and the goremaul as its form weapons.

Wet Dirt Strikes
2 motes
Martial Arts 2, Essence 1
Instant, Supplemental
Sometimes it is better to subdue an opponent than kill him, and nothing is more smothering than wet earth. The Martial Artist’s blows enhanced with this charm add +2 to bashing damage. Each health level inflicted removes an additional yard of the target’s movement as mud gums up joints and clings thickly to boots. This movement impairment lasts until the scene ends or until the target takes a miscellaneous Speed 5 action to clean himself off.

Slick Body Practice
2 motes
Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
Instant, Reflexive
The Martial Artist emulates the sloppy wetness of mud, sliding away from the grasp of others. She adds her Essence in automatic successes to any attempt to avoid clinching, and adds one die to resist Crippling effects.

Impossible Flexibility
3 motes
Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Until Next Action, Reflexive
Combo-Ok, Obvious
Slick Body Practice, Wet Dirt Strikes
Dripping with mud, the martial artist bends and twists in impossible ways, flowing from attacks and twisting unnaturally to defend himself where he would have no room to normally do so. Until his next action, he gives all attackers a –2 external penalty to attack him, and adds his Essence to his DV. If he is clinched, he can apply half his DV to incoming attacks (not the clinch itself) as he slimes around in the grip of his opponent.

Malleable Earth “Mud” Form
5 motes
Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Simple (Speed 5), Scene
Combo-Ok, Form-type
Impossible Flexibility

The Martial Artist performs a sliding, slippery kata as he emulates the malleable earth. His attitude becomes like that of an avalanche, smothering and unpredictable. While the Form is active, he adds his Martial Arts to both soaks and takes no damage from falls. When he is thrown, halve the total amount of pre-soak damage he would have taken. The Martial Artist suffers no penalties while fighting in murky water or sludge, for that is where he is most at home. He gains the DV bonus from Impossible Flexibility while clinched. If he activates Impossible Flexibility while the Form is active, he gains his full DV as per the effects of the Charm.

Give-and-Take Meditation
3 motes
Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Scene, Simple
Malleable Earth Form

For the rest of the scene, the Martial Artist adds his Essence to all rolls to resist Crippling effects, and adds her Essence to soaking damage from being thrown. This explicitly stacks with the bonus from the Form. Any close-combat attacker that successfully breaks the Martial Artist’s Defense suffers a cumulative –1 internal penalty to all attacks as mud gunks up weapons and cakes on fists. Returning thrown weapons have an additional +1 difficulty to the reflexive roll that returns them. The penalty on thrown weapons is not cumulative. The penalty on Melee and Martial Arts attacks can be reduced to 0 if the attacker takes a Speed 6 Miscellaneous action to clean the mud off.

Between Cracks
3 motes
Martial Arts 5, Essence 2
Instant, Supplemental
Malleable Earth Form

The Mud Stylist knows that dirt gets everywhere, even into the tiniest crevasses. Once it is in, it is nearly impossible to get out. Activation of this Charm reduces the target’s armor-provided soak by her Martial Arts. Each successful attack (even if it does no damage) adds +1 to the armor’s Mobility Penalty and one additional hour towards a magitech suit’s use time. This impairment lasts until the scene ends or until the target takes a miscellaneous Speed 5 action to clean himself off.

Spitting Earth
3 motes
Instant, Simple (Speed 5)
Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Combo-Basic, Obvious, Elemental
After executing a quick kata, the Martial Artist flicks his hand in the direction of his target. A ball of earth, four feet in diameter rises from the ground and flies towards its target. It has a range of (Essence x3) in yards and deals a base damage of Strength + Essence, this damage is Bashing, and Piercing. This can only be dodged. Add the Martial Artist’s Essence to the difficulty to avoid knockdown. If the target was wearing armor, for every level of damage he takes, reduce his Movement distance by one yard. This impairment lasts until the scene ends or until the target takes a miscellaneous Speed 5 action to clean himself off.

Quicksand Prana
6 motes, 1 willpower
Special, Simple
Martial Arts 5, Ess 3
Combo-Basic, Obvious, Elemental
Spitting Earth

The Martial Artist using this Charm strikes several points on the Earth, and makes an unmodified Strength + Martial Arts roll, causing a pit of quicksand to open under his target. This lasts for a number of actions equal to the number of successes achieved on the initial roll. The target may dodge the pit. Parrying should only be used with a very good stunt or perfect effect. If they fall into the pit, they are trapped and may only attempt to escape or activate reflexive charms. Escaping is a Dexterity + Athletics roll, difficulty equal to the user’s Essence. For every turn the target is trapped, he must take increasing Bashing damage, starting at 4B, then 5B, then 6B and so on, ignoring Armor-provided soak. This does not apply against natural soak or Charm-provided soak, unless the Charm provides a form of armor. If the target is wearing armor, double the mobility penalty.